SCORES & OUTDOORS: Lately, I’ve been getting a “rash” of questions about poison ivy

poison ivy leaves

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

For some reason, this summer, I am getting more and more questions about poison ivy. Where is it? What does it look like? What do you do about it and how do you treat it?

All very legitimate questions.

As we all know, poison ivy and other members of its family can cause a lot of misery to humans should they make contact with the toxic plant.

Poison ivy, Toxicodendron radicans, is a member of the cashew family. It usually grows as a vine twining on tree trunks or crawls along the ground. It is generally found in all states in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains and southern Canada, specifically Québec, Ontario and Manitoba.

It may grow as a forest understory plant, although it is only somewhat shade tolerant. The plant is extremely common in suburban areas of New England. It can grow in many types of soil, and is not sensitive to soil moisture, although it does not grow in arid conditions.

The leaves of the poison ivy are red in the spring, turning to a shiny green later. Come fall, they turn yellow, red or orange. Each leaf is made up of three leaflets more or less notched at the edges. However, don’t let that be the determining factor. Some leaves have smooth edges. Two of the leaves appear opposite each other on the stem while the third one stands alone at the tip. Later in the season, clusters of poisonous, whitish, waxy looking berries will form.

Many people have difficulty identifying the plants because it can look like other plants, while, sometimes, other plants are mistaken as poison ivy.

Obviously, contact with the plant should be avoided. You can become infected simply by walking through the bush, taking off your shoes, and making contact with your skin.

Poison ivy in the U.S. is more common now than when Europeans first arrived in North America. The development of real estate adjacent to wild, undeveloped land caused the plant to spread into vast, lush colonies in these areas. Also, birds will eat the berries and transplant them on new areas along with their droppings. It’s also spread by other animals as the seeds remain viable after passing through the digestive system.

A study by researchers at the University of Georgia found poison ivy is particularly sensitive to carbon dioxide levels, increasing in numbers due to a higher concentration in the atmosphere. Poison ivy’s growth has doubled since the 1960s, and could possibly double again as the carbon dioxide levels continue to rise.

What do you do once you’ve made contact and develop a skin rash. There is some hope. Efforts to destroy these plants by uprooting or by spraying chemicals have been somewhat ineffective. Caution: whatever you do, do not burn the plant. Its toxins will filter into the air, and if breathed, can cause irritation in the lungs. Not a very pleasant experience.

The oil on the leaves is known as urushiol. The urushiol compound in poison ivy is not meant as a defensive measure, but rather helps the plant retain water. It is frequently eaten by animals such as deer and bears. Statistically, about 15 percent to 30 percent of people have no allergic reaction to the urushiol. Fortunately, I fall in that category.

Once contact has been made, it takes some time for it to penetrate the skin and do damage. Before this happens, it is wise to wash the skin completely several times with plenty of soap and water. Some experts say that washing within the first hour may help limit the rash. Care should be taken not to touch any other parts of the body, for even tiny amounts of the oil will cause irritation. Also, wash the clothing immediately. If poisoning develops, the blisters and red, itching skin may be treated with dressings of calamine lotion, Epsom salts, or bicarbonate of soda. Dermatologists recommend a simple oatmeal bath and baking soda as a possible remedy. Scientists have developed a vaccine that can be injected or swallowed. But this is effective only if taken before exposure.

So, now we know a little more about poison ivy. But, always remember this: “Leaves of three, let it be.”

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Have the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs ever met in a World Series?

Yes, in 1918.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: What’s the difference between a cobweb and a spider web?

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

This may not have anything to do with nature, but I think it qualifies.

Nothing is more irritating, to me, at least, than walking into a cobweb as I’m exiting the house or camp. So, that prompted the question, what is the difference between a cobweb and a spider web?

The term “spider web” is typically used to refer to a web that is apparently still in use (i.e., clean), whereas “cobweb” refers to a seemingly abandoned (i.e., dusty) web. However, the word “cobweb” is also used by biologists to describe the tangled three-dimensional web of some spiders of the family Theridiidae.

File this one under “T ”, for “Today I Learned….” Despite emitting from the same arachnid derrière, spider webs and cobwebs are not the same thing. Spider webs are the sticky traps spiders set to capture their supper; cobwebs are but a shadow of their former spider web self.

Typically, a cobweb is an abandoned spider web. The sticky silk of a spider web is excellent at catching insects, so naturally, it’s great at collecting dust. This is especially possible in hard-to-reach areas, like ceiling corners, that are infrequently dusted.

