FOR YOUR HEALTH: News for older Americans

Do you need assistance finding local programs that can help you get food or address other critical needs that have arisen due to COVID-nineteen?

The Eldercare Locator stands ready to connect older adults, caregivers and professionals to local meals and community-based services that address critical needs and social isolation. One call or click to the Eldercare Locator at 800-6-7-7–1-1-1-6 or elder-care–dot–a-c-l–dot–gov, can connect older adults and their caregivers to local programs during the COVID-nineteen national health crisis. So, if an older adult in your life needs access to healthy meals, in-home and personal care services, transportation to critical medical appointments—or if elder abuse may be an issue—the Eldercare Locator can provide connections to local aging resources and support.

The Eldercare Locator is a free public service of the U.S. Administration for Community Living and is administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Find us online at elder-care–dot–a-c-l–dot–gov or give us a call at 800–6-7-7–1-1-1-6.

FOR YOUR HEALTH – The public health threat no one talks about: loneliness

Nearly half of all Americans daily wrestle with loneliness, especially those over the age of 65. Being lonely can also lead to health problems. Steps can be taken to keep loneliness at bay such as early intervention, using technology to make a connection with other people.

(NAPS)—There is a public health threat looming across the United States that’s not visible to most but affects nearly half of all Americans daily: loneliness. Social isolation is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and is twice as harmful as obesity.

Worst of all, loneliness is a contributing factor in senior suicides, which are rising in the U.S. While it is not something people like to think about, now more than ever, Americans must remove the stigma around mental health and spread awareness to better combat loneliness.

Many of the 12 million Americans over age 65 who live alone are entering the time of year where that lack of companionship and isolation is most palpable: winter. Whether physical or travel challenges keep seniors from attending family gatherings or the harsh weather deters them from venturing out for a social event, seniors can suffer from prolonged loneliness that can quickly manifest into more serious issues.

Loneliness does not have to be synonymous with getting older or with aging in place. Here are tips on how to help keep loneliness—and its negative health effects—at bay:

Intervene early: Spotting loneliness in yourself or someone you love can be difficult. The most common physical and behavioral signs of loneliness include persistent sadness, impaired cognitive performance, lower self-esteem, or lack of motivation and energy. Early intervention can positively affect one’s quality of life, so it’s important to address these symptoms as soon as possible before they become overwhelming.

Leverage technology: Technology can play a key role in reducing loneliness, ensuring seniors are always connected to loved ones and care teams who can monitor and interact with them. For example, Philips Cares is a mobile application that helps connect seniors who are subscribers to Philips Lifeline service with their family and friends, helping to enable these caregivers to be there for their aging loved ones, easing and enriching their aging journey.

Make a connection: Connecting with people, purpose and passions will help eliminate feelings of isolation. Consider organizing a reoccurring social gathering, such as a book club or a group fitness class. Explore local activities organized by a senior community center or find a National Council of Aging program through

Learn more

For further facts about the latest technology to help seniors stay connected with their care circle, visit or call (855) 223-7395.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Feeding A Global Need

Youth Hunger And Malnutrition Continue To Grow Helping children grow up strong and healthy are companies and non-profit organizations that provide kids with free meals when schools are closed. You can be part of the solution.

(NAPSI)—According to the United States Department of Agriculture, in the U.S., more than 12 million children receive free or reduced-price breakfast at school, and more than 29.7 million get lunch through the national school lunch program. For many, school meals are the only consistent food they get in a day and, while many school districts have continued distributing meals during the pandemic shutdown, when the school year ends, so do school meals. But there is hope and help.

Nationally, companies and non-profit organizations are partnering to help meet the needs in the community. One such partnership between Herbalife Nutrition and Feed the Children, a nonprofit organization, aims at solving the issue of food insecurity. The two organizations have united under the shared commitment to defeat hunger worldwide.

The Importance of Nutrition

The most vulnerable members of our society, children, rely on school meals and feeding programs to survive. Families living paycheck to paycheck may not have savings or support systems to help them. When children are guaranteed proper health and sanitation measures, they are able to prevent and fight disease, enabling them to develop both physically and mentally into strong children who become contributing members of their communities.

“As a nutrition company, we know that without adequate food and nutrition, children are unable to reach their full development potential both physically and mentally,” said Dr. Kent Bradley, Chief Health and Nutrition Officer, Herbalife Nutrition. “In working with Feed the Children, we’ve learned the extent of the issue of food insecurity.”

Disturbingly, 66 million school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. As the world continues to experience fear and uncertainty, resources become scarcer. The reality is that food-insecure families, especially kids, are going to be affected more than most.

