A weekly display of the best pictures taken locally by our readers in Central Maine!

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, July 11, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

JUST HANGIN’ OUT: Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, snapped this blue jay last winter.

A RARE SIGHT: Jo Orlando, of China, saw this black squirrel on the ground at the base of her bird feeder in China.

DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE: Emily Poulin, of South China, photographed this double rainbow.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, June 27, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

GROWING UP: Jayne Winters, of South China, photographed this immature male rose breasted grosbeak.

IN SEASON: Gary and Margaret Mazoki, of Palermo, took this photo of lupines in season.

NO POT OF GOLD: Sheldon Goodine, of China, snapped this rainbow appearing to go into the back of his truck. He said there was no pot of gold.


Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, May 30, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

SITTING PRETTY: Thomas Rumpf, of China, sent along this photo of a male cardinal taken last winter.

BEAUTIFUL SUNSET: John Gardner, of China, snapped this spectacular sunset over China Lake.

RARITY: Jo Orlando, of China, photographed this black squirrel.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, May 2, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

SMILE, YOU’RE ON CAMERA: Tina Richard, of Clinton, recently snapped this gray fox sunning itself on a warm spring day.

CLOSE UP: Emily Poulin, of China, photographed this male cardinal last fall.

OL’ GLORY: Virginia Jones, of Palermo, snapped this American flag against a picturesque background last fall.


Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, April 11, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

KEEPING WARM: Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, snapped this sparrow trying to keep warm.

FINDING THE SOFT SPOT: Pat Clark, of Palermo, photographed this red-bellied woodpecker in her yard last summer.

WARMTH OF THE SUN: Lindy Sklover captured this swallowtail butterfly sunnning itself last summer.




Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, March 28, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

OUR TURF: Emily Poulin, of South China, snapped this goldfinch and chickadee disagreeing on who belongs.

BEE’S BUFFET: Jayne Winters, of China, photographed this bee feasting on nectar last summer.

JUST CHILLIN’: Cassandra Goodine snapped this photo of a chickadee hanging out.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, March 14, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

JUST HANGIN’ AROUND: Joanne Austin, of China, photographed this male cardinal at her office.

NESTING: Tina Richard, of Clinton, captured this killdeer sitting on its eggs in a corn field in Clinton.

CATCHING SOME SUN: Jayne Winters, of South China, snapped this female cardinal sunning itself.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, February 29, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

CLEANING UP: P. Varney, of the Neck Road, in China, captured this bald eagle helping itself to some carrion.

LAST CAST: Erin Gray, of Vassalboro, took this picture of Stephen Page fishing on China Lake, in East Vassalboro, right before the dock was taken out.

AH…SUNNY WARMTH: Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, snapped this groundhog last summer.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, February 8, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

BIRD IN THE TREE: Tina Richard, of Clinton, photographed this Blue Bird in a tree along her favorite walking trail in Benton.

ON GUARD: Pauline Rancourt, of China, snapped this bald eagle on the Neck Road.

NEW FRIEND: Gary Kennedy, of Chelsea, captured this chicken while on his annual humanitarian mission in the Philippines. He named it “Butch”.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, January 25, 2024

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

FLOCKING TOGETHER: Pat Clark, of Palermo, snapped this flock of blue jays feeding on the ground.

CRYSTAL CLEAR: Emily Poulin, of South China, photographed this ice crystal on the hood of her car.

OH, HONEY!: Tracy Chadbourne, captured this honey bee enjoying some nectar.