CRITTER CHATTER: More of Carleen Cote’s past articles

by Jayne Winters

I continue to share more of Carleen Cote’s past articles because Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center isn’t accepting any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. I found several about the generous efforts of local students to help support the rehab center.

From August 2005:

“For two years, China Primary School students have selected the Wildlife Care Center as the recipient organization to benefit from their community service requirements. Lisa Jones called to tell me that the students were very enthusiastically looking forward to collecting supplies for the wildlife. What could we use? My suggestions included dry and canned dog food, dog biscuits, towels, whole corn for deer, shavings. In June, the students and chaperones arrived to deliver their bounty – dog food, cat food, biscuits, whole corn, towels and shavings. All that we could hope for. How proud these youngsters were, to know that they were contributing to the care of Maine’s wildlife. Thank you, students, for thinking about the wildlife at our center. Your generosity is truly appreciated.”

However, China Primary School students’ generosity didn’t end there: “In November, Lisa Jones called to tell me that third grade students would hold a bake sale on December 5, with the proceeds benefitting the wildlife at our center. I attended the bake sale to meet and thank the students for remembering the wildlife. This is the first time students have held a bake sale to benefit the Wildlife Care Center; Mrs. Vivarelli’s third grade class raised $100. Thanks also to moms, dads and the student cooks for preparing all the goodies. Thanks to all who purchased these goodies.”

Student fundraising efforts haven’t been limited to Windsor and China:

“In December [2005], I was contacted by Lynn Durost, Vassalboro Community School, and she told me her fifth-grade students had a donation for the Wildlife Care Center. She would like for me to come to the school to answer questions the students had about the work we do with the wildlife and to accept their donation.

On December 22, I visited with the students. Mrs. Durost read a letter the students had written to the principal asking if they could make a donation to our Center rather than exchange Christmas gifts. Mrs. Durost explained that any fundraiser money is usually donated to a fund to replace playground equipment. The principal granted permission and also said the school would match any money raised. The students asked many interesting questions and graciously invited me to stay and partake of their Christmas goodies – desserts and punch.

Thank you to these fifth grade students for generously foregoing their gifts to make a gift to the wildlife, and to the school for matching their gift. A donation of $62 was received.”

I hope you find these thoughtful, kind and generous acts of giving as inspiring as I do. Teaching younger generations to care about animal welfare, whether domestic or wildlife, is vital to developing and maintaining a compassionate community. In my humble opinion, something we all could use more of.

Wildlife rehab facilities are typically non-profits that primarily depend on personal resources and outside donations. For any students who would like to help fundraise for such an important cause, please be advised that Duck Pond has been working with Wilderness Miracles Rehab, in Bowdoin (Kathi at 207-720-0074), Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (Jen at 207-212-1039), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). Pam Meier at Mid-coast Maine is a turtle rehabber and can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708). Please check these websites for a rehabber close to you: or In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. PHONE MESSAGES & EMAILS ARE NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: Reminiscing – Part 4

by Jayne Winters

As noted in recent columns, I’ll be sharing some of Carleen Cote’s past articles because Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center isn’t accepting any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. What follows is a story entitled, Labor of Love, from August 3, 2002:

“This week’s Critter Chatter is not about the Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center and its current population, nor is it about the time and efforts my husband, Donald, and I invest in caring for the babies that arrive at the Center for a second chance at life. It is about the students at Windsor Elementary School who care enough about the wildlife to put their own time and effort into raising money to help buy food and other supplies for our young boarders.

Last fall, teacher Sheila Ready called to ask if her students could come for a tour of the Center. She told me that perhaps another fundraiser for the Center would be undertaken by the students and she thought seeing the animals would give the students a perspective of what we do and the animals we care for – and how the money they raised would be used. The class arrived and, to their credit, the students were well-behaved and appeared to enjoy their tour.

In June, I received a call from Sheila telling me she had a very special surprise – and did I want her to mail it to me or could I come to the school and accept the gift. I decided to go to the school (taking along some of the young critters to show) and talk about the animals and our work at the Center. I took a baby raccoon and a flying squirrel. The children listened attentively and asked many good questions. They then very proudly and excitedly presented me with a check for $374.

