FOR YOUR HEALTH: Reuniting Long-Lost Loved Ones

(NAPSI) — Imagine your family members are caught up in an international disaster or armed conflict and you have no idea where they are or even if they are still alive.

Where could you turn? Fortunately, the world’s largest humanitarian network can help.

How It Works

The Red Cross can reconnect loved ones when:

  • Families are separated internationally as a result of conflict, disaster, migration or other humanitarian emergency.
  • Families have already tried normal channels of communication to reconnect.
  • The family member making the inquiry is a relative who had been in direct contact with the sought person before the crisis occurred.

The Red Cross’s family re-connection services are free and confidential.

“I Am Alive”

The three simple words, “I am alive,” can bring peace of mind after disasters. But after Hurricanes Irma and Maria slammed into the Caribbean, most people had very little opportunity to impart that crucial message to family members. So Red Cross teams there carried mobile hotspots along with relief supplies. “Witnessing people shed tears of joy when they connect with their loved ones has been the highlight of this mission,” said Colin Chaperon, American Red Cross’s Emergency Field Operations Lead.

A Century Of Reconnecting Families

In fact, the Red Cross has been helping loved ones separated by disaster, crisis and conflict to reconnect for more than 100 years. These days, thanks to technology, this type of humanitarian aid continues to evolve—bringing along with it hope and relief for families around the globe.

Through these services, the organization reconnected young refugee brothers in the United States with their mother in Africa; Polish twins who hadn’t seen one another in 68 years; and many others from Asia and the Middle East who had lost touch with family during wartime.

Learn More

If you’re ever looking for a lost family member who fits the criteria above, contact your local Red Cross chapter, call the free national helpline (844) 782-9441 or go to

To volunteer your time or donate money to help others, go to

FOR YOUR HEALTH – Help Detector Dogs: Don’t Pack A Pest

(NAPSI) — If you’ve returned to the U.S. from an international trip, you’ve no doubt seen beagles with blue jackets sniffing luggage in the baggage claim area. Visitors to Hawaii and Puerto Rico may also see these four-legged officers in green jackets helping to find prohibited fruits and vegetables hidden in luggage. As cute as they are, these detector dogs, who work alongside U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials and USDA, are performing an important job. They are helping to keep harmful invasive pests out of our country, including 19 called Hungry Pests, which can severely damage our crops, trees and landscapes.

Invasive pests cost our country $40 billion each year in damages and related costs. They come from other countries and can spread quickly, since they have few natural predators here. These invasive insects and plant diseases are the reason we are losing oranges to citrus greening disease, and ash trees—a popular shade tree in parks and communities—to the emerald ash borer beetle. But by knowing what not to bring back, you can help protect so much that we love.

Detector dogs help human inspectors catch incoming materials that may be otherwise overlooked. Through their keen sense of smell, the dogs can quickly scan unopened bags and alert USDA and Customs officials as to which ones should be hand-inspected. In fact, dogs are able to detect a single scent among many overlapping ones. And, on average, they have hundreds of millions of scent-detecting cells, as compared to humans, who only have five million.

Why are beagle and beagle mixes chosen for this role? Because of their smaller size and gentle disposition, they are good around people and tend not to be intimidating. They also have a keen appetite, so happily train and work for treats. Most of the dogs come from shelters. Those selected are sent to the USDA National Detector Dog Training Center in Georgia, where they go through rigorous training. Those who successfully complete the program become detector dogs.

Be thankful these dogs are trained to find prohibited items before they enter the States. A seemingly harmless piece of fruit could carry an invasive pest hidden inside. And if it finds its way to your neighborhood, your trees and plants could be its next target for destruction.

So, what is safe to bring back home? Small quantities of canned foods or foods packed in vacuum-sealed jars (except those that contain meat or poultry) are generally allowed. Some fresh fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers and agriculture items may also be allowed, but only after they’ve been inspected and cleared by USDA or Customs officials. Be sure to visit USDA’s “Traveler Information” page before your return trip to learn more and always declare all food, plants and other agriculture items to USDA or Customs officials.

