Ride the bus with us to Bible school

Fair Haven Day Camps (photo: fairhavencamps.org)

Is there anything free anymore? Palermo Christian Church members, looking for an alternative to VBS and summer activities, touched upon the idea of partnering with Fair Haven Camps to provide free day camp to the youth in Palermo and adjacent communities.

PCC is inviting the neighborhood youth to a free Summer Adventure at Fair Haven Camps. Fair Haven Camps is sending their bus to the Palermo Christian Church from Monday, July 30 – Friday, August 3, to pick up children in our area to attend camp. Departure time is 8 a.m. with the young people returning at 5 p.m.

Fair Haven Camp is located on two sides Passagassawakeag, in Brooks. As a Maine camp, they are able to take advantage of the rugged beauty of their natural setting. Trained staff involve the boys and girls in programs that expose them to Maine’s environment and use the experiences as teaching opportunities. Campers will experience a full week of activities and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Fields for sports activities, wooded trails for hiking, the lake for swimming, boating and fishing, the stables with horses for riding, the lodge for large group activities and meals, and the cabins for lodging for boys and girls all encompass the realm of summer camp at Fair Haven. Check out their website for a full list of activities: http://fairhavencamps.org/day-camp/

Palermo Christian Church is sponsoring this week of Day Camp “Summer Adventure” as an outreach to the community believing that children of all ages will benefit greatly from this experience. Registration forms can be found online at: www.palermochristianchurch.org. FMI call the church office at 207-993-2636 or email: office@palermochristianchurch.org.


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