The students raised this in one week. Sheila’s students used computer technology to make posters and covers for the donation cans. They spoke to classes to tell students why the money was being collected and about their tour of our Center and the wildlife they saw. They also studied eco-systems, nature and safety with wildlife – stressing never to touch any wild animal they might encounter. In math class, real money is used to learn counting – and that was donated. The donations came from many sources – from students’ allowances or, perhaps, tooth fairy money and, of course, parents also donated.

The class that raised the most money was treated to ice cream floats. This year, Mrs. Stanley’s and Mrs. Beasley’s tied for first place.

Great job, students! Your thoughtfulness, generosity and hard work is very much appreciated. The money you raised will buy lots of food for all the little animals and birds here at the Center. We cannot thank you enough for remembering us and wanting to help support the wildlife.”

Wildlife rehab facilities are typically non-profits that primarily depend on personal resources and outside donations. For any students who would like to help riase funds for such an important cause, please be advised that Duck Pond has been working with Wilderness Miracles Rehab, in Bowdoin, (Kathi at 207-720-0074), Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (Jen at 207-212-1039), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). Pam Meier at Mid-coast Maine is a turtle rehabber and can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708). Please check these websites for a rehabber close to you: or In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. – PHONE MESSAGES & EMAILS ARE NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: Reminiscing at the Duck Pond Wildlife Center – Part III

The late Carleen Cote with a baby fox. (Duck Pond file photo)

by Jayne Winters

As part of our continued stroll down Memory Lane, I found several articles written by Carleen Cote about students who have raised money for Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center. Here is one from August 4, 2001:

“On June 12, fourth graders from Windsor Elementary School, with teachers Julie Clark and Sheila Ready, visited the Center to see the young baby wildlife. They saw fawns, foxes, raccoons, a porcupine, squirrels, as well as the long-time residents – hawks, owls and the adult deer.

Along with the excitement of seeing the young animals, they were extremely excited and proud to present me with a check for $350. The students had prepared posters depicting wildlife and made presentations to students about their posters. They challenged all grades to see which grade could raise the most money. Through the fundraiser, students increased their math skills by sorting and counting the coins and dollars that had been collected. They were very excited to tell me that they had raised the $350 in one week! This is the second year that Windsor Elementary school students selected our Center to be a recipient of their fundraiser – and their donation has gone a long way in providing food and medical care for the critters brought to the Center.

Winslow Junior High School’s eighth grade students in Linda Voss’s class also selected our Center to receive the money they had raised as part of a community service project. Each student selects an organization to donate their funds to and, for the third year, we have been the fortunate recipients, with over $200 donated this year to help feed the wildlife.

As I reported in an earlier article, China Primary School students and Friends of China Schools also made a very generous donation to the Center. All of these students are to be commended for their unselfish donations and the hard work they do to raise funds, and for their thoughtfulness in selecting the wildlife at our Center to benefit from their efforts. Thank you, students! Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered and appreciated.”

I’ll be sharing more of Carleen’s articles over the next few months as Don’s health concerns prevent him from accepting or assessing any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. He has been working with Wilderness Miracles Rehab, in Bowdoin (Kathi at 207-720-0074), Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (Jen at 207-212-1039; she accepts bats and mice), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). Pam Meier, at Mid-coast Maine, is a turtle rehabber and can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708). Please check these websites for a rehabber close to you: or

In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. – PHONE MESSAGES & EMAILS ARE NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: Reminiscing at the Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center – Part 2

Undated photo of Don Cote with rescued baby raccoon. (file photo)

by Jayne Winters

As a follow-up to last month’s stroll down Memory Lane, here is another article Carleen Cote wrote in 2004:

“Over our 40 years, we have cared for every species of Maine mammal except for the Pine Martin [sic]. We have cared for every species of water mammal.

Caring for the mammals every year is one thing. We also needed to have places to release the wildlife back into the wild. Without the wonderful landowners who so graciously allowed us to enter their property to release the wildlife, releasing could have posed a problem. Our ventures into the fields and forests provided us with an opportunity to enjoy spectacular scenery, to enjoy the peace and quiet away from the rush of life, to listen to birds singing, squirrels scolding as we invaded their territory, the rushing and babbling of waters in streams and brooks as they wandered along to their next destination and the wonderful scents of the forest and the colors of fall foliage.”