When it comes to protecting our country from invasive pests, you can make all the difference. Be wise when traveling and know what’s safe to bring back, so you don’t pack a pest. Learn more by visiting

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Good Nutrition Made Easy For Older Adults

(NAPSI)—Roughly 110 million adults in the U.S. are age 50 or older. If you’re one of them or know someone who is, there’s something you need to know: As you age, your nutrition needs change. You may become less active, your metabolism slows, and your ability to absorb some nutrients becomes less efficient. You need fewer calories to keep you going—which means the amount of nutrients in your food becomes even more important.

To help, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and nutrition scientists at the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, with support from AARP Foundation, created MyPlate for Older Adults.

What’s on MyPlate for Older Adults?

Based on the federal government’s guide to forming healthy dietary habits, MyPlate for Older Adults makes good nutrition easy. Even better, it helps seniors with fixed incomes select healthy foods within their budget. That includes showing how frozen, dried and canned fruits and vegetables can be wise alternatives to fresh produce.

MyPlate for Older Adults encourages eating whole grains, which are high in fiber, as well as plant-based proteins such as beans and tofu, along with fish and lean meat. Vegetables and fruits make up half the plate, reflecting the importance of eating several servings a day in a range of colors. MyPlate for Older Adults also recommends using herbs and spices instead of salt to season food. Cutting back on salt can have big health benefits—especially for older adults, who are at risk of hypertension.

You can use the MyPlate for Older Adults as a tool when you shop to help you decide on types and combinations of foods, and as a reminder that the foods you choose to eat should be rich in vitamins and minerals.

The rest of the recommendations include:

  • Brightly colored vegetables such as carrots and broccoli
  • Deep-colored fruit such as berries and peaches
  • Whole, enriched and fortified grains and cereals such as brown rice and 100 percent whole wheat bread
  • Low-fat and nonfat dairy products such as yogurt and low-lactose milk
  • Dry beans and nuts, fish, poultry and eggs
  • Liquid vegetable oils, soft spreads low in saturated and trans fats
  • Lots of fluids such as water and fat-free milk
  • Physical activity such as walking, resistance training and light cleaning.

Learn More

You can check out MyPlate for Older Adults and find more information about AARP Foundation at

FOR YOUR HEALTH: A Honey Of A Solution To Rough, Dry Skin

(NAPSI)—When Mother Nature sends enough rough weather to make it tough to keep skin smooth, the good news is she also created a way to soften it up again. Notably, honey and other products you may already have right in your own kitchen.

Why Save The Skin You’re In

Skin is the body’s largest organ. It protects the other organs, makes you sensitive to touch and literally keeps you from evaporating. If it’s itchy, dry and cracked, it can affect your health and happiness.

Fortunately, honey is a pure, botanical product at an economical price point. It’s a natural humectant, meaning it takes moisture from the air and traps it. These healing, moisturizing qualities are why many expensive cosmetics contain premium honey. Raw honey is even used to help treat wounds and prevent scarring and it encourages growth of new tissues while hydrating skin. Honey naturally leaves skin soft and supple. It also fights off bad bacteria, tightens pores, protects skin from sun damage, and moisturizes.

Dry Skin Remedy Recipes

Here are two simple ways Aunt Sue’s Raw & Unfiltered Honey can help your skin feel more supple.

Aunt Sue’s Dry Skin Remedy

This soothing, dry-skin solution is easy and effective, taking only minutes to make with three simple ingredients.

1 tablespoon Aunt Sue’s Raw & Unfiltered Honey
1 teaspoon olive oil
Juice from ½ a lemon

Mix honey, olive oil and lemon juice in a bowl. Apply lotion to dry areas and let sit for 20 minutes. Wipe off with a warm washcloth. Repeat as needed.

Homemade Honey Hand Balm

Easy to make, this hand balm does wonders for dry skin and can be used as a lotion, hair conditioner or cuticle cream, as well.

