ALBION: Trash, recyclables should be placed at curbside for weekly pick up

Albion town office. (photo source: Town of Albion Facebook page)
Compiled by Roland Hallee
Jerry Sullivan, owner of Sullivan’s Solid Waste, had been scheduled to give a presentation on trash and recyclables at the February 10 Albion Selectmen’s meeting, but was unable to attend due to illness. However, in a telephone conversation with his son, Jared Sullivan, he informed the board of selectmen that all trash, including recyclables, should now be put in the roadside trash for weekly pick up. The new Coastal Resources facility, in Hampden, now sorts recyclables once the trash reaches them. The last recycle pick up in Albion occurred on March 14.
Albion Fire Chief Andy Clark reported that he has applied for several grants for items needed by the fire department, including a new tank truck and fire hose. When the department receives these grants, said Croft, “it is a great financial benefit to the town and helps to keep taxes down.”
The board also dealt with the following:
- The selectmen voted to contract with Technology Solutions of Maine, at a cost of $3,500 per year, for IT services for the town office.
- They set the date for this year’s Albion Clean-up Day for Saturday, May 16. The collection place will be at Lee Brothers lot, at 93 Unity Road, again this year.
- The selectmen set the budget request meeting for February 11.
- They moved to pay Codes Enforcement Officer Brian Croft’s mileage in the coming fiscal year.
At their February 24 meeting, selectmen signed the warrants for Albion’s annual town meeting scheduled to be held on March 20-21. Elections will be held on Fri., March 20, 2 – 7 p.m., and the town meeting is set for Saturday, March 21, at 10 a.m. Both will be held at the Besse Building, Drake Room.
Road Commissioner Matt Lee noted he has posted weight limit signs on the roads in Albion, and that he is doing some road patching as needed. Also discussed was road work needed in the coming year.
Selectmen Beverly Bradstreet and Kevin Bradstreet were in attendance at both meetings.
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