Cobwebs are tangled and irregularly designed webs. Spider webs are more elegant and sophistically designed. Cobwebs are also comprised of a different type of silk than the spider web.

Unlike spider webs, which spiders use to catch and trap their prey, cobwebs are vacant “homes” spiders have abandoned to move on to greener pastures – in this case, usually just a new area of your house. The stray spider silk left behind is incredibly sticky and a magnet for pollen, dust particles, and other debris. This is why, when you discover cobwebs, they appear dirty and loose, instead of elastic and tight as a new spider web.

While they may not pose any real danger, these sticky nuisances certainly don’t add to the aesthetics. Moreover, they tend to accumulate dust, making your space feel less inviting. If your house is starting to resemble a spooky Halloween scene with cobwebs adorning every corner, it’s time to take action. Dust and clean your home regularly. This doesn’t allow a spider to build a web. Dusting regularly doesn’t just keep the webs away, but also ensures other insects attracting elements are cleaned from your house, keeping the prey away, also.

If you’re seeing a lot of spiderwebs in and around your home, it’s likely you’ve incurred a pretty sizeable spider infestation. Spiders typically hide until they have no choice but to come out into the open, so there could be a lot more than you think.

Ways to spider-proof your house:

– Lemon peels. Spiders hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges. …
– Peppermint Oil. This makes a surprisingly great, natural bug repellent. …
– Keep your house clutter-free.
– Close windows at night. …
– White vinegar. …
– Limit lights.

Now, this may sound strange, and it might even be directed at some of our friends, since my wife strongly believes Vicks VapoRub can be used for many cures.

Because of this, Vicks VapoRub is the perfect deterrent – it uses eucalyptus and menthol to open your nasal passages, which is much too strong of a scent for an arachnid. In addition to peppermint, which was mentioned earlier, you can try using essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus, as spiders tend to dislike these scents. You can create a homemade spider-repellent spray by mixing a few drops of these essential oils with water and applying it to spider-prone areas.

The smell of cinnamon also repels these arachnids. Spiders prefer to maintain a fair distance away from them. Ultimately, cinnamon oil will also fight other insects and keep them away, so it’s not for spiders only. Mix cinnamon oil with water, dip a cotton ball in, then wipe the mixture in spider-prone areas.

How about moth balls? My wife and I use them liberally when closing up camp in the fall to discourage mice from entering the shelter. Contrary to what many believe, these moth balls really work. So…

As the mothball disintegrates, the chemical is released into the air. The foul scent that is released becomes a spider repellent and gets rid of spiders. They are repelled by this naturally occurring scent. With that being said, spiders will avoid mothballs at all costs.

Will dryer sheets work? Dryer sheets are rumored to protect against much more than static cling. But there is no scientific research to back up these claims.

Finally, my wife and I use small electronic devices to discourage spiders from entering our camp. You can buy them at The Home Depot, Tractor Supply, Agway and Aubuchon Hardware. They are small plug-ins that have a small blinking red light, and the sound of a “tick” every few seconds. They work very well.

So, we’ve learned quite a bit about spiders, their webs and repellants today. Now, if you’re not a fan of spiders, like I, get to work.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

What “curse” prevented the Red Sox winning the World Series for 85 years?.

Curse of the Bambino. (A supposed curse placed on the Red Sox when they traded Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees.)

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Have you seen this invasive plant hopper?

The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula.

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

Have you seen one of these?

The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, is an invasive planthopper that feeds on a wide range of plants, including grapes, hops, stone fruits, and hardwood trees. When the spotted lanternfly feeds, it excretes a sticky, sugary fluid that causes sooty mold, which can further damage plants. Its preferred host is tree of heaven. Today 17 states have some degree of infestation.

The spotted lanternfly is a hitchhiking pest that is native to Asia. It lays its eggs on any hard surface including grills, vehicles, trailers, firewood, outdoor furniture, bikes and toys. The pest was first detected in 2014 in Pennsylvania. It likely arrived in the United States on goods shipped from overseas.

The spotted lanternfly can harm our fruit and forest industries. Early detection is a critical step to mitigating economic and ecological losses. Residents in SLF quarantine areas should check outdoor items before traveling to new areas. Here’s what to look for:

Nymphs (juvenile spotted lanternflies) are black with white spots and turn red as they develop.

Adults, roughly one-inch long and 1/2-inch wide, have a yellow, black-barred abdomen. With large, visually striking wings, adult spotted lanternflies can be easier to spot than other pests. They have brown forewings with black spots at the front and a speckled band at the rear. Their hind wings are scarlet with black spots at the front and white and black bars at the rear.

