LETTERS: A vote for our climate’s future

To the editor:

Maine’s future depends on how we act today to protect our environment.

With warming oceans and increasing hurricane risks like those seen in North Carolina, it’s clear we need strong leadership to accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources. Pam Swift is the candidate who will champion these critical issues.

Unlike the current representative, who scored a dismal zero on environmental issues this session – voting against loon protection (LD 958) and failing to support wind power (LD 1895).

Pam Swift is committed to proactive, science-backed policies that address climate change head-on. A vote for Pam Swift is a vote for meaningful action to slow the impacts of climate change and safeguard Maine’s natural beauty for future generations.

Robert Morrison

LETTERS: Swift has deep roots in Maine

To the editor:

I urge you to vote for Pam Swift in House District 62, China, Windsor, Somerville and Hibberts Gore.

Pam trusts you. She knows you and your doctor will make the best decisions for you and your health. She knows that you can prepare for your children’s futures by helping them understand what they find in their school libraries, public libraries and on the Internet.

As a retired physician, Pam knows how important it is for you to have access to healthcare and affordable medicine. As a farmer she knows how important locally produced healthy food is to your family and how much small farms matter to your community.

Pam has deep roots in Maine and will fight for what Maine a great place to live.

Please vote for Pam Swift, candidate for House District #62.

Kathy Kellison

LETTERS: Excited to support Laura Jones

To the editor:

I am excited to support Laura’s candidacy because of her commitment to protecting our farms and Maine’s natural resources, building resiliency to climate change, and enhancing opportunities for small businesses. In addition, Laura will explore ways to enhance access to quality health care while lowering costs, expand access to affordable Internet service, and support public education. Collectively, Laura will work hard to make our quality of life the way it should be!

Laura’s dedication to community and country is obvious from all of her “Community Matters” efforts, her engagement in a family-owned, environmentally-sensitive small business, and a 25 year career in the US Air Force.

Let’s elect Laura Jones who will be a great representative for all of us.

Mary Schwanke

LETTERS: Strong support for Detre and Rumpf

To the editor:

As a current member of the Selectboard for the Town of China, I am writing to express my strong support for Tod Detre and Tom Rumpf as candidates for China Selectboard.

Tod Detre is a Systems Administrator II for the University of Maine System. Tod brings a fresh perspective and a strong desire to help bring people together as a community and make China a place where people want to spend their time and enjoy all stages of their lives. His family has two young sons in our local school, and both Tod and his wife Gina have logged many hours volunteering in their activities. Tod’s technical knowledge has been an asset on our Broadband Committee and would further help China as we prepare for the future.

Tom Rumpf’s wealth of local knowledge, as the president of the Four Seasons Club and the current chairman of the budget committee, would be invaluable to the selectboard. Tom has worked collaboratively with regional businesses to build the annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby into a spectacular weekend that showcases our town to the many visitors it attracts. Tom would help the board nurture better relationships with our local businesses.

I believe that Tod and Tom would both make excellent additions to the selectboard. They are both committed to fiscal responsibility, transparency, and open communication with residents. They both have demonstrated their understanding of the important role our local organizations have in our town.They also share a vision for a vibrant and sustainable future for the Town of China.

I urge my fellow residents to vote for Tod Detre and Tom Rumpf for selectboard on election day.

Jeanne Marquis
China Selectboard member

LETTERS: Will someone do something!

To the editor:

The view outside my picture window is anything but picturesque. It is a dump – not a land fill ­ ­– but junk, garbage, trash and a disgusting dump that is breeding rats.

No one at the town level or state level seems to be at all concerned about the rats invading our neighborhood. No one lives at the address as it is uninhabitable. The owners live several houses up the street. They receive their mail at the dump site but no one lives there. I have witnessed them adding to this nasty mess – but never taking anything away. The building is falling apart, blowing in the wind and coming apart through weather, rot, and neglect. This has been going on for a few years now.

I have contacted the town codes enforcement officer, Jason Lorrain, and the state CDC and the Department of Environmental Protection – and still no one has done anything. Myself, and my neighbors are trying to keep the rat population down, but I think the rats are winning. Please can’t something be done? Soon?

