Issue for December 5, 2024
PHOTOS: Parade of Lights: Another spectacular event
The Parade of Lights, in downtown Waterville, kicked off the holiday season on November 30 (Photos by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)…
Town News
Planners hear residents’ concerns to South China boat landing upgrades
CHINA – The China Planning Board’s Nov. 26 meeting included public hearings on two applications. The first, on the long-discussed document storage vault to be attached to the southeast end of the town office building, was short, and was followed by approval later in the meeting…
Select board hears proposal for street radio installations
CHINA – China select board members’ main topic at their Dec. 2 meeting was a proposal by Tom Kroh, Regional Director, Site Acquisition and Deployment, for Ubicquia, Inc., based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His company would like to contract with the town to attach street radios to town streetlights, to improve residents’ telephone and internet service…
COMMUNITY COMMENTARY: Golden Agers seniors group continues to grow, room for more
CHINA – The first meeting of the China Area Seniors, a/k/a “Golden Agers”, was held on May 4, 2022, with 10 folks attending. We now have 67 names on our weekly sign-up sheet. Our weekly attendance ranges from the high 20s to low 30s. We still have room for you!… by Sheldon Goodine
Area scouts take part in Veterans Day parade
CENTRAL ME – On November 11, 2024, Scouts in Cub Scout Pack #410 and Troop #410 joined Scouts from Augusta Troop #603, Windsor Pack #609, and Winslow Troop #433, in marching in the Waterville Veterans Day Parade to honor and thank all veterans but specifically those from our Central Maine/Kennebec Valley Region…
Jeffery Flye honored by UBM
CENTRAL ME – Shawn Nava, President of United Bikers of Maine, along with other members of U.B.M presented a plaque of appreciation to Commander Jeffery Flye and American Legion Post #51 for help and support of their organization…
Garden Gives Back – In Color!
PALERMO – Blazing orange tomatoes, purple cabbage, golden and purple beans and snap peas decorated the plates of some 70 families who came to the Palermo Food Pantry this growing season. These delicious and nutritious veggies are just some of the exceptional offerings from the Palermo Community Garden…
Vassalboro Legion gathering personal care products for VA Veterans Home
VASSALBORO – During the holiday season for the last three years, members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, gathered personal care products, puzzle books, and snacks for veterans at Togus Veterans Home, in Augusta. With the support of various organizations and individuals this has been an amazing display of generosity and thanks to our veterans…
Vassalboro Community School first quarter honor roll
VASSALBORO – List of honor roll students at Vassalboro Community School…
Danica Serdjenian elected Phi Kappa Phi
WATERVILLE – Danica Serdjenian, of Waterville, was recently elected to membership into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society, at University of Rhode Island…
The Remembrance Tree
Help us decorate the tree and at the same time remember loved ones. For only $10 a ball, you can commemorate love ones who have passed!
Name that film!
Identify the film in which this famous line originated and qualify to win FREE passes to The Maine Film Center, in Waterville: “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too.” Email us at with subject “Name that film!” Deadline for submission is January 9, 2025.
Local happenings
EVENTS: Maine-ly Harmony presents Christmas concert
GARDINER – Join the Maine-ly Harmony Chorus Sunday, December 8, at 2 p.m., at the Highland Avenue United Methodist Church, 35 Highland Avenue, Gardiner, for the Songs of the Season – your favorite Christmas songs, including a silent auction, refreshments and a special appearance from Jolly Ole St. Nick! A donation of $15 is accepted at the door…
EVENTS: Yummy, Ready-to-Be-Baked turkey pies coming Dec. 7
WINSLOW – It’s one of Winslow’s most beloved holiday traditions! On Saturday, December 7, from noon to 3 p.m., Winslow Congregational Church (12 Lithgow Street) will be offering over 400 incredibly yummy, ready-to-be-baked turkey pies for sale. The cost is $15 per pie (2 for $25), with all proceeds going to empower the Christian/humanitarian work of the church, and for building improvements and repairs…
EVENTS: VHS to conduct Christmas through the Ages
VASSALBORO – What a great opportunity to celebrate Christmas through the Ages. This wonderful fundraiser has been used by a variety of Maine historical societies and now the Vassalboro Historical Society is hosting, along with three local homes and two other organizations. Learn about the different times and how they celebrated Christmas…
PALERMO – Georgia “Missy” Averill Watson, 92, a long-time resident of Palermo, passed away on Thursday, November 21, 2024. She was born July 31, 1932, the daughter of James Melvin “Mel” and Marion “Matt” Lucinda Bowmen Haskell. Missy was a Mayflower descendant…
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Holiday Tea at Palermo Historical Society
PALERMO – The Palermo Historical Society will hold their annual Holiday Tea, at 45 North Palermo Rd., on Saturday, December 7, at 3 p.m. Snow date, Sunday, December 8. Music, fellowship and good cheer. Please their Facebook page: Palermo Historical Society; email… and many other local events!
Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: William Mathews of Waterville (new)
WATERVILLE HISTORY — As noted last week, this biographical sketch of Professor William Mathews, LL.D. (Doctor of Laws), is another follow-up to an earlier account, the Nov. 21 article on Waterville residents Jeremiah Chaplin and James Hobbs Hanson. Mathews was mentioned as a critic of Rev. Chaplin’s preaching… by Mary Grow
Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Education in Winslow Schools – Continued
WINSLOW HISTORY — This week’s article was to be a discussion of early schools in Fairfield, continuing the subseries on early education, but again your writer has been distracted. The first diversion, this week, is back to Winslow elementary schools, about which summary information was provided in the Nov. 7 issue… by Mary Grow
Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Jeremiah Chaplin & James Hanson
CENTRAL ME HISTORY — Instead of moving to the next town, this article will provide abbreviated biographies of two men mentioned in last week’s story of educational development in Waterville… by Mary Grow
Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Education: Waterville, Winslow high schools
CENTRAL ME HISTORY — Before moving on to 19th-century Winslow and Waterville high schools, your writer will share one more item about Waterville grammar schools. With its ramifications, it was too long for last week’s article… by Mary Grow
Common Ground: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Hannaford Supermarket! Email your answer to or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer. Use “Common Ground” in the subject!
Previous winner: Mary Jane Vigue, Winslow
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | It’s become obvious that the warmer weather is behind us, and winter is patiently waiting in the wings. The other day, after doing some fall chores outside, I watched as squirrels scampered around, up and down trees, and were just plain busy…
by Peter Cates | For collectors of the early shellac 78s, the 1999 biography, Sound Revolutions by Jerrold Northrop Moore is a fascinating biography of recording pioneer Fred Gaisberg (1873-1951) who, from 1894 when he landed employment at the Berliner Gramophone Company…
HEALTH | Over 12.5 million Americans are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, but many don’t realize this and could be missing out on some valuable benefits…