SOLON & BEYOND: News from Embden Community Center; thrift shop moves in Solon

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

This is one of those weeks when I only have one item of real news to share with you, and on top of that, it’s one of those rainy, foggy days we’ve had so many of lately! But don’t get down and discouraged and stop reading, this is some very important information about what’s going on in Embden at their Embden Community Center.

Their regular events are:

Neighbor to Neighbor Thrift Shop/Lending Library, 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Wed. and 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Friday and Saturday.

Suppers: 5 p.m., on the second Sat. each month, except December.

Country Sunday: 1 – 4 p.m., second and fourth Sunday, by donation.

Sewing class: 1 0 a.m. – noon on Wednesdays.

Weight Watchers: 5 – 6 p.m., on Wednesdays. Come in and sign up, new members excepted.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly, 10:30-11:30 a.m., on Wednesdays.

Community Center meetings: 6:30 p.m., on Thursdays prior to the second Saturday Supper.

Yoga: 6:30 p.m. ( 1 hour). Bring your mat, etc., second Sat.

If you have any questions, contact Wayne at 474-1065.

They will be serving a Complete Thanksgiving meal starting at 5 p.m., on Saturday, November 10. Donations welcome.

My very many thanks go out to Carol Dolan for sharing the Embden news with us, she is one of my most faithful friends to do so!

Just a little more about the weather before I get to more pleasant things, and I hope I’m not stirring up some people by doing so! But I have a question for all you weather experts, “Do you believe that caterpillars can forecast what the weather is going to be like this winter?” Old time legends say it depends on how wide the stripe is on their back as to how much snow we will get this winter, the wider the stripe, means the more snow we will get……I sure hope that is not true, because I saw a pretty little fella recently that had a really long stripe covering his whole body, except for black on both ends of him!

I am so very sorry to tell you of this very sad news that I just received from Linda French, of Solon, who has been running the Solon Thrift Shop. On Saturday, October 31, 2018, will be the last day that it will be open at the old Methodist Church, on Pleasant Street, in Solon. (I’m going to have to read my cheerful words over again myself, I could cry after hearing that bad news! But there was nothing that could be done to keep it at that place on Pleasant Street. And so after about two weeks of moving all of the items to 46 South Main Street, in Solon, it will be opening again! I admire Linda’s courage immensely! Keep watch this column for more news.

Now I’m going to let Percy’s memoirs have more space this week, so you will be happier after reading them, from what I’ve heard, I think that’s why some of you read this column!! The following one comes from a book entitled, “Don’t Ever Give Up Your Dreams.” It’s natural to feel disappointed when things don’t go your way, It’s easy to think…”I can’t do it, so why try?” But no matter how scared you are of making a mistake or how discouraged you may become, never give up… because if you don’t try and if you don’t go after what you want in life , it won’t come to you, and you’ll be forced to accept things you know could be better… Success is not measured by whether you win or whether you fail— there’s always a little bit of success , even if things don’t go your way — What’s important is that you’ll feel better about yourself, for the simple reason that you tries. (words by Amanda Pierce)

SOLON & BEYOND: Ronald Brown returns home following another reunion with fellow veterans

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Ronald Brown recently returned home after attending a reunion of those he served in the Navy with. He served his country from 1962 until 1966. He went to Boot Camp in Great Lakes, Illinois. His first duty station was in Maryland. His second duty station was school in San Diago, California. His third duty station was in Bremerton, Washington; UUS Reeves D L G -24. He went to Long Beach, California, which was also his home port for awhile. While he was in the service he earned his GED.

In 1965, he was sent to Vietnam where he served until he came home to Maine in 1966.

Ronnie has attended four of the Navy reunions at this time, but says he intends to try and go to them every time in the future. I asked if he meets any of those that he knew before, and he said he has met some.

Ronnie attended the first one in 2012. His brother Roger Brown went with him to Charleston, South Carolina, for that one. In 2014 Ronnie attended the ship reunion in Portland, Oregon. He went to the 2016 ship reunion in San Antonio, Texas. In 2018 Ronnie’s friend, Lester Chick, from Glouchester, Massachusetts. attended the ship reunion at Warwick, Rhode Island, with him this year.