Marilou Suchar

LETTERS: Laura Jones will represent the area with reason, honesty and kindness

To the editor:

Up for vote in the Maine Legislature this November are 186 seats. I am casting my ballot for Laura Jones to represent the Sidney/Vassalboro communities.

Being a volunteer driver for Laura Jones, I have seen how she actively listens to citizen concerns and how she answers questions with reason and fact.

Born and raised in Vassalboro, Laura’s lifelong experiences with local people and places give her insight into our needs and concerns.

Having served in the Air Force for 25 years, Laura brings to us a unique skill set in understanding local, state, county, federal and international issues – all in perspective.

For Laura, community matters and through her volunteer work with many community groups and her postings on her Facebook page and her YouTube channel (Laura Jones Community Matters), she keeps community informed and up to date on events, meetings, important dates. And, she shares her tech skills with those who need help.

Laura Jones will represent the Sidney/Vassalboro area with reason, honesty and kindness.

Priscilla Doel

LETTERS: In support of candidate Katrina Smith

To the editor:

Katrina Smith is the real deal. As the representative of District #62, Katrina has proven she truly cares about her constituents by keeping them informed about upcoming bills that affect not only the citizens of Maine but the nation as well.

She makes her viewpoints heard with untiring energy. She cares about the indoctrination of our young children, and about the addiction problems facing our older children and young adults in Maine.

She shows her care for working families, veterans and retirees facing high costs of energy, taxes, food, housing and health care by informing us of upcoming bills and trying her hardest to fight for all of us.

I am proud and confident of her and wish there were more people like her in the legislature. I am supporting her for re-election to the House of Representatives for District #62 and hope you will too.

Shirley Derrico

LETTERS: Elise Brown serves her community

To the editor:

As Mainers living in a mostly rural setting far removed from national politics, it tends to be our local governments – at the town and county levels – that affect our day-to-day lives. This is why our local elections and elected officials are so important, and this is why I am voting for Elise Brown for Waldo County Commissioner in District #3.

I have known Elise for several years. We serve together on our local ambulance, and we are both Emergency Management Directors for our respective towns. I have had the opportunity to watch Elise in action, whether it is responding to 911 calls together on the ambulance or working together during some of our recent bad storms to help get our town operations back to normal as quickly as possible.

I have been – and continue to be – thoroughly impressed by Elise’s passion, professionalism, and perseverance when it comes to serving the people in her community, and I am positive she will continue to impress as a Waldo County Commissioner.

Please join me in voting for Elise Brown for Waldo County Commissioner in District #3.

Mike Sherman

LETTERS: Elise Brown person of unusual capacity

To the editor:

I was delighted to learn that Elise Brown, of Liberty, wants to work for our community by running for County Commissioner. Elise has already been working for our community for over 25 years as a foster and adoptive parent, a firefighter, an EMT, co-owner of an employee owned company, a restorative justice trained facilitator, and a steward of her home and property.

Elise is a person of unusual capacities. She has a remarkable work ethic, is highly organized and can connect and relate well with everyone. I have seen her being quietly effective with a wide range of Mainers; formerly incarcerated men, county officials, parents, farmers, business owners, artists, neighbors and children of all ages.

She is a creative problem solver, an expertly adept communicator, and an all around great human being.

We are fortunate to be able to vote for Elise Brown for County Commissioner. I urge everyone who can to do so. Elise will be a great addition to this administrative board.

Lisa Kushner

LETTERS: Urge support of Brown

To the editor:

We urge residents of Waldo County to support Elise Brown for County Commissioner in November. We have known Elise for many years, counting her as a friend as we all raised our children sharing hand-me-downs, garden produce and school information.

We admire her experience as a first responder in the local community, an organizational administrator helping Maine’s girls and women, an innovator who co-founded business focused on energy efficiency, a hard-working farmer and all-around great

Elise’s clear communication style helps break down complexities for problem-solving. Her planning skills, collaborative style, and positive approach will be invaluable assets for this post. We’ll be lucky to have her at the County level, helping our towns work together on current needs and future challenges to benefit everyone. All this and she has a great sense of humor too!

Join us in voting for Elise for County Commissioner! Thank you.

Evelyn deFrees & Brad LaRoche