LETTERS: Let’s send Mike Ray to the Maine House

To the editor:

With the summer vacation season coming to a close and schools about to start, voters will begin to focus on the November 5th general election.I will be among the voters in Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill and Searsmont who will be voting to send Mike Ray to the Maine House of Representatives to replace the retiring Paige Zeigler.

Mike, who has served on the Lincolnville Select Board since 2020, has been a community leader. I know from my own experience that Mike listens, learns and follows through on constituent issues and concerns and cares deeply about his community. Among other things, Mike serves on the Maine Municipal Association Legislative Policy Committee and the Midcoast Council of Governments.

As a Maine State Representative, Mike Ray will work to secure reliable funding to ensure our roads are maintained, fight to lower costs for Maine families and to create more good-paying jobs, help our communities face the severe storms resulting from climate change and promote district-wide cooperation on land use, infrastructure and emergency services.

Please join me in supporting Mike Ray this November 5.

Bart Carhart


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