The Selectmen have hired Linda Holloway, from Bingham, to be the new Town Deputy Treasurer. Linda started on October 19. Christie will remain Tax Collector/Clerk/Treasurer until January 1, 2019. Linda will take over as Treasurer on January 1, 2019, and Christie will be the Tax Collector/Clerk starting on January 1, 2019.

Also the Town Office will not be open on Tuesdays until the week of December 3. Between now and December 3, Christie and Linda will use the Tuesdays to better learn their jobs and how to use the various computer programs. The above e-mail was sent by Elaine Aloes, Solon selectman.

The Solon Pine Tree 4 – H Club reorganized for the new year on Saturday, October 13, with Cooper Dellarma presiding. Seventeen members signed up for the coming year.

Several members are planning to attend Somerset County Achievement night on Friday, October 26, at the Madison Grange Hall.

The Somerset County Leaders Association is planning a Holiday Swag work shop at the Extension office on Saturday, November 10, in the afternoon. Several members are planning to attend.

A 4-H family luncheon is being planned for Sunday, November 4 at the Solon Masonic Hall. This is potluck for the members and their families.

For a fun activity the members enjoyed painting white pumpkins which were donated by the Seavy Farm in North Anson.

Fresh cider and donuts were enjoyed by all.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, November 10, at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station with election of officers.

The Solon Congregational Church will be having its Annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 10, at the Solon Elementary School, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. There will be a bake sale, basket raffles, crafts, and the kitchen will be open with breakfast and lunch items. The gym will be full of vendors, holiday goodies and much more! There will be a kids room where only kids are allowed. Children can buy gently used items as Christmas presents for parents and family. Wrapping and name tags included.

This event is hosted by the Solon Congregational Church. For anyone whishing to rent a space you may call 643-2180.

And now for Percy’s memoir:

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can. (words by Wesley.)

SOLON & BEYOND: Tax collector resigns to work in private sector

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The following e-mail was sent by chairman of the board of selectmen Elaine Aloes: Leslie Giroux has resigned as Tax Collector/Clerk as of October 1, 2018. She has gotten a full time job in the private sector.

“We thank Leslie for her six years as tax collector/clerk. She did a great job serving our community. It was a hard decision for her to leave the town office and we, the selectmen, very reluctantly accepted her resignation . We wish her well at her new job.”

The selectmen have appointed our treasurer, Christine Jablon, as our tax collector/clerk effective October 1, 2018. Christine will continue as the town treasurer for the time being.

They are conducting interviews for a new treasurer and will, hopefully, make a decision on October 10, on a new treasurer.

They have decided to revise the town office hours from October 8 to the end of the year. They decided to have the town office also open on Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to noonand 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

This will give Christie more time to learn and adjust to her new job and to also train the new treasurer. Christie has only worked for the town since June of this year so she was still learning the treasurer’s job and had not yet done training for Leslie’s position. When Leslie informed she was leaving Christie started training for the tax collector/clerk position. Leslie will come in on Wednesday evenings for a while to help out.

They are planning on having a meeting with the budget committee on October 17 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss this and some other issues with them.

The office hours for the selectmen are Mon-Wed-Fri. 8 a.m. to noon and 1p.m. to 4 p.m., Wed 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is Monday, October 8, at 6:30 p.m., at the Embden Town House (751 Cross Town Road). The program “Sandy River Rangeley Lakes Railroad,” by Tom Moore, is scheduled for 7 p.m. All are welcome. Refreshments to follow.

The next Embden Community Center supper is scheduled for Saturday, October 13, at 5 p.m. Location is 797 Embden Pond Road (formerly Embden Elementary School). My continuing thanks to Carol Dolan for sharing the news with us.

Lief and I were in the large crowd that attended the bridge ceremony dedicated to Cpl. Eugene Cole, in Norridgewock, on Sunday. It was a very inspiring and well planned affair, and we were both glad we had attended it. The weather was cloudy and windy as we stood watching and listening to all the wonderful words spoken about this dedicated and special man. When the people started walking across the bridge, just dedicated, the sun came out in full force and it was beautiful!

