LETTERS: Elise Brown serves her community

To the editor:

As Mainers living in a mostly rural setting far removed from national politics, it tends to be our local governments – at the town and county levels – that affect our day-to-day lives. This is why our local elections and elected officials are so important, and this is why I am voting for Elise Brown for Waldo County Commissioner in District #3.

I have known Elise for several years. We serve together on our local ambulance, and we are both Emergency Management Directors for our respective towns. I have had the opportunity to watch Elise in action, whether it is responding to 911 calls together on the ambulance or working together during some of our recent bad storms to help get our town operations back to normal as quickly as possible.

I have been – and continue to be – thoroughly impressed by Elise’s passion, professionalism, and perseverance when it comes to serving the people in her community, and I am positive she will continue to impress as a Waldo County Commissioner.

Please join me in voting for Elise Brown for Waldo County Commissioner in District #3.

Mike Sherman


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