“Over the years, area veterinarians have generously provided their services to the injured wildlife. They include Drs. Langdon and Peter Davis, Dr. Mike Hersom of Pine Tree Veterinary Hospital in Augusta; Dr. Dale Allerding, Drs. Darryl Praul and Erika Matthies Praul of Windsor Veterinary Clinic; and the wonderful staff of both hospitals.

We have met hundreds of wonderful people who have come to the Center to deliver a bird or mammal in need of human assistance, or who have come for a tour. Hundreds have made donations to help feed and house the wildlife, many of whom have become regular donors. School children have done projects to raise money for the Center. Area businesses have donated meats and produce or placed collection containers for donations. It is truly heart-warming to know that so many care about and want to help the wildlife.

In September 2003, 35 people came to the Center for a work day. These people gave up a day, after working all week, to build new pens, tear down others, and do any other work that we needed done but did not have time to do – as our time was spent in caring for the babies.”

I’ve only been writing this column since 2019 and don’t know all those who have supported Duck Pond over the years, but want to include Dr. Cody Minor and all the vet techs, assistants, and office staff at Windsor Veterinary Clinic who have provided care to Don’s wildlife patients since I’ve come “on board.” I would be remiss not to recognize the most recent volunteers I’ve met: Debbie, Jane, Don, Jeff and the late Amy Messier, as well as the folks who have helped with snow plowing and shoveling, lawn mowing, hauling brush, and making dump runs; Inland Fisheries &Wildlife biologists and wardens; Animal Control Officers and Agents; farmers who provided fresh goat milk for the fawns. Last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to fellow wildlife rehabbers who have been so welcoming and helpful in accepting critter transfers since Don’s hospitalization last May. And, of course, much appreciation is extended to the Natural Resources Council of Maine, The Town Line, and Turner Publishing, for bringing Critter Chatter back to readers, following Carleen’s unexpected passing in April 2018.

In December, I’ll continue down Memory Lane with stories about student fundraisers!

PLEASE NOTE: Due to health issues, Don is not accepting or assessing any wildlife at this time, nor taking phone inquiries or referrals. He has been working with Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (207-212-1039; FYI, Jen accepts bats and mice), Wilderness Miracles, in Bowdoin (207-720-0074), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). Mid-coast Maine has a new turtle rehabber! Pam Meier can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708).Please check these websites for a rehabber close to you: or https://www.maine. gov/ifw/fish-wildlife/ wildlife/living-with-wildlife/orphaned-injured-wildlife/index.html In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. – PHONE MESSAGES & EMAILS ARE NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: Reminiscing about volunteers at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center – Part 1

Volunteer Amy Messier feeding a young raccoon. (File photo)

by Jayne Winters

When I stopped by Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab this week, as there were no critters awaiting transfer to other rehabbers, Don and I talked again about how smoothly things have gone since his hospitalization in May and subsequent transition to semi-retirement. Over just a few days – thanks to Inland Fisheries & Wildlife staff, volunteers, Avian Haven and other rehabbers – he was able to receive the medical care he needed and not have to worry about his furry and feathered friends.

After I got home, I looked through old files and found a couple of articles Carleen Cote had written and thought this would be a good time to share them. This one is from 2003:

“We will never forget our wonderful volunteers who have come and do all the “dirty work.” Their payment is having an opportunity to feed and play with the wildlife babies – to see animals they would probably never see in their natural habitat. Cheri Muschamp was the first volunteer. Robyn Jacques was our first intern from Unity College, followed by Josh and Jayme. Blanche Bourdeau, Carol Thibodeau, Micki Poor, Amanda Watson and Nikki Reynolds volunteered many hours to clean pens, wash dishes and feed the babies. We can never say thank you enough to these wonderful volunteers who came to help and provided us some respite and time to get a few minutes of sleep during the day. They will be returning for their third summer.

We have met many wonderful dedicated animal control officers, police, sheriffs and animal damage control people who have gone many miles out of their way to bring us young and wounded animals. We have also had the opportunity to meet and work with Maine game wardens. They have brought many needy birds and mammals to the Center. We also assist them by responding to wildlife problems when they are unable to do so.