I think by now, many of you must know that I grew up in Flagstaff. And I do have many fond memories of living there. The other day as I was going through old papers, I came across a very important looking certificate that stated: The United States Secret Service Treasury Department certifies that Marilyn Houston, a student at Flagstaff High School, has completed the Know your money – know your endorser course of study on this 7th day of February 1946, is now a member of the Secret Service Crime Prevention Club. It was signed by my teacher and the Chief U. S. Secret Service person at that time. I knew that Flagstaff gave me a good education, but I hadn’t realized it was way ahead of the times. I am sure that I am not still a member of the Secret Service!

And now for Percy’s memoir for this week: “Be Happy” Life’s a treasure cherish it, Enjoy everyone special you share it with. Be thankful for all you have and know. Be happy now before this minute goes. Time waits for no one, neither should you. Make the most out of life and all that you do. (found this saying on a small piece of paper, don’t know who wrote it…but it sounds like a good idea. Hope it makes your day!)

SOLON & BEYOND: Pine Tree Club, historical society news

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The Solon Pine Tree Club met on September 15 for the final meeting of the year. After the meeting everyone enjoyed a trip to pick apples at North Star Orchard.

On Sunday, September 23, 18 members, parents and leaders enjoyed a rafting trip from Solon to North Anson, Moxie Outdoors supplied the rafts and Kate Stevens was one of the guides.

Eleven members exhibited at four fairs this year and did a very good job at each fair. At Skowhegan State Fair the members got first on their educational exhibit on “How Does Your Garden Grow.”

The members are displaying some of their projects at the Coolidge Library in observance of National 4-H Club Week which is the first week of October.

On Saturday, October 13, the club will be reorganizing for next year at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station.

The Solon Congregational Church will be having a Harvest Supper on Saturday, October 20, from 5 to 6 p.m., at the Solon Masonic Hall.

Leslie Giroux has accepted a new job, so she has given up the position as Solon Municipal Clerk and Tax Collector; her last day was October 1. Selectmen have appointed Christy Jablon, of Embden, to replace her and she will run for the position at town meeting in March. The selectmen have been accepting applications and conducting interviews for a new treasurer.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 8, at the Embden Town house (751 Cross Town Road). There will be a brief business meeting at 6:30 p.m. and the program will be at 7 p.m. Tom Moore will be talking about the Sandy River Rangeley Lakes Railroad. Refreshments will follow. All are welcome.

Solon Volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary spaghetti dinner. Saturday, October 6, 4 to 7 p.m., at the Solon Elementary School. Get served by our firefighters! Free door prize!

This is from Solon Elementary School entitled: Attendance Matters! As the new year begins, we hope to see all our students set a goal to have a good rate of attendance. Unless students are ill or there is a family emergency, need to be in school. We ask that parents try to schedule routine doctor or dentist appointments after school hours and family vacations during school vacation weeks as often as possible.

If your child is ill or needs to miss school for an appointment or family emergency please contact Mrs. Weese so that we can log that day as an excused absences. If we don’t hear from you, we have to log the day as an unexcused absence. After seven unexcused absences, the state considers your child as truant. So please help us to document your child’s absences correctly.

After 18 absences ( 10 percent of the school days in a year) whether excused or unexcused, your child is considered chronically absent, in addition to MEA test scores, the percentage of chronically absent students in our school is a factor in whether the state decides that our school is making academic progress. Of course, sometimes students are out for extended illnesses, chronic health conditions or family emergencies, and those can’t be helped. So we are working to reduce the absences of our students for other reasons.

Punctuality is also a key to a successful school year. Our buses arrive between 7:20 and 7:40 in the morning. If you bring your child to school, please be sure that he or she arrives by 7:45 a.m. in order to be ready when teachers start their classes at 7:50 a.m. A student who arrives late misses important learning time. So let’s work together to make sure your child gets the maximum benefit from his/her school experience this year. Attendance matters! Thank-you for your cooperation.

And now for Percy’s memoir taken from a little book entitled, Good Advice for a Happy Life, and it says, “Rule Number 1 is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule Number 2 is, it’s all small stuff. And if you can’t fight and you can’t flee, flow.

