Issue for January 16, 2025

Celebrating 36 years of local news

Eric Handley elected district scouting chairman

The Kennebec Valley District of Scouting has elected Eric Handley, of Sidney, to serve as District Scouting Chairman and Christopher Santiago, of Vassalboro, was tapped to serve as District Scouting Commissioner. This took place during the annual meeting of the district on Wednesday, January 8, at the Pleasant Street United Methodist Church, in Waterville… by Chuck Mahaleris

Town News

Select board begins preparing for annual town meeting

CHINA – China select board members have started preparing for the June 10 annual town business meeting, and it will not be a return to the pre-Covid open meeting that some residents would like to see…

Erosion control cost estimate higher than expected

VASSALBORO – Vassalboro Conservation Commission members re-discussed a main topic from their Dec. 18 meeting on Jan. 8, after they got a higher than expected cost estimate for their December plan…

Action postponed on rate increase for large items at transfer station

VASSALBORO – Vassalboro select board members disposed of three issues on their lengthy Jan. 9 meeting agenda…

R. L. Mercantile & Trading Post gets board approval, with conditions

VASSALBORO – Vassalboro Planning board members have approved a site review permit for R. L. Mercantile & Trading Post, with conditions…

U.S. Attorney’s Office, AARP Maine, and Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention Launch Elder Fraud Program

CENTRAL ME — The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Maine has announced an innovative new elder fraud awareness program that will utilize the inherent relationships of pharmacists and their customers to reach older Mainers. The Maine Rx Elder Fraud Program is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Attorney’s Office, AARP Maine, and the Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention…

Camp Pondicherry and Camp Natarswi open registration for summer 2025 campers

CENTRAL ME — Ready for limitless fun, friends, and new experiences? Girl Scouts of Maine (GSME) is excited to announce the official opening of online registration for Summer 2025 overnight camp sessions, which began Wednesday, January 15. Prospective campers of all ages can register by visiting the camp page on our website ­– no Girl Scout experience necessary!…

Emmett Appel elected for United States Senate Youth Program

WINDSOR — The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is pleased to announce that high school student Emmett Cook Appel will join Senator Susan M. Collins and Senator Angus S. King in representing Maine during the 63rd annual USSYP Washington Week, to be held March1-8, 2025…

PHOTOS: A day on the ice

VASSALBORO — Frank Richards, of Vassalboro, recently took to the ice to do some fishing. It proved to be a succesful day…

PHOTOS: Remembering the past summer

WATERVILLE — Brinley Bisson, 4, of Waterville, enjoyed some successful fishing herself this past summer. At left, fishing off a dock at Green Valley Campground, in Vassalboro, the same place her mother, Kassandra Bisson, of Waterville, learned how to fish, and hauling in a bass, at her grandparents’ campsite, on Webber Pond…

Northern Light Health recognizes National Blood Donor Month

CENTRAL ME — National Blood Donor Month is a time to recognize and celebrate blood donors, and to remind people of the importance of donating blood. During National Blood Donor Month Northern Light Health would like to extend gratitude to those who have generously donated in the past, saving countless lives, and making a profound difference in our community….

Community foundation receives two grants

PALERMO — The Living Communities Foundation has received two grants, so there will be some improvements on Turner Ridge Road. The first, in the amount of $3,700, came from the Governor’s Cabinet on Aging through the Community Connections Program…


An original poem from Marilou Suchar…

Name that film!

Identify the film in which this famous line originated and qualify to win FREE passes to The Maine Film Center, in Waterville: “I’m walking here! I’m walking here!” Email us at with subject “Name that film!” Deadline for submission is February 6, 2025.

Erskine Academy first trimester honor roll

CHINA — List of honor roll students at Erskine Academy….

Husson University announces Spring 2024 local academic award recipients

CENTRAL ME — Husson University has announced academic achievements of students recently named to the President’s List, Dean’s List and Honors List for the Spring 2024 semester of the 2023-2024 academic year…

Local happenings

EVENTS: Waterville Area Soup Kitchen to hold fundraiser

WATERVILLE – The Waterville Area Soup Kitchen will be holding its first fundraiser on Thursday, March 20, at the Elks Club, on Industrial Street, in Waterville. The event is a tropical themed winter getaway. The doors will open at 5 p.m…

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: China Lake ice fishing derby

CHINA – The 6th annual China Lake ice fishing derby will take place on Sunday, February 16, 2025. Cash payouts will be in several categories. Over $10,000 in door prizes. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10 and include fishing derby entry and chance for door prizes… and many other local events!


WINDSOR – Larry Marshall Honea, 68, passed away peacefully in his home on Saturday, December 28, 2024, following a long hard battle with cancer. He was born on July 10, 1956, a son of Lawrence and Carrie (Hollis) Honea…

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: China elementary schools (Continued into the 20th century) (new)

CHINA HISTORY — As mentioned in previous articles about 19th-century Maine elementary schools, in 1894 the state legislature passed a law that began, “The school districts in all towns in this state are hereby abolished”… by Mary Grow

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: China elementary schools

CHINA HISTORY — What is now the Town of China was settled in 1774, starting on the shores of China Lake, and promptly incorporated as Jones Plantation… by Mary Grow

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Clinton and Benton School

CLINTON/BENTON HISTORY — This subseries on education is organized by the dates the central Kennebec Valley towns were incorporated, and Clinton, in 1795, was next after Fairfield, in 1788. Therefore the history of education in Clinton, on the east side of the Kennebec River, opposite the northern part of Fairfield, follows the December 2024 articles on Fairfield… by Mary Grow

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Fairfield high schools

FAIRFIELD HISTORY — This article continues the history of schooling in Fairfield with information on the town’s high schools. It begins with conflicting information about where the first high school classes were held… by Mary Grow

Town Line Original Columnists


by Roland D. Hallee | One of the educational things I do for myself every day is read the comics in the daily newspaper. It kind of sets the tone for the rest of the day for me. I have my favorites: Peanuts, Hi and Lois, Beetle Bailey, Garfield, etc. I even like to read Mark Trail just to see what kind of adventure he sets out on, and invariably, brings to a successful and happy ending…


by Norma Best Boucher | Report card 1952, Kindergarten—Norma has a vivid imagination. Mrs. W: “How’s school going, Norma?” “Daddy, it’s only baby grade, and we only go in the morning.” “I know, but kindergarten is a big deal. What do you do in school?” “We read a big book on a chair about Dick and Jane. We color. We sing. We put our heads on the tables when the teacher reads us a story. We have “Show and Tell,” and we roll in the dirt and swear”…


by Melinda Myers | Report card 1952, Kindergarten—Norma has a vivid imagination. Mrs. W: “How’s school going, Norma?” “Daddy, it’s only baby grade, and we only go in the morning.” “I know, but kindergarten is a big deal. What do you do in school?” “We read a big book on a chair about Dick and Jane. We color. We sing. We put our heads on the tables when the teacher reads us a story. We have “Show and Tell,” and we roll in the dirt and swear”…


by Peter Cates | Former New York Governor Thomas Dewey (1902-1971) has been pretty much tossed in the dumpster of 20th century ancient American history, except for brief mentions as the Re­pub­lican opponent of FDR – Franklin Delano Roosevelt – in 1944 and of Harry S Truman, in 1948…


(NAPSI) | As you set your 2025 goals, don’t forget one resolution that can transform every aspect of your health and happiness: better sleep…