Newly laid egg masses (holding 30-50 eggs) resemble wet, gray putty before turning dull and brown, mirroring a smear of cracked mud. The one-inch long egg masses can be seen in fall, winter, and spring on a variety of smooth surfaces, such as trees, bricks, stones, fences, grills, equipment, and vehicles.

When spotted lanternflies feed on plants, they leave behind a sticky, oozing residue called honeydew. This substance attracts other insects, causes mold growth, and further hurts plants.

As honeydew ferments, it can develop an intense, rotten smell.

One of the best places to look for these pests is on a tree-of-heaven, a favorite plant for spotted lanternflies. The tree has a cantaloupe-like texture, with bark that appears light brown to gray. The leaves are large, one to four feet in length. These leaves are made up of many smaller leaflets on both sides of a central stem.

Spotted lanternflies (both nymphs and adults) frequently gather in large numbers when feeding. They’re easiest to spot at dusk or at night as they migrate up and down the trunk of a plant. During the day, they tend to cluster near the base or canopy of a plant, making them more difficult to see.

While there is no active infestation of the spotted lanternfly in Maine, spotted lanternfly eggs were discovered in the Pine Tree State in 2020. Spotted lanternfly has also been seen in neighboring New Hampshire.

Not sure if you’ve seen a spotted lantern fly? If you think you see any of the life stages of the spotted lanternfly, please report it to

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

In the 1971 Olympics, Nadia Comaneci was the first gymnast to record a perfect score. What country was she representing?


SCORES & OUTDOORS: Dragonflies appear by the dozens

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

While driving into work one morning last week, I hit a swarm of dragonflies along the Seaward Mills Road, in Vassalboro. It resembled snow coming at you while driving through a storm. They were coming at me too fast for me to even get an educated guess as to how many there were.

A dragonfly is a flying insect. About 3,000 extant species of dragonflies are known. Most are tropical, with fewer species in temperate regions. Loss of wetland habitat threatens dragonfly populations around the world. Adult dragonflies are characterized by a pair of large, multifaceted, compound eyes, two pairs of strong, transparent wings, sometimes with colored patches, and an elongated body. Many dragonflies have brilliant iridescent or metallic colors produced by structural coloration, making them conspicuous in flight.

Dragonflies can be mistaken for the closely related damselflies, and are similar in body plan, though usually lighter in build; however, the wings of most dragonflies are held flat and away from the body, while damselflies hold their wings folded at rest, along or above the abdomen. Dragonflies are agile fliers, while damselflies have a weaker, fluttery flight. Dragonflies make use of motion camouflage when attacking prey or rivals.

Dragonflies are predatory insects, both in their aquatic nymphal stage and as adults. In some species, the nymphal stage lasts up to five years, and the adult stage may be as long as 10 weeks, but most species have an adult lifespan in the order of five weeks or fewer, and some survive for only a few days.

They are fast, agile fliers capable of highly accurate aerial ambush, sometimes migrating across oceans, and often live near water.

I remember one evening a few yearas ago when my wife and I went out fishing. It was just before dark, and we were fishing the shoreland for bass. We were being pestered by mosquitoes. Then, out of the blue, came a squadron of dragonflies that started to consume the mosquitoes. For the rest of the time we were on the lake that swarm of dragonflies followed us. We were not bothered by mosquitoes, again.

Dragonflies have a uniquely complex mode of reproduction involving indirect insemination, delayed fertilization, and sperm competition. During mating, the male grasps the female at the back of the head, and the female curls her abdomen under her body to pick up sperm from the male’s secondary genitalia at the front of his abdomen, forming the “heart” or “wheel” posture.

Fossils of very large dragonfly-like insects, sometimes called griffinflies, are found from 325 million years ago. They were only distant relatives, not true dragonflies which first appeared during the Early Jurassic.

Dragonflies are represented in human culture on artifacts such as pottery, rock paintings, statues, and Art Nouveau jewelry. They are used in traditional medicine in Japan and China, and caught for food in Indonesia. They are symbols of courage, strength, and happiness in Japan, but seen as sinister in European folklore. Their bright colors and agile flight are admired in the poetry of Lord Tennyson and the prose of H. E. Bates.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Name the small town in Indiana where Boston Celtics Hall of Famer Larry Bird was born.