SOLON & BEYOND: News from the Solon Elementary School

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

My thanks go out to the Solon Elementary School person who sent me the Solon School Newspaper to share with you. Welcome To New Staff: We want to welcome two new social workers to our school. Beth Higgins has worked in RSU #74 for a number of years. This year she will work at Solon, Garret Schenck, and Carrabec High School. Lacey Frost is a new social worker who will work at all four district schools. She previously worked as a social worker at MaineGeneral Medical Center.

Another new staff member at our school is Elaine Jillson, who joins our Special Education Department as an educational technician. Mrs. Jillson worked at Carrabec Community School before coming to Solon.

We also welcome Heidi Day, our new physical education teacher. Mrs. Day has taught P.E. for eleven years at Noble High School in Berwick. She is a Carrabec graduate who got her degree at UMF.

Natalie Costello will work as a math interventionist for the first 12 weeks of the school year through a STEAM Grant that RSU #74 wrote in collaboration with RSU #13 and RSU #59. Ms. Costello will work with students in grades 4-6 to help boost their math skills. She will work in Bingham for the second 12 weeks of the year and in Madison for the last 12 weeks.

At Solon Elementary School, we welcome back Ms. Annie Griffith as our preschool assistant teacher. Miss Annie worked with us two years ago and took last year off to spend with her new baby. We are glad to have her back this year.

Open House will be held at Solon Elementary School on Wednesday, September 26, from 6 – 7 p.m. Enjoy refreshments, visit the classrooms, and shop at the PTO Book Fair.

Solon Elementary School has a very active PTO, which has provided lots of special activities and items for our students over the years. Please consider joining the PTO. For information, contact PTO President Alicia Golden or the school.

The PTO generally meets on the second Thursday of each month, at 6 p.m.

Remember to send in your box tops for education labels! Every box top helps the PTO raise money for school activities.

The PTO is looking for new parents to join them. They look forward to new members from our new families.

Have been very upset about the proposed CMP Corridor lately, and looked up some old clippings I had saved. One of them isn’t too old, it was from the Maine Sunday Telegram, September 24, 2000, and the headline is; Flagstaff: Maine’s most unusual lake. Paved roads, burned trees and other remains of two towns lie beneath the man-made lake’s shallow waters. It was written by Michelle Pavitt, and I am going to print some of her observations. She says she was surprised “to learn that Flagstaff Lake is a man made water body. But I would never have guessed that the lake was the watery grave of two former towns. CMP bought Flagstaff residents’ property, buildings were either moved or simply razed. Before flooding the 18,000-acre flowage area, woods crews clear cut the region, then set unauthorized fires to finish clearing the timber. The land remained in that barren state through the winter of 1950. By spring thaw, the towns were submerged under 12 feet of water.”

Must stop there for now in order to get Percy’s memoir in this weeks’ column. I know how much many of you like his words of wisdom! The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. by Dante Alighieri (ca. 1300).

SOLON & BEYOND: Selectmen explain South Solon and Meeting House roads construction

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The South Solon Road and Meeting House Road have had an additional substance put on these two roads, I thought perhaps those of you who live on either of these roads might be wondering, (as I was) what this was all about….and so I went to the selectmen. This is the message from your Board of Selectmen: In an effort to allocate our budget dollars most effectively, the town of Solon will be utilizing alternative pavement preservation methods on the South Solon and Meeting House roads this year. The Pavement Preservation Treatment will be applied as a part of our overall road maintenance strategy.

By utilizing Pavement Preservation Treatments the town is able to: Preserve and extend the service life of existing pavements. Prevent deterioration of our good roads, “Keeping good roads good!” Decrease the construction time and traffic delays due to road work. Stretch our budget dollars, allowing for the treatment of more roads per year.

The information in this flyer is intended to provide more details on the treatments, benefits, and commonly asked questions. If you have any questions regarding any of the information, please contact the Board of Selectmen at 643-2541.

Another bit of news from the Selectmen is Volunteer Opportunities: planning board member, appeals board member, Coolidge Library Board of Trustees, Community Recreation Department Director, Community Recreation Department Youth Sport and Coaches. Please see the Municipal Clerk or Selectmen for more information.

Received the Solon School News recently and this is the Principal’s Message: The Solon staff and I wish to welcome our new students in grades PreK-5 and their families to our school and to welcome back those who have been with us before. I hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful summer.

