by Gary Haskell

You were young,
I was older.
I was shy,
You were bolder.
With that first kiss,
it was through,
from then on,
It was you.

It was you,
I wanted in my life.
It was you,
I wanted to be my wife.

Mistakes were made,
tears were cried.
Sometimes I thought,
our love had died.
Tried to leave,
but that I could not do.
Had to stay,
because it was you.
It was you,
I wanted in my life.
It was you,
I wanted for my wife.

Love was made,
Babies were born.
Years passed by,
and now they’re grown.
We made a gift,
of the love they knew.
It was a gift,
from me and you.

It was you,
I wanted in my life.
It was you,
I wanted for my wife.


Sweet Dreams

by Marilou Suchar

The gold, the red the shades of green, splash of fall colors, a brilliant scene.

It’s nippy, it’s cool – the breezes blow, It won’t be long ‘til winter’s snow.
The leaves come falling fluttering down, to spread out gingerly on the ground.

It’s not the time to moan and weep, it’s time to rest, to dream, to sleep.

The “Goddess Spring” will soon awake, and with her she will winter take.

“Spring” wakes up the leaves and flowers, and birds will sing for long, long hours.

Summer sun will dance and play, but in Maine it cannot stay.

Then, so soon again, to gold and red, the leaves will turn and go to bed.


Be Grateful

by Connie Hartley

Tis the season to be grateful
For family and friends around the table

Count your blessings as days go by
Life can change in the blink of an eye

Cherish those close to your heart
Never allow distance to keep you apart

Celebrate the moments and hold them near
As you grow older it will all become clear

The joy you share with others each day
Will be captured as memories and will stay

Within their thoughts of special times
When you gathered together being so kind

As you give thanks for all that comes your way
Always be grateful and offer thoughtful words to say

POETRY CORNER: Holiday Nights

Holiday Nights

Written by Connie Hartley

The sky is filled with beautiful lights
Sparkling brightly through the night

Holiday music fills the air
Love and happiness everywhere

Horse and sleigh are ready to carry
Happy couples singing merrily

Through the snow-covered hills
Snuggled together so not to be chilled

There is a special feeling that fills the air
One that leaves you without a care

Signs of blessings all around
As family and friends gather in the town

To sing in joyous harmony
Underneath that wondrous Christmas tree

POEM: Ode to Albion

Kristin Frangoulis was honored when asked to write a poem to celebrate Albion’s 200th birthday. This is what she authored.


Albion’s fields roll lush and green,
Surely a farmer’s perfect dream.

Orange day lilies and white Queen Ann’s lace
Line the roadsides with a beautiful grace.

The town center boasts a church and a school
Where the good folks practice the old Golden Rule.

Dow’s General Store is a friendly quick stop
Where one can buy food or a new mop.

In 1790 the pioneers came
To plow the land, and the wilderness tame.

Lovejoys, Shoreys, Crosbys, to name a few
Claimed the land and admired the view.

Followed by Drakes, Besseys and Prays,
Chalmers and Skillins, helped pave the way.

Forgive me, for others not mentioned this time,
It’s only because their names do not rhyme.

They planted the fields, set up saw mills,
Built their sturdy homes with sweat and God’s will.

Freetown Plantation was your first name,
Then Fairfax, Lagonia, all titled in vain.

Then in the winter of 1824,
Albion was named the town we adore.

Elijah Lovejoy, a man of good fame,
Died a martyr in pursuit of his aims.

He fought for the freedom of men and the press,
To make all souls free that were opressed.

Albion once was a railroad junction,
Thanks to George Crosby’s steam gauge invention.

George built a mansion in Italianate style,
With indoor plumbing, marble and tile.

Alas, it burned in a great conflagration,
Nothing is left from this sad tribulation.

Mickey Marden, another Albion name
Was proud founder of his discounted chain.

Today, many farms still do abound,
Where cows, horses, chickens, goats can be found.

Christmas trees, maple syrup, honey blueberries,
Johnny’s Seeds and the Czech Out Bakery.

Albion, you ‘re the best place to call home, sweet home,
No matter how far we wander and roam.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: A Mother’s Day poem

by Roberta Barnes

Mom you are my rainbow,
even on those days when the sun is blocked from view.

Rainbows suddenly appearing on my wall
remind me that though mothers come both short and tall.

There is one thing they all share.
giving love and support to which nothing can compare.

In the middle of the rainbow between the yellow and blue
is the green of healing that to a mother’s nature is so true.

I can never give enough thanks for all the love
that has carried me above troubled waters as if on the wings of a strong dove.

The calendar marks but one day a year
yet it is every day that I remember how you have hushed all my fear.

Never can I in words say
how your strength and love has gotten me through the most distressed day.

Thank you for always helping me make my path clear
and in my heart I will always hold you dear.