French Lick, Indiana.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: It’s caterpillar season in Maine

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

Spring has arrived in Maine, and with it, the Maine Forest Service and others have been fielding caterpillar questions. Caterpillars are essential food for many other animals, including insects, birds, mammals, and even fish! However, sometimes caterpillars from our trees and shrubs become nuisances around our homes and workplaces, and outbreak populations can threaten tree health. The caterpillars of forest tent, eastern tent and browntail moths are beginning to make their presence known.

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry urges you to take a responsible approach to living with the caterpillars in your developed landscape and avoid causing unnecessary harm to the environment and human health.

Remember that caterpillars play an important role in the environment; what you consider a pest may be someone else’s meal.
Consider no-action as a valid strategy. Sometimes, it is the most reasonable approach, but often, there are small steps you can take to reduce impacts.
If populations are unbearable or threaten a high-value ornamental tree’s health, correctly identify the caterpillar and begin with the least-toxic approach.

It is against the law to apply pesticides in ways that do not comply with label directions. Improper pesticide use can threaten human and environmental health.

The Maine Board of Pesticide Control does not recommend home-remedy pesticides. In some cases, they are illegal.

What follows are some less toxic approaches to managing tent caterpillars.

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Tent caterpillar

This is a native caterpillar that feeds on fruit trees and shrubs (Rose family species such as cherries, apples, serviceberries, and hawthorns). It can strip ornamental and fruit trees but it is not a significant forest or human health threat in Maine. If you see them in a tree that you don’t want them to remain in throughout their caterpillar season you can:

Remove unhatched egg masses. This only will apply in cooler spots in the coldest areas of the state. We have already seen the start of eastern tent caterpillar hatch all the way to northern Aroostook County this year. Next winter, consider scouting these trees for egg masses so you can remove those prior to hatch.

Strip young colonies of caterpillars from branches within reach using gloved fingers.
Relocate developing nests to a woodland fruit tree like a black cherry or serviceberry. If you remove the twig it is on, sanitize pruning tools before use and between cuts. These caterpillars host some generalist predators and parasitoids that can help reduce other caterpillar populations.

Remove and destroy the nest. You can strip them off using your hands, or, with larger nests, put a forked twig or pole with a nail into the web, twist it, then pull the nest off. Done in the early morning or on a rainy day, you will remove most of the caterpillars that use the nest.

Forest Tent Caterpillar

Forest tent caterpillar

This is a native caterpillar that has boom and bust population cycles. Parts of Aroostook County have had several years of high populations of this insect, with caterpillars especially abundant on aspen species and also feeding on other hardwood trees and shrubs.

It is important to know that hardwood trees can tolerate a couple of years of severe defoliation before showing long-term health impacts, assuming other stresses, like drought, are not present. As a native species, this caterpillar provides important food for other species, including enemies of other insect pests.

On small, ornamental trees and shrubs, the egg masses can be removed by hand and destroyed. Note that hatch has started in northern Aroostook County and will take place over several days.

Young colonies of caterpillars can be removed from branch tips or squashed while they rest on the main stem, especially in the evening or on cool days.

In larger established landscapes experiencing their first year of defoliation, healthy trees will pull through. If this will be beyond the second year, you expect more than a third of the leaves to be consumed, you may want to consider insecticide treatment. We recommend working with a licensed pesticide applicator to treat established ornamental trees. They may use a foliar application of insecticide or a systemic treatment. If applied early enough in the life cycle, BtK, an active ingredient that has action specifically against caterpillars, can be used. It must be applied to the leaves of trees that young caterpillars are actively feeding on to be effective.

Be aware that the period of wandering caterpillars is short. Sometimes, just waiting them out is the most practical solution. If caterpillars are a nuisance around the home, they can be washed from hard surfaces like decks and siding with a strong stream of water or brushed off with a stiff-bristled broom. Where possible, follow that by removing them using a wet canister shop vac. A shop vac with a couple of inches of water in the canister can also be used to remove caterpillars from hard surfaces within reach. A couple of drops of soap added to the water will break surface tension and allow the water to suffocate the caterpillars. Be aware if you don’t clean them up, they may just climb right back where they were.

Cocoons on siding and other surfaces may be removed by a stiff-bristled broom. Test this approach in a small area first to see if the surface can withstand the treatment.

Browntail Moth

browntail moth caterpillar

This non-native species is also in an epidemic population stage in parts of Maine. Because the hairs on the caterpillar have human health impacts, if you choose to remove caterpillars, be sure to do so only after taking precautions to prevent exposure. Our website has detailed management tips for browntail moth. You can also subscribe to our browntail moth updates for more details on this insect.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Renewed deer tick alert

Deer tick, left, and engorged, right.

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

There is nothing like beating a subject to death. But, in this case, it’s worth every word.