We have met many other rehabilitators. There is an exchange of information and experiences so no one has to “re-invent the wheel” whenever anyone gets a species of bird or mammal for the first time. Help is only a phone call away, and everyone is willing to share their knowledge.

Because of the numbers of mammals we receive, we are unable to care for many bird species because of the great time demands of baby birds. We are fortunate to have Avian Haven, in Freedom. Marc and Diane take the birds we are unable to care for. We do take owls, hawks and eagles.

Trish and Gary Newcomb (founders of The Town Line) were frequent visitors to the Center. They would ask if we would write about our experiences for the newspaper. We always said we didn’t think we had the talent to write. In 1996, I went to The Town Line on business. Trish and Gary again asked if I would write articles about our Center. I finally said I would try. The rest is history – eight years later I still enjoy writing about our experiences of sharing our life with all the little creatures and all our adventures. So many people have told us how much they enjoy the articles, how much they have learned about Maine’s wildlife. That’s the inspiration that keeps me writing and sharing our joys and sorrows. You know the saying, ‘We could write a book!’ I don’t think that will happen.”

In November, I’ll continue with the stroll down Memory Lane!

Don is still busy with many phone calls and continues to provide advice and make referrals. He accepts and assesses small injured or abandoned wildlife, usually transporting them to other facilities for further treatment, care and release. Please remember to check these websites for someone close to you: or In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. – Donald Cote operates Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center on Rte. 3 in Vassalboro. It is a non-profit state permitted rehab facility supported by his own resources & outside donations. Mailing address: 1787 North Belfast Ave., Vassalboro ME 04989 TEL: (207) 445-4326. EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: Happy Endings x 2

Injured raccoon today. Looking good.

by Jayne Winters

I don’t remember that I’ve ever written back-to-back articles about the same species, but sometimes things just naturally fall into place. Both of these recent rescues have a happy ending, so how could I resist?

Injured raccoon on front seat of car.

As a follow-up to August’s column about the racoon that underwent surgeries for a broken leg, fractured jaw, and dislocated eye (I’ve learned the medical term for this condition is “globe laxation”), recovery went exceptionally well. Although not all eye injuries result in loss of vision, it’s likely this coon’s optic nerve was significantly damaged. The surgical site healed well, but it’s unknown whether he will regain sight in that eye. Thanks again to Dr. Cody Minor, of Windsor Veterinary Clinic, and his assistant, who made their final house call to Duck Pond last week to remove the leg cast prior to transfer to another rehabber pending release.

The second happy ending is that of “Winnie.” Her story has made the news on several Facebook pages, as well as in a recent PenBay Pilot/Boothbay Register article. While driving home from Vassalboro on the evening of August 27, a young woman witnessed a truck in front of her drive through a family of raccoons that were crossing the road. There was no oncoming traffic, but the driver didn’t attempt to brake nor stop to offer assistance. Four kits managed to run out of the way of the vehicle, but a little female was hit. Although motionless, she was still breathing; Kristen was able to wrap her in a sweatshirt and placed her on the front seat of her car.

Familiar with Don’s rehab facility, she called him and after confirming it wasn’t the mother racoon that had been hit – which would have been a serious concern for the remaining babies – brought the youngster over to him for admission and assessment. Thankfully, there were no broken bones, and once stabilized, she was transferred to Kathi McCue, at Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab, in Bowdoin, where she has made great progress. “Winnie” was initially placed in quarantine (typical protocol), given physical therapy for a soft tissue rear leg injury, upgraded to a larger pen, and continues to thrive. The ‘icing on the cake’ is that Kristen will be present when Winnie is released.

Kristen was not only a Good Samaritan, but has also been a fundraiser, generously creating GoFundMe pages for both Don and Wilderness Miracles. If you wish to donate, go to and search for “Support Don Cote’s Wildlife Care Center” and/or “Support Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab.” Wilderness Miracles also has a donation link on its Facebook and web site pages, as well as specific wish lists.

For anyone who knows Don, even semi-retirement he is busy! He receives many calls daily, provides advice and makes referrals. Duck Pond is now primarily a site for folks to bring in small injured or abandoned wildlife, with other rehabbers (or Don himself) transporting the animals to their own facilities for further treatment and care.