½ cup coconut oil
¼ cup almond oil
5 tablespoons beeswax pastilles
1 tablespoon shea butter
1 ½ tablespoons Aunt Sue’s Raw & Unfiltered Honey
10−20 drops of lavender oil
8-ounce glass jar, or several small tins with lids

Combine all ingredients except the honey and lavender oil into a microwave-safe bowl. Heat in 30-second intervals for two minutes or until all ingredients have melted. Mix in the honey and lavender oil and immediately pour into the jar. Let cool to room temperature. To reach desired texture, melt the balm again and add or remove beeswax or lavender oil.

Aunt Sue’s Raw & Unfiltered Honey is pure, U.S. honey, produced by the Sioux Honey Association Co-op, representing 275-plus independent beekeepers and nearly 100 years of honey-producing experience.

Learn More

For further honey facts, tips and skin care recipes, go to

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Five spring vacation tips

(NAPSI) — Presented by Carmex — If you’ll be spending time in sun-kissed climates on your next vacation, these tips can help you keep your skin, eyes and lips protected.

1. Travel like a pro: Stay moisturized while in flight. To combat notoriously dry airplane cabins, reach for a lip balm that contains cocoa butter. For example, Carmex’s Classic Original Jar can help soothe and moisturize even the most chapped lips.

2. Find some shade: Find a spot at the pool with an umbrella. You can also wear a hat with a brim all the way around that shades your face, ears and the back of your neck from the sun. Retreating from the sun’s strong rays and finding rest in the shade can help you stay protected and cool in the heat.

3. Drink plenty of water: Just like the rest of your body, your lips need nourishment. Be sure to pack a large refillable water bottle
for your trip and keep it near your beach bag so you’re more likely to drink water throughout the day.

4. Pack a lip balm with SPF: For much-needed sun protection on your lips, there’s Carmex Daily Care lip balm in a variety of delicious flavors including Fresh Cherry, Wintergreen and Strawberry. They’re all formulated with SPF 15 for sun protection and are specially designed to smooth, soothe and soften lips and restore their healthy look.

If your lips need more help, there’s the time-tested formula of Carmex Classic lip balm. Moisturizing and medicated, it’s made with camphor to provide pain relief, menthol for a cooling effect, and pure, refined white petrolatum to help protect and provide a healing environment. 5. Remember your sunglasses: Just as lips are sensitive to the sun, so are your eyes and the tender skin around your eyes. Wearing sunglasses can help keep these areas protected from the sun whether on the beach, near the pool or just spending time outdoors.

Learn More

For more facts and tips, go to

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Why – and How – to ‘Heart’ Your Kidneys, Every Day

(NAPSI) — Many people don’t know it, but when your kidneys stop working, so do you. Your kidneys are as essential to life as other vital organs, such as your heart. Kidney healthy is also heart healthy, so when you “Heart Your Kidneys,” you also show love for your heart. That’s because the No. 1 cause of death in people with kidney disease is heart disease.

The Problem

More than 30 million American adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease, and most are unaware of it. One in three American adults is at risk for chronic kidney disease. It’s the ninth leading cause of death in the U.S., and growing in prevalence. For many people, dialysis or a transplant is needed just to stay alive.

What To Watch For

Risk factors for kidney disease include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and a family history of kidney failure. People of African American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian or Pacific Islander descent are at increased risk for developing the disease. African Americans are three times more likely than whites, and Hispanics are nearly 1½ times more likely than non-Hispanics, to develop end-stage renal disease, also known as kidney failure.

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) urges everyone with risk factors to speak with their doctor about taking the two simple tests, blood and urine, to check for kidney health. And if you don’t have major risk factors for chronic kidney disease, you should still discuss your kidney health with your doctor. Even if you inherit kidney disease, you may be able to slow its progression with lifestyle changes. You can join the conversation on social media and post #HeartYourKidneys. NKF is the largest, most comprehensive and long-standing organization dedicated to the awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease.

What To Do About It

On World Kidney Day, March 8, throughout March—National Kidney Month—and at any time of year, NKF says, all Americans should “Heart Your Kidneys” by following some simple tips.

