Albion Neighborhood News
Tax season is hopefully over for most of us unless you file quarterly or late . NOW we have black fly season to look forward to. Oh and for those working in the woods, “mud season”. I do believe mud season came a bit early this year, but there is no way to escape it.
Across the street from me sits what use to be a very nice little house. The elderly lady who lived there was related to many in town. After she passed on and the house was sold, it has gone through numerous people. Finally the bank repossessed it they are now cleaning it out. I have never seen so much stuff come out and be thrown into dumpsters, trailers, pick-ups as this weekend. Being the nosey type, I asked if they had bought it. I was told no, they got a letter telling them to go clean it out. How sad that people just leave what few possessions they have to be thrown on dumpsters or for others to clean out.
On that subject though, I live in a big house and sometimes dream of the day I can look down and see my children cleaning out our house. I am not sure it would make up for all of the messy dirty rooms they had but it would give me some satisfaction.
Is it time to vote for President? This comedy routine is getting old. I just want someone who will protect us from encroaching enemies, not spend our hard earned money on lavish vacations or redoing the white house and who will have expectations that those who can work have to work. Riots in the streets and looting use to be dealt with basically by death, but now it appears to be celebrated. People are becoming more violent and it is not the weapons that are, it is the people themselves. Then there are those who want to allow males and females in the same public bathrooms at the same time. We are suppose to protect our children not set them up like it is a store where someone can pick out the one they want. Where are the child abuse workers and advocates in their opinions on this. We have laws that are suppose to protect children. So we forget them and allow someone who believes or feels they are a different sex to set a precedence whereby child molesters have easy access to children! Great thinking! I long for the 50’s.
I realize this is a dark column this week, but someone has to say it. Until next week…
Mary Lee Rounds 437-2475