He has been working primarily with Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (207-212-1039; FYI, Jen accepts bats and mice), Wilderness Miracles, in Bowdoin (207-720-0074), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). As mentioned earlier this summer, mid-coast Maine has a newly-licensed turtle rehabber! Pam Meier can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708). Wildlife rehabbers are handling their own rescue calls and are especially busy with young animals that require extra feedings and care; Don greatly appreciates their ongoing assistance. Please remember to check these websites for someone close to you: or

In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office.

– Donald Cote operates Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center on Rte. 3 in Vassalboro. It is a non-profit state permitted rehab facility supported by his own resources & outside donations. Mailing address: 1787 North Belfast Ave., Vassalboro ME 04989 TEL: (207) 445-4326. EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: Cautiously optimistic for a young raccoon’s successful recovery

Young raccoon resting comfortably. (photo by Jayne Winters)

by Jayne Winters

As is often the case, I wasn’t sure what this month’s article would be about and had asked Don to give it some thought so we could talk about it last week. And, as is often the case, it didn’t take very long for that question to be answered!

When I stopped by Duck Pond the other day, Dr. Cody Minor, of Windsor Veterinary Clinic, was finishing up a house call for a young raccoon, whose story is the topic of this column. Although my cat has received care at Windsor Vet for several years, I didn’t realize Dr. Minor has experience in zoo/wildlife medicine, as stated on the clinic’s website. And amazingly, one who apparently makes special home visits!

Don received a phone call from a woman who, while walking her dog, found a young coon that had been hit by a car (maybe even two). One of its eyes had popped out of its socket and it appeared to have suffered a broken front leg, maybe internal injuries as well. Friends were able to bring the coon to Duck Pond and Don immediately called Windsor Clinic and took the animal in for X-rays.

The coon did have a broken right leg, as well as two fractures in its jaw. Dr. Minor put the eye back into its socket, and treated/stitched the area in the hopes it could be saved. The jaw was wired and the front leg set and put into a cast. The patient was being weaned off pain medication and is being manually syringed soupy canned dog/cat food while under observation at Duck Pond. Just one day later, he seemed to be gaining strength and moving around in his crate in Don’s living room. I hope next month’s column will include a positive update, thanks to the Good Sama­ritan, Dr. Minor, the staff at Windsor Veterinary, and Don.

Speaking of Don, by the time you read this, he will have just turned 87. His continued commitment to helping wildlife is inspiring, to say the least. As noted last month, following his May hospitalization, he has transitioned into semi-retirement. While he isn’t admitting wildlife for extended care, he receives many calls every day, answers questions, provides advice and makes referrals to other wildlife rehabbers. Duck Pond is now primarily a drop-off site for folks to bring in the small injured or abandoned wildlife they’ve found, with other rehabbers coming by almost daily to transport the animals to their own facilities for additional treatment and care. Duck Pond prefers not to accept fawns, but Don can help people connect with and/or coordinate transfer with nearby rehabbers.

He has been working primarily with Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (207-212-1039; FYI, Jen accepts bats and mice), Wilderness Miracles, in Bowdoin (207-720-0074), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). As mentioned in last month’s column, mid-coast Maine has a newly-licensed turtle rehabber! Pam Meier can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708).

As you can imagine, wildlife rehabbers are inundated with their own rescue calls at this time of year, especially for young animals that require extra feedings and care, and Don greatly appreciates their assistance with Duck Pond rescues. Please remember to check these websites for someone close to you: or

In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office.

Donald Cote operates Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center on Rte. 3 in Vassalboro. It is a non-profit state permitted rehab facility supported by his own resources & outside donations. Mailing address: 1787 North Belfast Ave., Vassalboro ME 04989 TEL: (207) 445-4326. EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: A new chapter at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center

by Jayne Winters

As noted in last month’s article, rehabber Don Cote at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center was hospitalized for a week in late May. I’m relieved and happy to report that his recovery at home is going well and as we expected, it didn’t take long before he started taking calls about orphaned and injured critters. In fact, we recently purchased a new answering machine with a volume enhancer so he doesn’t miss any!

