Legislative Report for Thursday, February 2, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)

Legislative bills submitted by area senators & representatives as of Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, and two others that might be of interest:

L.D. 200, H.P. 124

An Act to Require Medicaid Coverage for Certain Children Under 7 Years of Age. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 201, S.P. 101

An Act to Make Permanent the Ability of Certain Retailers and Distilleries to Sell Liquor for Off-premises Consumption and Cocktails for On-premises Consumption. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)

L.D. 218, H.P. 139

An Act to Clarify Maine Law Regarding Background Checks for the Office of Child and Family Services. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 219, H.P. 140

An Act to Promote Equity in the Permitting Appeals Process. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)

L.D. 228, H.P. 149

An Act to Require Substance Use Disorder to Be Disclosed as a Cause of Death on Death Certificates. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 230, H.P. 151

Resolve, to Require the Maine National Guard to Sell Certain Property in Hallowell. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 231, H.P. 152

An Act to Support the Maine Pediatric and Behavioral Health Partnership Program. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)

L.D. 244, S.P. 110

Resolve, Directing Maine Emergency Medical Services to Convene a Stakeholder Group to Explore Emergency Medical Services Career Pathways and Educational Opportunities in the State. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)

L.D. 246, S.P. 112

An Act to Amend the Campaign Finance Laws. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 247, S.P. 113

An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Elections. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 248, S.P. 114

An Act to Amend the State’s Liquor Laws. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 249, S.P. 115

An Act to Amend the Campaign Finance Laws Regarding Political Action Committees. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)

L.D. 250, S.P. 116

An Act to Improve Housing by Increasing Housing Options. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 271, S.P. 130

An Act Requiring the University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System to Offer a For-credit Course on Hunting, Fishing, Recreational Shooting and Trapping. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 272, S.P. 131

An Act Regarding the Issuance of Driver’s Licenses to Persons with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)

L.D. 291, H.P. 189

An Act to Support Young People Affected by Substance Use Disorder. (Presented by Representative LaROCHELLE of Augusta)

L.D. 296, H.P. 194

An Act to Ensure Municipalities Receive a Higher Percentage of All-terrain Vehicle Registration Fees to Cover Increased Expenses. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)

L.D. 302, H.P. 200

An Act to Ensure Sufficient Rates for Behavioral Health Services. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)

L.D. 304, H.P. 202

An Act to Establish Statewide Standards for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. (Presented by Representative HYMES of Waldo)

L.D. 305, H.P. 203

An Act to Provide Youth Lifetime Hunting Licenses to Eligible Dependents of Veterans Who Are 100 Percent Disabled. (Presented by Representative HYMES of Waldo)

L.D. 309, H.P. 207

An Act to Ensure Equitable Access to All Higher Education Institutions. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

L.D. 310, H.P. 208

An Act to Increase the Workforce in the State. (Presented by Representative COLLAMORE of Pittsfield)

NOTE: Rep. Amanda Collamore, of Pittsfield, is not Rep. Clinton Collamore, of Waldo, who, according to press reports, was indicted for fraud in December 2022.

And two more bills that will no doubt be hotly debated:

L.D. 239, H.P. 160

An Act to Establish the Hessel’s Hairstreak as the Maine State Butterfly. (Presented by Representative GRAMLICH of Old Orchard Beach)

L.D. 269, S.P. 128

An Act to Designate Granitic Pegmatite as the Maine State Rock. (Presented by Senator KEIM of Oxford)

Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at http://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/search.asp.

The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at http://legislature.maine.gov/house/house/ under the “Documents” tab.


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