“Eat right, exercise, drink water, and keep your kidneys healthy, because whatever you’re good at, there’s only one you,” says 10-year-old “America’s Got Talent” singer, kidney transplant recipient, and first-ever NKF Kid Ambassador Angelica Hale in a new “Heart Your Kidneys” video public service announcement.

At age 4, Angelica’s kidneys failed. Her mother, Eva Hale, donated one of her own kidneys to her daughter to save her life. Today, both mother and daughter are healthy. Angelica has also become NKF’s newest kidney advocate on Capitol Hill at the Kidney Patient Summit in Washington, D.C., by supporting NKF legislative priorities.

Fast Kidney Facts

  • Your kidneys are located in the back just below your rib cage.
  • Each of your kidneys is about the size of your fist.
  • The kidneys’ major function is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body.
  • Kidney disease usually affects both kidneys.
  • Nearly 100,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for a kidney transplant.

Learn More

For more information about kidney health, visit

FOR YOUR HEALTH – It’s Flu Season: CDC Reminds Public That Antibiotics Do Not Treat Flu

(NAPSI) — Flu season is upon us and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wants patients and families to remember that prescription antiviral drugs, not antibiotics, are the treatment for influenza (flu). Antibiotics do not treat viruses that cause colds and the flu. They are only needed for treating certain infections caused by bacteria.

Remember that the best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu is by getting your annual flu vaccine. It’s not too late to get vaccinated.


Viruses cause infections like the common cold, flu, runny noses and most sore throats, and none of these are treated with antibiotics. Illnesses like strep throat, pneumonia and whooping cough are examples of illnesses caused by bacteria that can be treated with antibiotics.


If you have the flu, taking antibiotics won’t help to treat your flu illness. It is important to remember that any time you take antibiotics it can lead to antibiotic resistance and cause side effects.

Antibiotic resistance is one of the most urgent threats to the public’s health and occurs when bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics designed to kill them. Antibiotic side effects range from minor—e.g., rash, dizziness, nausea, yeast infections—to very severe health problems, e.g., life-threatening allergic reactions or Clostridium difficile infection (also called C. difficile or C. diff), which causes diarrhea that can lead to severe colon damage or death.

When a patient needs antibiotics, the benefits outweigh the risks of side effects. Antibiotics save lives and are critical tools for treating a number of common infections like pneumonia and life-threatening conditions like sepsis.


You can protect yourself and others from the flu in three steps.

1) Get vaccinated. Everyone 6 months or older should get a yearly flu vaccine.

2) Stop the spread of germs by avoiding close contact with sick people. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Clean your hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water.

3) If you get sick, take antiviral drugs if your doctor prescribes them.


Most healthy people with the flu have mild illness and recover in less than two weeks without needing medical care or antiviral drugs. If you get sick with flu symptoms, in most cases, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people except to get medical care.

If, however, you have flu symptoms and are at high risk of having complications from flu, or are very sick or worried about your illness, contact your healthcare professional. Your doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs to treat your illness. People at high risk of having complications from flu include young children, people 65 years of age and older, pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions.

Visit for information on antibiotic prescribing and use, and visit for information about the flu.

FOR YOUR HEALTH – Healthy Living And Macular Degeneration: Tips To Protect Your Vision

(NAPSI) — Here’s health news you may be glad to see: A healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk of getting vision diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which can damage central vision and currently affects 11 million Americans. If you already have AMD, such a lifestyle may help protect your remaining vision. Here are hints on how.

Tips To Help Your Vision

Don’t Smoke. Smokers are more than twice as likely as nonsmokers to get AMD. Smoking narrows the blood vessels, reducing blood supply to the eyes. If you smoke, make a plan to quit with your doctor’s help.

Exercise Regularly. Exercise may reduce inflammation, which is a key contributor to AMD. It can also help lower eye pressure, which improves blood flow to the retina and optic nerve.

Eat a Varied and Nutritious Diet. Both your eye health and your overall health benefit from a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, including dark leafy greens, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, fish, and whole grains.

Maintain Normal Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels. High blood pressure narrows the blood vessels that nourish the retina. Cholesterol deposits in the eye contribute to AMD.