You have to be living in a cave not to know that deer ticks are at an all time high. They are everywhere. Friends and family have told me stories about their encounters with the insect, and they all have one thing in common. They have all had multiple numbers on them at one time.

Also, as you know, deer ticks are hazardous to your health, primarily because they are the carriers of the dreaded Lyme Disease. In the last decade alone, the population of ticks of all kinds has ballooned in the United States. The number of ticks that carry Lyme disease has been on the rise in the mid-Atlantic states, and has skyrocketed throughout the Northeast. It has gained a reputation as a serious health problem in many areas.

On top of that, with most of us trying to get outdoors this time of year (opening camps is a real concern), and with the recent mild winter we experienced, the deer ticks are already active and will be out in force this summer.

Only adult female ticks and nymphs can transmit infections through their bite. Male ticks attach, but they don’t feed or become engorged. Adult females have red and brown bodies and are larger than males. Nymphs are actively feeding between early April and early August.

Although not all deer ticks are infected with Lyme disease, you never really know. Only ticks that have fed on infected mammals are diseased. About half of deer ticks are infected (usually white-footed mice can be other culprits).

Deer ticks live two to three years, and in that time usually enjoy three blood meals. In the spring and summer of its second year, a nymph will take its second meal. They insert their mouth parts into the skin much like a corkscrew, which ensures them a nice tight grasp. They often take up to five days to complete their meal.

This fact is key to reducing panic when discovering a tick. An infected tick must be attached to its host for at least 24 hours, and up to 48 hours to transmit the disease. It’s the very reason for checking your body right away after any possible exposure to a tick-infested environment.

Deer ticks crawl. They usually grab onto people or animals that brush up against plants near ground level, and then they crawl upwards to find a quiet place for their blood meal ­– the inner thigh and in the hair line behind the neck are a couple of “favorite” spots. Although many sources will state that ticks don’t land on you from an overhanging tree branch, many people have insisted it has happened to them.

Ticks live in wooded, brushy areas that provide food and cover for mice, deer and other mammals. The ideal tick environment is humid. Your exposure will be greatest along trails in the woods and fringe areas between woods and the border, where they will wait patiently on the tips of vegetation for an unsuspecting host to walk by.

Life is too short to avoid the outdoors during our short spring, summer and fall. In Maine, that is about half the year. There is no need to be brave, just be smart: cover your body; wear repellant; check yourself for ticks, if you find a tick, remove it immediately; shower soon after being outdoors; throw clothing in the dryer, that will kill any ticks present; and finally, if you are concerned, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.

The best way to remove a tick is to use fine-point tweezers and grab the tick as close to the skin surface as possible. Pull backwards gently but firmly, using an even, steady pressure. Do your best not to jerk or twist. Don’t squeeze, crush or puncture the tick’s body, the fluids inside may contain infection-causing organisms. After removing the tick, wash the skin and your hands thoroughly with hot soap and water. If any mouth part of the tick remain in the skin, leave them alone. They will be expelled on their own. It could take weeks. Trying to remove them will only cause you unnecessary pain.

For the deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, deer are the preferred host, but they can also be found in small rodents. After the female is engorged, the tick drops off and overwinters in the leaf litter of the forest floor. The following spring, she will lay several hundred to a few thousand eggs in clusters. They are very hardy creatures. They will be active even after a moderate to severe frost, as daytime temperatures can warm them enough to keep them actively searching for a host. In the spring, they are one of the first invertebrates to become active.

It may be monotonous to keep hearing about the health hazards of being infected by a deer tick, but it’s one that needs to be repeated.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

The 1927 New York Yankees batting order, including Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, was known by what nickname?

Murderer’s Row.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Need a thermometer? Try the snowy tree cricket

Snowy tree cricket

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

Over the last 50 years or so of my adult life, I have been involved in many activities, including coaching sports at the youth and high school levels, and have done my share of local political participation. So, in exposing myself to critics, I have been called some unflattering names. Some more colorful than others. But, one thing of which I have never been accused is being a nerd.

So, with that, I must make a confession. Although skeptical at first, I have become a follower of the now defunct TV sitcom, The Big Bang Theory. That group of nerds deals solely in science, and very rarely on practicality. My original evaluation of the show was that no one could be that nerdy. So, in one recent rerun episode, Sheldon, the “top” nerd of the group, talked about the Snowy Tree Cricket.

That was a good one. Who made up that name? It sounds contrary to anything about crickets I know. Well, I looked it up, and sure enough, it actually exists.

