Entries by Norma Best Boucher

THE BEST VIEW: “Good vibrations”

by Norma Best Boucher We ran down the roadway to the Old Orchard Beach Ball Park. We were a little late because of the traffic, but that didn’t make any difference. His golden voice filled the air, and each perfect note sent a shiver through me. That was the first and the last time I […]

THE BEST VIEW: The debut

by Norma Best Boucher I was backstage opening night of my debut performance peeking through the curtain at the audience, asking myself, “What the heck am I doing here?” Since I was a little girl, I had dreamed of acting. I had dreamed of dancing and singing, also, but I knew early on that those […]

THE BEST VIEW: Safe and sound

by Norma Best Boucher I sat in my car in the parking lot eating a candy bar enjoying the pounding rain both assailing and cleaning my car. I had not planned this scenario. My plan was to buy my favorite sandwich, go to the beach, relax and enjoy the sound of the waves. My trip […]

THE BEST VIEW: A bug’s life

by Norma Best Boucher “Drat!” I just spent two minutes trying to save with a piece of paper a nondescript insect that was stranded on my living room floor. The insect finally grabbed the paper. I walked the paper with the tiny creature to the door and opened it. The insect then let go of […]

THE BEST VIEW: Smiling faces

by Norma Best Boucher At first, I was embarrassed when I couldn’t remember this teacher’s name, but then I realized that teachers’ names are not written on their students’ foreheads, but what they do for their students is indelibly written on their minds. I was going through adolescence. I hated the world, and I was […]

THE BEST VIEW: Button, Button

by Norma Best-Boucher Let me see now. Press the silver button on the little black key box, and the key pops out. Press the silver button again, and the key slides back in. I smile…quite pleased with myself. Every new rental car presents new challenges. Checklist—Lights? Wipers? Defroster? Radio? Flashers? (Oh, my God, how do […]