Entries by Norma Best Boucher

THE BEST VIEW: Christmas memories

by Norma Best Boucher Christmas time is sometimes the happiest, sometimes the saddest time of the year. People are so wrapped up in the moment that they forget to remember. Often a simple thing like a card, an ornament, or a song will trigger their memories, and for a brief moment the past embellishes the […]

THE BEST VIEW: Snapshots

by Norma Best Boucher After supper yesterday when my friends and I were walking, we saw first, an osprey, then a hawk, and bringing up the rear a black bird chasing the other two. The osprey landed on the bank of the retention pond only to find the hawk swooping down upon him. They both […]

THE BEST VIEW: The pumpkin factor

by Norma Best Boucher Fall isn’t a date on my calendar, the lowering of the outside temperature, nor the coloring of leaves. Fall is the day I buy my heirloom pale blue Jarrahdale pumpkin. I didn’t start out being highfalutin. On the contrary, I started out modestly years ago with a garden next to our […]

THE BEST VIEW: White potato, blue potato…

by Norma Best Boucher I am writing a cookbook. No, really, I am. Everyone else has written a cookbook – a pioneer woman, a Barefoot Contessa, Frankie Avalon. Yes, even teen idol Frankie Avalon has written a cookbook. What to write about? That is the question. Most chefs promote recipes that are their favorites but […]

THE BEST VIEW: And then…

by Norma Best Boucher I just spent one of the best mornings I could want. I didn’t set out to do that. I don’t think that life works that way. I do try to start every day with a positive attitude, but this morning God just pointed me in a direction and said, “Enjoy!” The […]

THE BEST VIEW: Am I a literary snob?

by Norma Best Boucher “Hello. My name is Norma. I am an English major and a literary snob.” If there were such groups as Literary Snobs Anonymous, I would stand before their podium addressing my captured audience saying those exact words to my fellow literary snobs. Then, when they finally gave me the proverbial shepherd’s […]

THE BEST VIEW: “Good vibrations”

by Norma Best Boucher We ran down the roadway to the Old Orchard Beach Ball Park. We were a little late because of the traffic, but that didn’t make any difference. His golden voice filled the air, and each perfect note sent a shiver through me. That was the first and the last time I […]