This is what I found. The snowy tree cricket, Oecanthus fultoni, also known as the thermometer cricket, is a species of tree cricket from North America. It feeds on leaves but also damages fruit. The chirp of this species is often dubbed onto sound tracks of films and television shows to depict a quiet summer’s night, or ridicule from an audience attending a comic’s show when they don’t think the joke was funny. The rate of chirp varies depending on the heat of the environment, allowing a listener to estimate the temperature.

The cricket’s common name of the thermometer cricket is derived from a relationship between the rate of its chirps and the temperature. An estimate of the temperature in Fahrenheit can be made by adding 40 to the number of chirps made in 15 seconds. Before 1960, the name Oecanthus niveus was wrongly applied to this species. Oecanthus fultoni was named in honor of Bentley Ball Fulton (1880 – 1960), an American entomologist who laid the principal groundwork on North American cricket classification.

Of course, if you are really interested in using the snowy tree cricket as a thermometer, you should calibrate your local crickets against a thermometer placed near where they sing. Count their chirps per minute at a variety of temperatures, graph the results, draw a line that fits the points, and use a little algebra to arrive at a handy formula.

The species is about a half inch long and is light green with translucent light green wings. It has black marks on the first and second antennal segments, that are either round or oval shaped, and is about half the length of a segment. The antennae are longer than its body and it has a small head. The eggs are pale yellow and shaped like a kidney. Its nymphs are pale and slender with wings that are not completely developed. The nymphs develop wings slowly. It has one generation per year.

American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne said of the species’ chirps, “If moonlight could be heard, it would sound just like that.”

The species can be found throughout the United States except the southeastern part of the country. In Maine, they are predominantly in York and Cumberland counties. It is located in shrubs, vines, fruit trees, broad-leaved trees, and oaks. The cricket can rarely be found in grass. Adults of the species can be found from mid-July to mid-November. The cricket can sometimes be so high in oak trees that its chirp is the only way to identify it.

Both nymphs and adults feed on leaves and their feeding causes barely any damage. The cricket is known to destroy apples, plums, peaches, and cherries. The female drills a hole into a twig’s cambium in which to lay its egg. It then makes a row of punctures on one side of the hole and seals it with either excrement or chewed plant tissue once the egg is placed. Adults of the species eat holes in ripe fruits which results in the fruit rotting. It normally does not cause any damage in orchards that are consistently sprayed.

There is yet more to know about the song of the snowy tree cricket. Although Sheldon talked about it, the cricket never did make an appearance.

Not quite the whole show

Well, I caved in. At first showing no interest in the solar eclipse that occurred on April 8, a colleague came into the office with some extra pairs of viewing glasses. My curiosity took over.

I sat outside for approximately 25 minutes, and from my vantage point in China, I witnessed what I would classify as a 98.5 percent eclipse. In that 25 minutes, it never came to totality.

Oh well, there’s always 2044.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

In how many Stanley Cup finals did Boston Bruins’ defenseman Bobby Orr play?

Two. 1970 and 1972, winning the Stanley Cup both times.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: The squash (pumpkin) bug; you don’t want this fella in your cucurbits

Squash bug

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

Have you ever heard of a pumpkin bug? Well, neither had I until someone asked about them.

The pumpkin bug, or squash bug, are also called stink bugs, but are not the traditional stink bug. Although some pumpkin bugs are called stink bugs, not all stink bugs are pumpkin bugs. If you ever spot a sizable green stink bug, there’s a good chance that it’s a pumpkin bug. They are similar in appearance to stink bugs because they both have a foul odor when squashed. However, stink bugs are wider and rounder.

The squash bug, Anasa tristis, is common throughout the United States. It primarily attacks squash and pumpkins but can also attack other cucurbits, such as cucumbers.

They are the bane of a gardener. They are difficult to kill and can cause a lot of havoc.

The adult bugs are somewhat flat, large insects, measuring 5/8 inch long and 1/3 inch wide. They are usually dark gray to dark brown. The edges of the abdomens protrude beyond their wings and typically have alternating orangish and brown stripes. They are able to fly, however they often simply walk around on plants.

These bugs overwinter as adults in sheltered places, such as under plant debris, around buildings, or under rocks. When adults emerge in the spring, they fly to growing cucurbit plants to feed and mate. Females lay eggs individually in small clusters of about 20 commonly on the undersides of the leaves, especially between the veins where they form a V. The females usually begin to appear in gardens in early June, and continue to lay eggs through mid-summer.

These bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts they use to suck the sap out of leaves. This process produces yellow spots that eventually turn brown, and disrupts the flow of water and nutrients, which can cause wilting. Young plants are more susceptible to extensive damage. Larger, more vigorous plants are more tolerant of feeding damage, although they can also be injured or killed if they are severely attacked.

These bugs inject a toxin into the plant and suck the sap right out of it with their sharp mouthparts. This causes yellow spots that eventually turn brown. The leaves will wilt because the damage prevents the flow of nutrients to the leaves, and then they will dry up and turn black.

The most important times to control squash bugs are when the plants are young seedlings and when they are flowering. Early detection is important because adult squash bugs are difficult to kill.

Remove or knock off and kill nymphs and adults by dropping them into a bucket of soapy water. This can be challenging because the bugs hide under leaves and move quickly when disturbed.

Crush the eggs that are attached to the undersides and stems of leaves.

Trap the bugs by laying out boards or pieces of newspaper. The bugs will congregate under the boards at night, and then can be collected and destroyed in the morning.

Check your plants daily. If there are no more than a few vines infected, keep collecting and destroying the bugs and crushing the egg clusters that you find.

Insecticides are not generally needed to control these bugs. They can be used if cucurbits are found wilting early in the season. Carbaryl/Sevin, is most effective if applied when eggs are hatching. Consult your local garden center for controls that are locally approved. When using an insecticide, make sure to read the instructions well.

Planting time is approaching. Make sure your garden is free of these little pests. There is no worse feeling than seeing your plants being destroyed and you have no idea what is causing it. Check under the leaves.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Which MLB pitcher owns the distinction of having won the most games, and having lost the most games during his career?

Cy Young’s career record was 511-316.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Incoming! Excitement builds for the return of ice giants

An iceberg floats past a village in Newfoundland. (photo by Terrance Klassen)

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

A strange phenomenon occurs every spring in the north Atlantic. Large icebergs come floating down the south shore near Ferryland, Newfoundland, Canada. People journey to the site – some traveling thousands of miles – to see this spectacle.

For the locals, it’s no big deal. But for others, seeing them for the first time, it’s a breath taking sight.

Slowly, an entire flotilla of massive chunks of ice several stories high gradually make their way south from Greenland.

Most years, hundreds of icebergs break off from glaciers and their one- to three-year nomadic journey begins. If the winds are favorable enough, they reach “iceberg alley,” an area of the Atlantic that roughly stretches from the coastal waters off Labrador, in Canada, south along Newfoundland.

In 2019, 1,500 icebergs were sighted.

Meteorological and oceanographic conditions – wind direction, ocean currents and air and sea temperatures – play a role and impact the flow of the icebergs, determining how big a show Mother Nature will put on each year, according to the U.S. Coast Guard International Ice Patrol, which monitors the area off Labrador and Newfoundland for icebergs.

The icebergs have become a major attraction, giving rise to some iceberg tourism and delivering lucky spectators with a front-row seat to an unusual parade.

Tour boats actually venture out for a closer look at any number of the many icebergs. However, they never get too close in case the icebergs continue to break up.

Speaking of boats, could it be possible that one of these giant icebergs was responsible for the sinking of the RMS Titanic? The sea disaster happened on April 14, 1912, in the north Atlantic when the British luxury passenger cruise liner collided with an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. The timing would be right.

These gigantic icebergs in Greenland can reach up to 300-feet above sea level. That, plus most of the icebergs are not visible, with 90 percent of an iceberg’s size beneath the surface. Some take on odd shapes as they melt, even looking like ice castles by the time they pass along the Canadian shore.

As many enjoy the icebergs and all of what they have to offer, some are concerned, hoping that future generations will be able to marvel at these giants of nature as many do today.

They should be enjoyed while they last, with the current climate changes, there’s no guarantee we’ll see this spectacle in years go come.

Where to Watch

Iceberg Alley stretches from the coast of Labrador to the southeast coast of the island of Newfoundland. Some of the more popular places from shore, or from tour boats, are (from north to south): St. Lewis, Battle Harbour, Red Bay, Point Amour, St. Anthony, La Scie, Twillingate, Fogo Island, Change Islands, Bonavista, St. John’s / Cape Spear, and Bay Bulls / Witless Bay. All of these locations are accessible by road. The first four, which are on the coast of southern Labrador, can be accessed by car ferry from the island of Newfoundland year round. The further north, the longer the iceberg season.

Time of Year

The icebergs come through Iceberg Alley from spring to early summer. As you move north, the season stretches a bit longer. April and May are the months when bergs are most plentiful, but they may be locked up in sea ice, so it is suggested late May and early June for best viewing.

