SOLON & BEYOND: Solon Elementary news

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Will begin this week with more Solon School News! Food Facts: We are pleased to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students again this year under the district’s community eligibility program. Students can buy milk or juice for snack or to go with a cold lunch if they wish to for 30 cents.

Again this year our students will have healthy snacks provided through a Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Grant Program every day. Parents can also send snacks with their child if they wish to. We appreciate healthy snacks!

On each day that students attend school while we are using the hybrid model, they can choose to pick up a take home breakfast and lunch for the next day when they will be learning at home. The menu for take-home meals is included on the menu for in-person meals.

We continue to offer a food hub at our school on Mondays. If you wish to pick up meals for each of the children in your home on those days, please contact Mrs. McFadyen in our school office to let her know how many you will need by noon on the previous Friday. You will receive five breakfasts and five lunches for each of your children. You can pick these up between 11:15 and 11:45 a.m., on Monday mornings at the school (on Tuesdays if Monday is a holiday). If you have children at home or in CCS or CHS, you can pick up all of their lunches here for your convenience.

Please call us at 643-2491 if you have any questions.

Welcome to new staff: We are excited to welcome new staff members to our school this fall.

With the retirement of Terry Corson last spring, we have a new fifth grade teacher, Stacey McCluskey. Mrs. McCluskey has taught for 19 years at Central Elementary School, Carrabec Community , and even a year at Solon Elementary School. We welcome her back!

Our new music teacher is Lindsay Burke-Cinsov. She will teach K-5 music classes and will also teach band and chorus. She has 19 years of experience as a music educator, mostly recently in Farmington. We are pleased to have her on board.

Teaching our preschool class this year is Jennie Mirlocca, who started her teaching career at Solon Elementary but then taught preschool in Kingfield and at Garret Schenck. We are happy to welcome her back to Solon.

Misty Jerkins has joined our staff this fall to be an additional daytime custodian. Her job is to disinfect and sanitize throughout the school from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., each day. She is working hard to keep our school clean. We welcome her to Solon Elementary School.

Received the following e-mail from Norm Kalloch: “Dear Marilyn, My name is Norm Kalloch and a director of the Arnold Expedition Historical Society. We are offering a car/walking tour of Benedict Arnold’s march across the Great Carrying Place Portage Trail from the Kennebec River to Flagstaff Lake, Sunday, October 11.

“I was hoping you would be willing to mention this tour in one of your columns in The Town Line newspaper.

“ Thanks for your consideration to do this. If you do decide to do so and need more information or clarification feel free to e-mail me. Norm Kalloch; West Carry Pond.”

I have e-mailed for more information about what sounds like a wonderful, interesting idea is something I would like to attend very much. But …… I don’t walk as many miles as I once did, and I will print the facts if I get the e-mail in time for anyone who might also want to attend.

And now for a short memoir from Percy: An uncommitted person is a person without direction in life. He is like a ship without a rudder, and plenty of power but no direction.


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