Dr. Bradley adds, “as a global company providing healthy nutrition to millions of people around the world, we have a responsibility to help those in need of good nutrition.”

According to the Food Research and Action Center, many of the children who face a nutrition gap when the school year ends also are affected disproportionately by summer learning loss. Also known as the “summer slide,” this refers to the loss of academic skills and knowledge over the summer. This means these children return to school in the fall academically behind their peers and struggling to catch up before classes even begin.

Partnering Together

Companies, individual donors and community organizations are coming together to help vulnerable families and communities to ensure that millions who have lost access to food, don’t go hungry. In addition to programmatic support for Feed the Children, the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation has already donated $50,000 to the organization for its pandemic response efforts, through the company’s Nutrition for Zero Hunger initiative.

“Through our vast network of community and corporate partners, Feed the Children continues to work each day to ensure that no child is hungry. There are a variety of ways our community partners are delivering food and household essentials including door-to-door home delivery and drive-thru product pick-ups (food, water, hygiene items). Some community partners even have a call-in number to ensure those who are homebound or quarantined receive the items they need.” says Travis Arnold, CEO and President of Feed the Children.

Feed the Children is taking action to ensure communities aren’t forgotten. Eighty percent of their standard domestic work involves supplying community partners (such as food pantries and soup kitchens) with the bulk of the items they need to do their daily work.

To help Feed the Children in these efforts by donating cash, visit Businesses that can donate product (food, hygiene items, and the like) can call (800) 627-4556.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Every Young Man Should Know About This Type Of Cancer Prevention

Max Mallory succumbed to testicular cancer. Now, a foundation created in his name helps other young men save their own lives with information about the disease.

(NAPSI)—Young men and those who care about them should consider the story of Max Mallory. At 22 he graduated from college and started his dream job in the video game industry. He landed the job before graduation at the company where he had interned for almost a year. Set up in his own apartment, he started to live his life on his own and navigate the nuances of that first professional job.

Life was fine until mid-October, when Max experienced what seemed like stomach troubles and minor back pain. After two visits to urgent care centers where doctors prescribed antibiotics, he came home to stay with his dad and visit a urologist. He never made it to that medical appointment. Doubled over with sudden pain the next afternoon, he called 911. Late that evening in the emergency room, he heard the worrisome diagnosis: late-stage testicular cancer.

His cancer journey lasted only seven hard-fought months. He had an aggressive testicular cancer, choriocarcinoma. He passed away three days after he received the first round of stem cells.

He couldn’t have prevented his testicular cancer with self-exams, since he “was born with” one testicle that was healthy.

Be Aware of the Other Cause 

Mallory was born with one undescended testicle, known in medical terms as cryptorchidism and identified as the most common genital problem pediatricians encounter (Medscape). He had exploratory surgery at age one. He and his parents were told he was born with one testicle, that the undescended testicle they were looking for wasn’t there. Over the years, no one questioned this situation—though he regularly saw pediatricians.

His cancer did not appear as a lump or tumor on his testicle. The malignant mass rested in his lower abdomen. The acute back pain became the catalyst for action. Unknown to him, his “missing” testicle existed after all and developed into the cancerous tissue. By the time he made it to the E.D., it had already spread to other parts of his body.

What Can Be Done? 

For boys and men with two testicles, self-exam is key. Some schools, coaches and informed doctors have told these young men how to go about it. There are many sources online for the information; for example, the Mayo Clinic is a good place to check.

For those who have had an undescended testicle, it’s important to find out what was done about it. If it was surgically put in place (usually done in infancy), there is still a slightly higher risk of testicular cancer. Your doctor should know about this.

More Info 

The Max Mallory Foundation was founded in 2017 and provides awareness of testicular cancer not identified “with a lump” and self-exam. It also assists young adults with cancer, an underserved group and works in association with other testicular cancer organizations. The Foundation is a 501c(3) organization. Mallory’s full story is on the website,

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Stock Up On Healthful Food

Here’s a cool idea for troubled times: Stock up on healthful, veggie-ful frozen foods.

(NAPSI)—During these challenging times, people are avoiding the supermarket and, instead, stocking up on shelf-stable and frozen foods. Unfortunately, these can often be loaded with preservatives and lack nutrition. Many families also resort to take-out foods that can be high in sodium, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars.

“The best solution is to find healthy, prepared products that can be purchased in bulk at the supermarket, online and delivered to your doorstep,” advises consumer trends expert Merilee Kern.