I am the principal of both Solon Elementary School and Garret Schenck Elementary School so I split my time between the schools. I am here for half of each day. Our school secretary Mrs. Lisa Weese can help parents with any issues they may have and can help you make contact with me if you wish to.

Mrs. Debby Haynie continues to serve as our lead teacher and will help me to handle discipline issues.

We are pleased to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students again this year under the district’s community eligibility program. Students can buy milk or juice for snack or to go with a cold lunch if they wish to for 30 cents.

Again this year our students will have healthy snacks provided through a Fresh Fruits and Vegtables Grant Program on Mondays, Wednesdays , and Fridays.

Please contact them if you have any questions. thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to a great new year.

Our K-5 students will visit Lakewood Theater on September 21 to attend their fall production of “Little Bo Peep’s Wacky, Wonderful Road Trip” performed by the Lakewood Jesters. This is the nineteenth year that Lakewood has produced a show specially customized for elementary students.

The play lasts about an hour, and students get to interact with the performers during the show and meet them after the show. We are fortunate to have this historic theater so close to home. Parents are welcome to join us on this trip. Permission slips have already gone home. Thanks to the PTO for funding the admission fees for our students.

The following news is very important to the Anson Academy class of 1968. They are planning a 50th reunion for October 12, 2018. The group needs contact information for Deidre Nile, Roseann Spaulding, Lois Witham and Sarah Costello. Anyone with information please contact Beth Bown 474-6609 or Karen Piper: There is also a Facebook page for the reunion. Thank you. This e-mail was sent by Emily Quint

And so for Percy’s memoir: May your days be filled with…An abundance of happiness, Blessings that warm your life and make you smile. Friends and loved ones by your side… people who are going to treasure every memory they get to make with you. Wonderful swurprises in your life. Beautiful sunrises in your days, Opportunities that come along. Chances you’ve hoped for. Goals you’ve been striving to reach. Changes you’ve wanted to make. A song in your heart. A wish that comes true. And reminders of how much nicer this world is… all because of you. (words by Douglas Pagels)

SOLON & BEYOND: Apologies for a short column this week

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The next supper at the Embden Community Center will be September 8, at 5 p.m. This is a really fun supper to attend, and with great food also, I think you would enjoy it.

The Embden Thrift Shop will be closed for cleaning and seasonal turn­over from Sep­tember 5 to September 11. They will re-open on Wed­nesday, Sep­tember 12.

One day this week when I was talking with a friend that I don’t see very often, (he has been driving a big truck for years.) I asked him if he had kept track of all the states he had passed through. He said it is quite different on the roads these days, with so much more traffic. He said he doesn’t worry about himself, but so many of the other drivers are involved with their phones and not paying attention, and he does worry about them.

My apologies for such a short column this week. Lief received sad news that one of his nephews had been killed in a motorcycle accident. He was only 28 years old. Very disturbing.

Percy’s memoir is entitled: The Gift of Living in a Way That is Rewarding to You: One of the secrets of happiness is to take time to accomplish what you have to do, then to make time to achieve what you want to do.

Remember that life is short. Its golden moments need hopes and memories and dreams. When it seems like those things are lost in the shuffle, you owe it to yourself to find them again. The days are too precious to let them slip away. If you’re working too hard, make sure it’s because it’s a sacrifice for a time when you’re going to pay yourself back with something more important than money could ever be. If you’re losing the battle do what it takes to win the war over who is in control of your destiny. Find time, make time, take time… to love, to smile, to do something rewarding and deeply personal and completely worthwhile. Time is your fortune, and you can spend it to bring more joy to yourself and to others your whole life through. Time is your treasure. And instead of working so hard for it, do what it takes to make it work… for you. (words by Douglas Pagels. I used these words back on September 4, 2008.)

SOLON & BEYOND: Local man enjoys trip to Alaska

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Was very pleased to get the following news about a wonderful trip to Alaska from our neighbor Ronald Brown. He and his friend, Jim Provost, of Skowhegan, went on a 13-day trip to Alaska recently. There were 31 of them who left Bangor for Boston on the bus, they then flew from Boston to Seattle. They went by bus from Seattle to Vancouver, then got on a boat and stopped in Juneau and Skagway, then on a train to White Horse and then by bus the rest of the way to Angoog.