Maintain a Healthy Weight. Being overweight contributes to AMD and increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Develop a healthy diet and lifestyle plan.

Protect Your Eyes Outdoors. Sunlight exposure may increase the risk of AMD. Wear wide-brimmed hats when outdoors and use high-quality sunglasses with a UVA and UVB rating of 99 to 100 percent.

Keep Track of Your Eye Health. It’s important to monitor your vision, to help with early detection of eye problems or to slow the progression of AMD. Schedule regular, comprehensive eye exams with your eye doctor. More than a vision test, the exam should include pupil dilation to detect diseases, and the use of tonometry, which measures eye fluid pressure.

Ask your doctor how often you should schedule exams, based on your risk factors. These include a family history of AMD and being over age 60.

Learn More

For more eye care advice, you can download The Top Five Questions to Ask Your Eye Doctor and other free vision resources at, or call (800) 437-2423.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Keep Your Brain Fit

(NAPSI)—While many strategies for “healthy aging” exist, recent evidence points to the important role of hearing health in maintaining quality of life long-term.

Better hearing starts in the brain. Your brain processes and interprets the sounds your ears receive. When you have hearing loss, your brain doesn’t get all the sound information it needs to understand what’s being said and it spends more energy trying to fill in the blanks. That extra effort can take its toll.

A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that people with hearing loss who wear hearing aids had the same risk for age-related cognitive decline as people without hearing loss. When you actively use hearing aids, you are more likely to stay socially engaged, one of the primary ways to stimulate your brain. Like any exercise, the mental give-and-take of social interaction helps to keep your brain fit and slows down accelerated cognitive decline.

That’s the idea behind the BrainHearing™ technology built into Oticon hearing aids. With BrainHearing, Oticon hearing aids deliver sound with the clearest, purest signal possible—in the way your brain is best able to understand it.

Because this innovative technology preserves the important details in speech, your brain doesn’t have to strain to fill in the gaps. There’s less effort involved in listening. You enjoy a more natural, more effortless listening experience, anywhere, anytime so you can stay active and engaged in all that life has to offer.

Learn More

For more facts, visit


FOR YOUR HEALTH: Surprising Perks Of Your Medicare Plan

(NAPSI)—With more than 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 each day, the number of people eligible for Medicare is growing rapidly. Medicare Open Enrollment starts Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7, a time when millions of people are evaluating their health plan options to ensure their coverage meets their retirement lifestyle.

When looking at Medicare plans, people check to make sure their physician is included in the plan’s network and prescriptions are covered, but it’s important to see which unique benefits and perks a plan offers to take full advantage of the program. There is much more than standard health care available.

Medicare plans can offer benefits including a free gym or fitness facility membership through programs such as SilverSneakers, the nation’s leading community fitness program designed specifically for older Americans. Exercise is key to helping people live their best lives as they age, maximizing their health and well-being to maintain an active lifestyle. No matter a person’s goal—from running a marathon for the first time to keeping up with grandkids—SilverSneakers members enjoy the many benefits of the program, including:

  • Membership to more than 14,000 fitness locations: SilverSneakers members have unrestricted access and unlimited visits to every fitness and wellness facility in the national network, including each location’s basic amenities, such as weights, treadmills, pools and more.
  • Specialized fitness classes: SilverSneakers offers a variety of classes in partnering locations that are designed to accommodate all fitness levels and interests. Led by certified SilverSneakers fitness instructors, classes range from SilverSneakers Classic and Splash, to SilverSneakers BOOM®, a fast-paced, higher-intensity class designed for baby boomers and active older adults.
  • Friendship and community: So much more than an exercise program, SilverSneakers helps foster new friendships with a welcoming and supportive member community that becomes one of close friends.
  • Quality of life: The program changes lives by engaging participants in physical activity to help them do more of what they love. In fact, 91 percent of members say SilverSneakers has improved their quality of life.

More than 14.5 million people are eligible for this program offered at no additional charge through the nation’s leading Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement and group retiree plans. You can check your Medicare plan to see if you are eligible for the program and claim your free fitness membership at