LETTERS: Mike Ray for District 40 State Representative

To the editor:

Mike Ray is my idea of a great neighbor. He’s a regular volunteer for the Waldo County Woodshed, has served on many local committees and is currently on the Lincolnville selectboard. Mike deeply respects our natural environment, having led camping trips as a registered Maine guide and managed a woodlot. He’s a down-to-earth, regular person.

As a selectman, Mike understands firsthand the challenge of watching out for his neighbors’ pocketbooks while providing essential services such as education, fire/emergency services and sensible development.

For those living in Appleton, Islesboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Montville, Morrill or Searsmont, a vote for Mike Ray for State Representative will bring locally-informed, common-sense leadership to Augusta. And he’s done his homework … sitting in on legislative committee meetings to study how the legislative process works. Mike is ready to hit the ground running!

Bob Kohl


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