One of Kern’s personal favorites is Veggies Made Great, which offers easy, family-friendly and delicious veggie-rich meals and snacks such as muffins, frittatas and veggie cakes. They can fill freezers and keep families healthy—even during stressful times.

Vegetables including carrots, zucchini and kale are the first and primary ingredients in any Veggies Made Great item, and all are free of gluten, soy, peanuts and dairy. Available in the freezer section, each is individually wrapped and can be quickly and easily heated in the oven or microwave. It’s an easy and tasty way to have veggie-driven nutrition on the menu every day.

You can find them at and locate retailers at

FOR YOUR HEALTH: What Is Your Migraine Treatment IQ?

(NAPSI)—There is no question, migraines can be hard to live with and treat. If you’re one of more than 36 million Americans living with migraine, you know that finding just the right acute treatment can be challenging. Keeping an open dialogue with your doctor will help make sure that he or she knows what types of migraine symptoms you suffer from so that a treatment plan can be tailored for you. Take this simple challenge to determine your Migraine Treatment IQ:

  • Do you experience nausea with or without vomiting that affects your ability to take oral medications?

If yes, you are not alone. According to a survey of migraine sufferers, as many as 90% of patients have experienced nausea during migraine attacks.2 Nausea or vomiting associated with migraines can make it difficult to take and to absorb oral medications.

  • When you suffer from migraine pain, are you sensitive to light and/or sound?

Migraine is the most common medical condition associated with light sensitivity. In fact, light sensitivity is one of the symptoms used to diagnose migraine. Between 85% and 90% of people with migraine feel sensitive to light.4 Sensitivity to sound is also a common migraine symptom. Sounds may make the head pain of migraine worse.

  • Have you tried one or more oral acute medication(s) and are not satisfied?

According to the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention Study, more than one-half of all adult migraine sufferers surveyed did NOT experience adequate pain freedom within 2 hours of taking their usual acute treatment.

In a separate survey, 37% of patients were not satisfied with how quickly their current migraine therapy worked.

  • Do you have a lifestyle that requires a portable and convenient-to-use migraine medication?

Ready-to-use and well-tolerated migraine treatments that offer straightforward administration and rapid pain relief are a good option for an active lifestyle.

If you and your healthcare provider decide that a fast-acting medication should be part of your treatment plan, consider options that fit best with your lifestyle. For example, a self-administered, portable treatment that requires one spray into one nostril may be a good choice for certain patients who are unable to tolerate an oral medication due to nausea. Tosymra® (sumatriptan nasal spray) 10 mg is a fast and powerful, ready-to-use nasal spray with mist-like administration used to treat acute migraine headaches with or without aura in adults. Tosymra works as quickly as an injection and can provide migraine pain relief in as few as 10 minutes for some patients (13% of patients vs. 5% for placebo). Tosymra is not for everyone. Do not use Tosymra if you have heart problems, narrowing of blood vessels (peripheral vascular disease), or uncontrolled high blood pressure. These are not all the reasons you should not take Tosymra.

For more information about acute migraine and Important Safety Information for Tosymra, including a link to full prescribing and patient information, visit or talk to your healthcare provider.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: COVID-19 Can Cause Kidney Injury, Yet Most Americans Don’t Know It

(NAPSI)—According to a recent Harris Poll, too many people don’t know all they should about the dangers of coronavirus—particularly how it can affect the kidneys.

COVID-19, it seems, attacks more than just the lungs.

In the new National Kidney Foundation-Harris Poll Survey on COVID-19 and Kidney Health, the findings show low levels of awareness on both the risk of developing an acute kidney injury as a result of COVID-19 and of the long-term effects of kidney damage.

“A significant number of patients going into the hospital to be treated for COVID-19 are coming out as kidney patients,” said Kevin Longino, CEO, National Kidney Foundation and a kidney transplant patient himself. “We believe this may be a looming healthcare crisis that will put a greater strain on hospitals, dialysis clinics and patients, for whom chronic kidney disease will be a lasting remnant of the coronavirus crisis—even after a vaccine is, hopefully, found.”

Acute kidney injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a sudden episode of kidney failure or kidney damage that happens within a few hours or a few days, and is happening in about 15 percent of all hospitalized coronavirus patients, many of whom now need dialysis.

If a patient ends up in the intensive care unit (ICU) their odds worsen; reports indicate that one in five intensive-care patients have lost kidney function. COVID-19 will likely result in a higher number of Americans with chronic kidney disease and/or kidney failure than before the pandemic. Once kidneys fail, dialysis or a transplant is needed to survive.