They went to many different places during their stay in Alaska, like Denali Park, and going through a two and a half mile tunnel to see the glaciers and even drank some of the glacier water.

Ronnie said there were lots and lots of snow covered mountains and the weather was much the same as it is in Maine.

They also went to the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau, and when the singer there learned they were from Maine he sang, “Tombstone Every Mile”.

He said it was a great experience, but…”There is nothing like Maine ” and he was glad to be home. His sister, Deanna Gilblair of Skowhegan, was taking care of Ronnie’s faithful dog, Smokey, and he said he had never left her that long. He said when she first saw him, when he went there to get her, he thought she “was going to wiggle herself to death” she was so happy to see him.

Thanks, Ronnie for sharing your wonderful trip.

My son and his wife Eleanor of Maine and Florida again hosted the 11th Annual Sticks & Stones Break Your Bones BBQ at their Camp at Flagstaff recently. We all look forward to this special event, and as usual there was lots of great food and fun. This is extra special for me because it includes my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Some were unable to attend this year, but there were 23 of us there to share love and the fun games that Mark and Karen build for our entertainment. And it was a picture perfect day on that Saturday which took place in “God’s country.”

I’m not sure how many of you who live in Solon will remember Kay Hoffman, who lived here many years ago, she was a good friend of mine. I used to subscribe to the Ideals magazine and I came across a page I had cut out years ago about her and the heading stated, “Ideals Best-Loved Poets”. There were four of her poems printed on this page, and I would love to share one of them with you, entitled Friendship.

Friendship is a handclasp,
Warm and sincere,
A smile that says plainly,
“I’m glad that you’re here!”
It’s knowing there’s someone
Who’s always true blue,
No matter what others
May say about you.
Friendship is sharing
The good and the bad,
It’s laughing together
When life’s bright and glad.
Sometimes it’s sharing our hurts and our fears,
Sharing a prayer,
And sharing our tears.
Friendship is giving our heart-gifts away.
It’s helping another and wanting no pay.
It’s giving a compliment,
Encouragement, too.
Making the sky a little more blue.
More precious than mountains
Of silver and gold,
Friendship is a gift
That brings blessings untold!

Last weeks column about our ‘critter problem’ evidently pleased some, have had responses from e-mail and comments and laughter from others, and so I’m going to tell you the latest news on that. When we got home (safely) from our trip up to The County, Lief bought a huge rat trap. He promptly wired a peanut in the shell and set the trap. And there the next morning lay a fat little mouse caught in the rat trap, he was plump as could be after consuming so much of our peanut butter! It was a sad sight, but a relief to know that we were one down, and perhaps one to go! I really believe there is some good in all bad.

And now for Percy’s memoir: A person has two legs and one sense of humor, and if you’re faced with the choice, it’s better to lose a leg. (words by Charles Lindner.) This one was used back on Feb. 9, 1989, but I think it’s worth repeating.

SOLON & BEYOND: Rogers-Safford families renew tradition of reunions

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

On August 4 one of those special family reunions was held at the home of Arthur Rogers, in Solon. When I went down to see him yesterday to find out more information, he said that his daughter, Shawna Albert, did most of the planning and getting in touch with family members, etc..

It was a Rogers-Safford reunion and it had been several years since one had been held. But as Arthur said, “It was a good turnout.”

If you remember, the Sunday it was held was one of those really rainy days we’ve had lately. Arthur had arranged several tarps over a large area on his lawn and everyone was having lots of fun visiting with each other. As Arthur said, “Rain didn’t dampen their spirits,” and that was so true! A potluck luncheon was being enjoyed by all and the children were having lots of fun, outside the protection of the tarps, running in the rain. Arthur said there hadn’t been any complaints about the awful weather.

Everyone was having such a wonderful time, including me, it was great to see all these people that I hadn’t seen in years. Some of them I didn’t even recognize and had to ask. It is very special to get together for a family reunion, thanks for having that one Arthur.

The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club took part in the 4-H Day parade at the Skowhegan State Fair this week. Leader, Eleanor Pooler took 84 exhibits done by the members of this club to be exhibited at the fair. The next meeting will be on August 20.