Although he isn’t admitting wildlife for extended care, he will continue to answer questions, provide advice and make referrals to other wildlife rehabbers. Duck Pond is now serving primarily as a drop-off site for folks to bring in the small injured or abandoned wildlife they’ve found, with other rehabbers coming by almost daily to transport the animals to their own facilities for additional treatment and care. Duck Pond prefers not to accept fawns, but Don can help people connect with and/or coordinate transfer with nearby rehabbers.

Currently, there are two fox kits in an outside pen that will be released together later this summer. A gray squirrel that had come into contact with a ‘hot’ CMP wire seemed to be improving, but sadly suffered a couple of seizures and did not survive. On a happier note, a young woodchuck (uninjured, but apparently orphaned and raiding a garden) that had been housed in an open tote in Don’s kitchen made great progress this past week, moving on from syringed electrolytes and proteins to solid foods, including fresh dandelion greens and clover. “Woody” was just released and will be busy tasting other items on Mother Nature’s menu!

I think I can safely say that as he nears his 87th birthday, Don is now semi-retired. Being a wildlife rehabber has been a way of life for him for over 50 years and his commitment to care for critters will never go away. Taking care of even a couple of squirrels or chipmunks is part of his daily routine and gives him a sense of purpose, which we all need, no matter our age.

Don has been working primarily with the following wildlife rehabbers: Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (207-212-1039; FYI, Jen accepts bats and mice), Wilderness Miracles, in Bowdoin (207-720-0074), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). Mid-coast Maine has a newly-licensed turtle rehabber! Pam Meier relocated from Connecticut and can be reached at The Turtle’s Back (203-903-2708). As you can imagine, wildlife rehabbers are inundated with their own rescue calls at this time of year, especially for young animals that require extra feedings and care, and Don greatly appreciates their assistance with Duck Pond rescues. Please remember to check these websites for someone close to you: or In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office.

– Donald Cote operates Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center on Rte. 3 in Vassalboro. It is a non-profit state permitted rehab facility supported by his own resources & outside donations. Mailing address: 1787 North Belfast Ave., Vassalboro ME 04989 TEL: (207) 445-4326.

CRITTER CHATTER: Even at a wildlife rehab facility, “It takes a village…

by Jayne Winters

“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb referencing the need for a community of people to provide and assure its children grow in a healthy, safe environment. It’s not limited to children, however, as evidenced by all that has happened at Duck Pond Wildlife Rehab Center since last month’s column.

As noted in our May article, Don was dealing with some health issues and not accepting any new wildlife admissions. We included contact information for Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab, in Bowdoin, as well as the usual links for website listings of other rehabbers around the state. Don’s condition did not improve, but – no surprise to anyone who knows him – he refused to seek medical attention until long-term care for the animals at Duck Pond was finalized. And this is where “it takes a village…” comes in. In a matter of a few days, a wonderful network of family, friends, rehabbers and Inland Fish & Wildlife staff came to the rescue, literally.

Ducks and geese were released or rehomed, with six adults going to Avian Haven to serve as surrogate parents to current and future orphaned young waterfowl. Rehabbers transferred several young and adult red foxes, all of which were temporarily quarantined at their new facilities. The non-releasable adult deer were tranquilized by IF&W and taken to the Maine Wildlife Park, in Gray. Sadly, four elderly racoons had to be euthanized because they had parvo-related disabilities which prohibited their release or socializing with others. All in all, however, the critters were successfully released or relocated and Don finally agreed to see a doctor.

He was admitted to the hospital for about a week’s stay and is recovering at home with noticeable progress being made. His “village” continues to provide assistance with grocery shopping, rides to appointments and for errands, mowing and critter transfers. Although Don isn’t admitting wildlife for extended care, his decision to wait until this fall to reassess his situation has gone by the wayside (again, no surprise!). During the past couple of weeks, Duck Pond has been serving as a transfer site for small injured or abandoned wildlife, with other rehabbers coming by at least once a day to transport animals to their own facility for treatment and care. These include at least a dozen baby coons, a woodchuck, squirrels, and a weasel. A chipmunk and gray squirrel (both hit by cars) that Don has been caring for in his living room ‘nursery’ are doing very well and will be released in the near future.