Hospital shortages

Hospitals aren’t prepared for the expected increase of kidney patients. In hot spots of the outbreak there are shortages of dialysis equipment, supplies and nurses properly trained to administer dialysis in the ICU. Most Americans, according to the Harris Poll, are concerned and want the federal government to step in.

Further, the Harris Poll found that the vast majority of Americans want the federal government to provide more resources toward diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of kidney disease, and significantly increased funding for kidney research because of kidney-related illness from COVID-19.

More poll results

The poll also found:

  • Only 17 percent Americans are aware of acute kidney injury as a result of COVID-19;
  • Only 46 percent of Americans are aware that COVID-19 will likely increase the number of Americans with chronic kidney disease or kidney failure;
  • 58 percent of Americans are aware that COVID-19 can cause acute respiratory failure;
  • 54 percent know it can cause pneumonia;
  • 52 percent of those surveyed know COVID-19 can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Learn More

Additional information about COVID-19 and how it affects kidneys can be found at

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Turn your summer vacation into a staycation

You and your family can have a fun vacation without ever leaving home.

by Samantha Clayton, certified personal trainer

For many people, social distancing brings concern about summer plans. In previous years, summertime was when families planned their vacations. The kids would be out of school, the weather could be fantastic, and the days are longer — allowing optimal time to venture to new places, catch some sun and spend more time with friends and families.

Since you may have already been spending a lot more time with your family then you ever imagined due to coronavirus outbreak, you may be looking for ways to keep your family entertained. Between possibly working from home, managing your kids’ schoolwork and maintaining a functioning household, this time probably hasn’t felt much like a vacation.

Social distancing guidelines are likely to remain in effect in many places during the summer. Activities and entertainment options, lodging, and dining will be affected. The good news is, you really don’t have to totally give up on enjoying the summer at home with your family. Here are some tips to make your staycation exciting for the whole family.

Fit Focused Days

Plan hiking trips or long walks or bike rides close to home. Enjoy nearby parks and take time to look over the architecture in your neighborhood. A quick Google search of interesting facts can help you to plan what you want to go to see. Being a tourist in your own community will help you have a greater appreciation for the place. Challenge your kids to identify certain plants, landmarks or wildlife when you’re out walking. It will make the walks more engaging. Having prizes helps with motivation, too. Additionally, backyard games can be a blast — sprinklers, hula hoops and jump rope are things kids love.

Embrace The Farmers’ Markets

A trip to a farmers’ market is not just a treat, it’s a great way to shop locally. Many of them have adopted social distancing guidelines, so they can be safe for family outings. These markets usually have beautiful fresh and seasonal options to explore, and perhaps find some fascinating new fruits and vegetables. Also, getting the kids involved in selecting ingredients for your meals may help spark their interest in healthier eating. Breaking your usual grocery shopping routine by browsing the stalls in beautiful weather can help spark a vacation vibe.

Create Your Own At-Home Retreats

With a little planning, you can make your own backyard or home feel like an enchanting vacation spot. For a spa weekend, buy or make your favorite products, and set up time to relax and treat yourself. Turn off all your tech distractions, set up a space outside or in a quiet room. You can even make spa water by cutting up some cucumber or fruit to flavor the water. Consider creating your own yoga retreat. Turn to your favorite online trainer, set up your mat in a designated space, light some candles or incense, and be sure to practice daily, with relaxing music. It’s all about being creative.

Travel With Your Cooking

With travel on the back burner, consider themed cooking nights to help transport your taste buds to any destination. It can be really fun to make drinks, shakes and meals with ingredients from places that are on your future travel list. Enjoy a nice Italian spritzer with your pasta one night, try cooking a beautiful curry meal or ordering takeout from a restaurant you’ve never tried before. Take it a step further and print out some fun-facts you can find online or rent a movie about the particular culture you’ll be indulging in that night; it’s a great opportunity for your family to learn about other cultures through food.

Finally, take time to plan out your staycation in the same way you would with a travel vacation. Having an itinerary of what you want to do helps to prevent the lazy, do-nothing blues from taking over. A vacation is about rest, relaxation, discovery and recreation — all of those things can be accomplished right where you are. Studies have shown a positive correlation between taking vacation time and an overall feeling of well-being, so no matter what’s on your itinerary, make sure to thoroughly enjoy yourself.

Samantha Clayton is the vice president, Sports Performance and Fitness, Herbalife Nutrition. She’s also the mother of four and lives in Los Angeles with her family. You can find further tips and facts at

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Kitchen Design with Health and Ergonomics in Mind

A well-designed sink can enhance the workflow.

