WINDSOR: Selectmen discuss repairing roads, electronic waste

by Sandy Isaac

On Tuesday, April 30, the Windsor’s Selectmen meeting addressed damaged roads, truck repairs and options for proper E-waste recycling.

Shortly after the meeting began at 6 p.m., Keith Hall, road supervisor, gave his report on the conditions of Windsor roads. It was noted that this winter’s weather was particularly difficult on Maine roads. Many citizens have complained of routes 105 and 32, but before any repairs can be started, roads must finish rebounding from heaves caused by the wet and frozen weather fluctuations.

The road crew has just completed fitting 80 feet of drainage and pipe inserts along Coopers Mills Road. This should help alleviate the water run-off from entering the roadway and causing slick conditions when it freezes.

Jones Road, Ingram Road and the elementary school’s round-about were discussed. Although the school is not part of Windsor’s road system, the town people are the ones who use it, so repairing that area will benefit the citizens. It was decided this would not be done until more paving material could be secured and possible repairs would happen after school has let out for the year.

Truck and back hoe repairs were brought up and reviewed. Tough winter roads wreaked havoc on town vehicles, including springs, oil cooler lines, etc.

Contractors have been contacted regarding repairing some roads, including the Windsor Road. Paving supplies have gone up in price and are very much in demand. It is expected that materials will be going up to over $70 per ton.

Currently, the road department purchases paving by the bag when making minor repairs. Major repairs will be prioritized once companies have started producing more paving materials and they are available for purchase.

Timothy Coston, transfer station supervisor, reported the need to find new companies to help with the electronic waste recycling. The previous company with which they had negotiated has gone out of business. Another company had been contacted, but they do not deal with many of the items that Windsor has to dispose of, including the compact fluorescent light bulbs which contain mercury. Most of the companies on their list do not handle bulk and so two different companies will have to be utilized.

Cemetery gates will be opened by the May 13. On May 11, flags will be placed on designated grave sites, starting at 9 a.m., at the Rest-Haven Cemetery, on Ridge Road. Requests for volunteers were made.

Public comments brought up a survey that was created by Somerville regarding marijuana ordinances and land usage. Research will be done as to how Somerville created and distributed the survey and how results are being collected and tabulated. A question came up regarding sales tax. It was mentioned the marijuana products state sales tax is 10 percent.

Town Manager Theresa Haskell reported that the nine-month budget which should be at 75 percent, is coming in under 73 percent. While some line items are over budget, such as dues and fees which have been paid for the year, she expects to come in under budget by the end of the fiscal year. A workman’s comp audit had also been completed and a refund of $1,700 was being issued back to the town.

Photos of the new forestry truck purchased by the town fire department were passed around. It has a capacity of 400 gallons of water. The old forestry truck should sell quickly as there has already been a lot of expressed interest.

The town warrants were reviewed, approved, witnessed and signed. They will then be available for the town meeting. A tentative meeting date of June 1, with an alternative date of May 31 were suggested. The school has been contacted to see what days and times would be available.


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