Serving as a wildlife rehabber for over 50 years is a way of life for Don and although he won’t be assuming the 24/7 care of the past, being able to answer calls, make referrals, and provide initial care pending transfer to other rehabbers will keep him active in the career he continues to feel passionate about. As one of many of Don’s friends, I extend my personal thank-you to all those who have helped him during this recent emergency situation. It’s a nice reminder of another phrase, “What goes around, comes around.”

Don has been working primarily with the following wildlife rehabbers: Misfits Rehab, in Auburn (207-212-1039), Wilderness Miracles, in Bowdoin (207-720-0074), Bridget Green, in Wiscasset (207-631-0874), Critterville Wildlife, in Brooklin (845-549-2407), and Saco River Wildlife (207-702-1405). As you can imagine, they are inundated with their own rescue calls, especially for young animals which require extra feedings and care, so please check these websites for someone close to you: or In addition, you can contact your local Animal Control Officer through your town office. –

Donald Cote operates Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center on Rte. 3 in Vassalboro. It is a non-profit state permitted rehab facility supported by his own resources & outside donations. Mailing address: 1787 North Belfast Ave., Vassalboro ME 04989 TEL: (207) 445-4326. EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.

CRITTER CHATTER: New neighbors move in


by Jayne Winters

In my typical fashion, I wasn’t sure what this month’s column would be about. After Monday (May 13), however, there was no doubt in my mind. What was just another day in the life of a wildlife rehabber was special for me!

For those who read Critter Chatter regularly, you may remember that last October I wrote about a chipmunk and gray squirrel that had been hit by cars. Although the gray was active and seemed on the road to recovery, he did succumb to his injuries after a few days. “Chip” slowly began to come around from his trauma, eating, drinking and grooming himself. He was left with a slight crook in his neck, though, which Don thought would eventually straighten out.

In November, I wrote about a young red squirrel – the sole survivor of a litter of three – that was rescued from a glue trap. After Don used PAM Cooking Spray and Dawn detergent to clean off the glue residue, Little Red sported a real funky-looking tail for weeks; it reminded me of a fancy poodle cut.

Since their cages were in Don’s living room, I regularly greeted Chip and Little Red on my visits and looked forward to seeing their improvement over the winter months. I told Don in January that if he needed a place to release them this spring, they would be welcome to the woods behind our house as I’d been seeing only a couple of gray squirrels and only one red.

So, when I got the call on Monday that it was Release Day, I quickly grabbed my camera and awaited my guests’ arrival. Don and volunteer Jeff arrived shortly with not one, but two reds, and Chip. Not a problem! The first squirrel hadn’t been in rehab very long and immediately scooted out of his cage, bee-lining it for a nearby oak tree. Chip was the next to be set free and he spent 15-20 minutes on the lawn, sampling last fall’s acorns and exploring.

Little Red was hyper, bouncing all over his cage, inside for a few minutes, then on top once he discovered the open door, even popping back inside. With a little encouragement from Jeff and Don, he finally ventured out again and the last we saw of him, was rustling around in the leaves in the woods. I expect he’ll be easy to recognize by his tail, so I hope he decides to make this area his permanent home. Chip has made several appearances this week and his neck appears to be fine; he’s already become quite a climber in the bush near the back deck.

I’ve always had great respect and admiration for wildlife rehabbers: for their 24/7 TLC and compassion, for their commitment in helping injured or abandoned critters, of all shapes and sizes. Witnessing the months’ long recovery and final release of what many people consider “just little rodents” only increased my high regard and appreciation for everything these folks do.

PLEASE NOTE: Don is currently dealing with some health issues and is not accepting any new admissions. He has asked that I include the name and telephone number for a rehabber he works with: Kathi McCue, at Wilderness Miracles Wildlife Rehab, in Bowdoin, can be reached at (207) 720-0074. Depending upon your location and critter situation, she can assist personally or refer you to someone in your area. You should also check these websites for a rehabber close to you: or

Donald Cote operates Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center on Rte. 3 in Vassalboro. It is a non-profit state permitted rehab facility supported by his own resources & outside donations. Mailing address: 1787 North Belfast Ave., Vassalboro ME 04989 TEL: (207) 445-4326. EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT BEING MONITORED AT THIS TIME.