(NAPSI)—Whether you’re among the 50 million Americans over 65 (90 percent of whom hope to continue to age at home), the 60 percent of families with children at home, have other ability issues or safety concerns or think you could someday, incorporating ergonomic elements that promote a seamless experience in the kitchen can make it a more comfortable place for everyone for many years to come.

Smart Sinks

Given the amount of time spent in front of the sink, selecting one that considers your lifestyle and how you cook should be a priority. Details such as the durability and hygienic qualities of a sink’s material along with its style and size can impact efficiency and comfort.

For example, the latest sink from BLANCO, a manufacturer of finely crafted sinks, is designed to enhance workflow and accommodate all users. A first of its kind, the IKON® 33” Apron 1 3/4 Bowl with Low Divide sink is made with the brand’s exclusive SILGRANIT granite composite material. Easy to clean and scratch resistant, patented SILGRANIT material is a repellent, nonporous surface that eliminates the need to use harsh chemicals when cleaning.

The IKON sink also has a convenient low divide that sits just 5 1/2” from the sink bottom, making it easier to handle large pots and baking sheets while still dividing the sink into cleaning and prepping bowls. The apron front or farmhouse design, minimizes the need to lean over as much and so helps reduce strain.

Optional accessories further enhance comfort and workflow. A floating grid provides an extra level within the sink so handling hot and heavy pots can be safer and easier. A Floating Cutting Board that fits right on top of the sink instantly creates another workspace beyond the countertop.


Semi-professional and pull-down faucet models help make clean-up more efficient with their easy-to-maneuver design and powerful dual spray features. To make washing hands, food and dishes easier, consider a faucet with sensor technology such as the BLANCO SOLENTA™ Senso Semi-Professional Kitchen Faucet that lets you turn on the water with a wave of your hand. You don’t have to touch the faucet with your hands to get them clean—or if they’re full.

Other ways to enhance the ergonomics in your kitchen include:

  • Use drawers instead of cabinets for storage so there’s less reaching
  • Install different countertop heights to accommodate various users
  • Raise the height of the dishwasher and oven if you can
  • Select nonporous counter materials like quartz that are easy to keep clean
  • Use LED lights for more brightness from less energy and that are cool to the touch
  • Consider an easy-to-clean induction cooking surface—it can reduce energy costs, too

Learn More

For further facts about sinks and faucets that can make your kitchen safer, more efficient and even better looking, visit

FOR YOUR HEALTH – The Safety of Mushrooms: From Harvest to Home

Mushrooms, that tasty, versatile superfood, are harvested very carefully, with both worker and consumer health and safety in mind.

(NAPSI)—With new procedures and protocols from the impact of COVID-19, mushroom farms around the country are building on their strong foundations of safety.

Consider Maria. Before she begins her shift at the local mushroom farm’s packing facility, she pulls essential items from her locker: facemask, hairnet, gloves and a smock. Now in “uniform,” she takes her place on the processing line, 6 feet apart from colleagues, where she fills tills of the mushrooms that find their way to your grocery store. What may surprise many people to learn is that the items Maria puts on before each shift are nothing new—they have been part of Maria’s uniform since she began packing eight years ago.

With the advent of COVID-19, all segments of agriculture have had to adapt their business practices. For mushroom farms, that means leaning in and building on their strong foundations of safety, quality and excellence to continue to provide this nutritious “superfood” to the public.

Mushroom farms and their packing houses, like other commodities, comply strictly, every hour of every day, to food safety and worker protection laws under U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other federal, state and local regulators. Farms are inspected routinely, often unannounced. So, for Maria, learning new guidelines wasn’t difficult. She was glad to find there’s no connection between the spread of the Coronavirus and the food supply chain—you can’t catch COVID-19 from food.

With a myriad of safety procedures already in place, mushroom operations quickly incorporated COVID-19 guidelines—including requiring harvesters, packers and shippers to social distance, increase handwashing and increase the frequency of sanitizing processes, among other protocols. While public attention on farm and food worker safety has heightened, today and every day, facilities that grow, harvest and pack mushrooms are continually and steadfastly making the safety of both their workers and their products their top priority.

That’s good when you think about all the benefits mushrooms bring to consumers. Mushrooms have long been celebrated for their gluten-free, powerful nutrients and low calories, sodium, fat and cholesterol.

Your immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect you from infection and maintain your overall health. Mushrooms have unique levels of selenium and vitamins D and B that support immune systems.

So, the next time you’re social distancing in the grocery store, you may want to pick up a till of mushrooms and use them in your favorite dishes. Who knows, maybe they will have been packed by Maria.