Are you planning a vacation to Newfoundland, yet?

So, you thought he was wrong

I’ve heard it, and even half expected it. Back on February 2, my weather prognosticating groundhog, Woodrow Charles, predicted six more weeks of winter. Everyone snickered when March came in like a lamb, and the weather just continued to improve as the month went on, to the point that by the first day of spring, there was not a snowflake to be found anywhere. My crocuses and tulips are up, my rhubarb had broken ground, even my lilac tree showed some buds. My friend the groundhog had been wrong. And then came March 23. Six weeks following February 2, a major snow occurrence, and March is going out like a lion.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

This New England Patriots QB holds the team record for most passing yards in a season. Who is he?

Drew Bledsoe 4,555 in 1994.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: The red-winged blackbird a sure sign of spring

Red-winged blackbird

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

The old reliable spring indicator appeared in my backyard over the weekend, twice. The robin made its presence known.

However, it was what happened Monday that certified that old folklore. I know spring officially arrived this past Tuesday, March 19. That is a day or two earlier than usual, but it seems everything is early this year.

Going back to what confirmed spring is here was the sighting of the red-winged blackbird. Of all the migratory bird, it is generally the first species to make its way back north.

The red-winged blackbird is a bird found in most of North America and much of Central America. It breeds from Alaska and Newfoundland south to Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, and Guatemala, with isolated populations in western El Salvador, northwestern Honduras, and northwestern Costa Rica. It may winter as far north as Pennsylvania and British Columbia, but northern populations are generally migratory, moving south to Mexico and the Southern United States.

Claims have been made that it is the most abundant living land bird in North America, as bird-counting censuses of wintering red-winged blackbirds sometimes show that loose flocks can number in excess of a million birds per flock and the full number of breeding pairs across North and Central America may exceed 250 million in peak years.

Regarding its numbers, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the red-winged blackbird of least concern.

The red-winged blackbird is sexually dimorphic; the male is all black with a red shoulder and yellow wing bar, while the female is a nondescript dark brown. Seeds and insects make up the bulk of the red-winged blackbird’s diet.

The red-winged blackbird is a sister species to the red-shouldered blackbird that is endemic to Cuba. These two species are together sister to the tricolored blackbird that is found on the Pacific coast region of the California and upper Baja California in Mexico.

Depending on the authority, between 20 and 24 subspecies are recognized which are mostly quite similar in appearance.

The red-winged blackbird breeds in marshes, brushy swamps, hayfields; forages also in cultivated land and along edges of water. Breeds most commonly in freshwater marsh, but also in wooded or brushy swamps, rank weedy fields, hayfields, upper edges of salt marsh. Often forages in other open habitats, such as fields and mudflats; outside the breeding season, flocks gather in farm fields, pastures, and feedlots.

One of the most abundant birds across North America, and one of the most boldly colored, the red-winged blackbird is a familiar sight atop cattails, along soggy roadsides, and on telephone wires. Glossy-black males have scarlet-and-yellow shoulder patches they can puff up or hide depending on how confident they feel. Females are a subdued, streaky brown, almost like a large, dark sparrow. Their early and tumbling song are happy indications of the return of spring.

Red-winged blackbirds may come to your yard for mixed grains and seeds, particularly during migration. Spread grain or seed on the ground as well, since this is where Red-winged Blackbirds prefer to feed.

The red-winged blackbird is a highly polygynous species, meaning males have many female mates – up to 15 in some cases. In some populations 90 percent of territorial males have more than one female nesting on their territories. But all is not as it seems: one-quarter to one-half of nestlings turn out to have been sired by someone other than the territorial male.

Male red-winged blackbirds fiercely defend their territories during the breeding season, spending more than a quarter of daylight hours in territory defense. He chases other males out of the territory and attacks nest predators, sometimes going after much larger animals, including horses and people.

Red-winged blackbirds roost in flocks in all months of the year. In summer small numbers roost in the wetlands where the birds breed. Winter flocks can be congregations of several million birds, including other blackbird species and starlings. Each morning the roosts spread out, traveling as far as 50 miles to feed, then re-forming at night.

The oldest recorded red-winged blackbird was 15 years, 9 months old. It was banded in New Jersey in 1967, and found alive, but injured in Michigan in 1983. It was able to be released after recovering from its injuries.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

What Boston Celtics player holds the distinction for hitting the most 3-point baskets in one season?

Antoine Walker, 222, in 2001-2002 (surprisingly Larry Bird wasn’t even in the top 10).