OAKLAND: Statewide fishing derby planned to fight Variable Leaf Milfoil
From June 20 to July 20, bait your hook, cast your line and you might reel in not only fish, but cash and prizes too. In this Statewide Fishing Derby, earn your chance to win cash prizes from 50 percent of the ticket proceeds and sponsorships. This is a fundraising derby to benefit the programs of Friends of Messalonskee that directly fight the battle against the invasive aquatic plant Variable Leaf Milfoil.
There are 13 species of fish that qualify. Enter as many fish in as many categories that you wish-no limit of entries! There is no weigh station- just take a picture of the fish against a measuring tape, include the FOM ticket in the photo, and email it to friendsofmessalonskee@gmail.com. A weekly updated leaderboard will be available on our Facebook as well as our website. All first through third place winners in each category will be placed in a raffle style drawing, respectively, and winners will be drawn for the cash prizes. Out of the 50 percent purse, 60 percent of will be first place, 30% second place, and 10 percent third place. Winners also have chances to win other great prizes as well!
Winners will be drawn on July 22 at Oakfest, in Oakland, where derby door prizes will be drawn and a separate 50/50 raffle will take place. Order tickets through their website at www.friendsofmessalonskee.com or call (207) 465-8333. Derby Rules, How-to video, and other information can be found on the website! You can also go to their Facebook Derby Page: All Belgrade Lakes Fishing Derby (This particular derby is statewide.) Have fun!