Received an e-mail about upcoming events at the Embden Community Center: On August 18, Steve and the Good Old Boys band will be there from 7 – 11 p.m., and on August 26, Country Sunday/Open Mic from 1 – 4p.m./second and fourth Sunday.

That is all the real news I could gather this week. It has been one of those busy weeks when everything happens at once….and as always, I welcome any news you might want to share.

I came across this little bit of what I consider good advice in this troubled world, entitled: “Treat others with kindness”. Unexpected but sinple acts of kindness surprise and uplift us. We’re stuck in traffic, sure that we’ll never make that left turn, when suddenly a stranger waves us on and lets us go ahead of him. Little gestures like these can make our day.

Practicing kindness means taking one extra second (really) to think about what we’re doing. Instead of ridiculing a friend, we can hold our tongues and avoid unnecessary embarrassment and hurt. Rather than repeating a rumor about a colleague, we can give praise instead.

It is important to treat ourselves kindly also. We do so by not criticizing or demeaning ourselves, in word or deed, and by refusing to accept abuse from others. Preventing hurt feelings and bruised egos (including our own) is what kindness is all about. Simply put, kindness improves the quality of all our lives.

Now for Percy’s memoir: “One kind word can warm three winter months.” (Japanese proverb.)

Now we are off to the fair!!!

Hope to have more news for you next week.

SOLON & BEYOND: Solon Alumni Association holds class reunions

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The annual Solon Alumni reunion was held on July 21 with 46 alumni and guests present. The class of 1968 celebrated its 50th reunion with eight members present. Kathy Adams Swett, Diane Oliver Poulin, James Bubar, Brenda Whitney Padham, Brian Whitney, Betty Heald Price, Diane Hall Lamb and David Rogers. Others celebrating were Alice Davis Heald, 78th, Albert Starbird, 77th, Mary Head Bishop, 75th, Neil Hunnewell, 70th, and Marie Poulin, 69th.

Allen J. Foss received a scholarship for $1,100. Dick Meader was recognized for being inducted into the Maine Basketball Hall of Fame. Bob Meader won the $25 door prize and donated it back to the alumni association.

An auction was held and $553 was raised for the scholarship fund. The Meader family, in memory of their parents Everett and Arlene Meader, matched the auction amount of $553 making the donation to the scholarship fund a total of $1,106. The auctioneer was Diane Oliver Poulin. Jo Rancourt Holden was elected as the new treasurer replacing Brenda Padham, who retired.

The affair was catered by the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club under the leadership of Eleanor Pooler.

The Solon Congregational Church will host an ice cream social and enjoy the Old Liberty String Band. This event will be held on Saturday, August 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. All are welcome, and admission is by donation.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 13, at the Embden Town House. The business meeting is at 6:30 p.m. and the program is at 7 p.m. Mac Smith will be speaking on “Mainers on the Titanic”. Refreshments will follow. All are welcome.

The Lexington/Highland Historical Society invites home schooling staff to the Lexington/Highland Historical Museum on Tuesday, August 14, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The museum represents a typical homestead of the 1800sd.

The museum is located at the intersection of the Long Falls Dam Road and the Back Road, about 3-1/2 miles from the center of North New Portland. A complimentary lunch will be offered.

The 2018 officers for the AMA Charter #3942 are president, Lewis Gordon, vice president, Frank Bedard, secretary, Randy Connor, treasurer, Frank Bedard, safety officer, newsletter editor, Joseph Gilbert.

Their next meeting will be held on August 25, at Whispering Pines, in North Anson.

Lief loves peanuts! Couldn’t believe my ears when he told me he was going to grow some peanuts…but sure enough, he went on the internet and according to the Farmer’s Almanac, peanuts can be grown as far north as southern Canada. He bought some raw peanuts, removed the shells and we planted a long row of peanuts! Of course, it was rather late to be planting them but they are up and doing well as we watch them grow every day. ( I warned Lief before we married, that it would be an adventure if he married me, but little did I know that it would be an adventure for me, also!) Does anyone out there in this area grow peanuts, we need all the help we can get?!

And now for Percy’s memoir: Undertakings entered into half-heartedly often lack the extra or the plus that can lift them over the hurdle. Enthusiasm may mark the difference between success and failure.