Entries by Mary Grow

China select board pays bills at abbreviated meeting

Over half a million dollars in miscellaneous payments by Mary Grow China select board members met for barely over a quarter of an hour July 15, using the time to hear reports from town employees and spend more than half a million dollars. The spending came first, when they approved two weeks’ worth of bills: […]

Nonagenarian writes book, shares at reading in Palermo

by Mary Grow Guest speaker Jeannette Wood Scates shared excerpts from her recent memoir, There Wasn’t Always Peace in the Valley, with an appreciative audience at the Palermo Library’s 22nd annual board meeting, held July 14 at the library. The valley is Hostile Valley in eastern Palermo, where Scates and her three older siblings grew […]

Vassalboro road discussions dominate select board meeting

by Mary Grow Two road projects dominated discussion at the Vassalboro select board’s June 27 meeting. Town Manager Aaron Miller summarized Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) plans for work on two stretches of Route 32 (Main Street) this summer. Longer-range, board members shared information on replacing the Mill Hill Road bridge over Seven Mile Stream, […]

China select board pays bills at short June meeting

by Mary Grow China select board members held a short special meeting Friday afternoon, June 28, to pay end-of-fiscal-year bills (a little under $66,000 worth), make a few more local appointments and do minor business. Most of the appointments were reappointments left over from the board’s June 17 meeting. Business including authorizing Town Manager Rebecca […]