A weekly display of the best pictures taken locally by our readers in Central Maine!

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of July 12, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

FIELD OF LUPINES: Bob Bennett, of China, photographed this field of lupines and a classic Maine barn in Whitefield.

DINNER TIME: Jayne Winters, of South China, snapped this Eastern Phoebe with a dragonfly, ready to feed the young.

HMMM, GOOD: John Gardner caught this Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly enjoying the nectar of these lilacs.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of June 28, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

HUMMINGBIRD MOTH: John Gardner snapped this Sphinx moth, a/k/a hummingbird moth, recently.


COMING AT YOU: Tina Richard, of Clinton, captured this spectacular photo of a bald eagle exiting its nest. Its mate and young can be seen in the nest.


SOAKING THE SUN: This turkey vulture was photographed by Pat Clark, of Palermo, stretching its wings while soaking in the sunshine.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Thursday, June 14, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

FANCY MEETING YOU: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, snapped this photo of a downy woodpecker with what appears to be a redwing blackbird.


PICTURE POSTCARD: Betty Dunton, of Gardiner, photographed this cardinal in a tree shortly after a snowfall last winter.


STRETCHING: Tina Richards, of Clinton, caught this bald eagle as it landed in a field seeking some food.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of May 31, 2018

BUSY SHUTTER: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, has been busy with his camera. From top to bottom, a cardinal, a blue jay, and, just as summer is approaching, a reminder from last winter.

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

photo by Michael Bilinsky


photo by Michael Bilinsky


photo by Michael Bilinsky

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of May 17, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

“ICE IS OUT, JOE”: That’s what these birds seem to be saying while sitting on Michael Bilinsky’s dock, in China Village.


JUST STRUTTING ALONG: Valerie Baker, of Weeks Mills, snapped this male wild turkey
crossing a road.


APRIL FLOWERS: John Gardner photographed these which he called “Martha Staples’ April flowers.”

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of April 19, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

IN YOUR FACE: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, got close and personal with this female cardinal.


CATCHING SOME BREEZE: Emily Poulin, of South China, photographed this blue jay holding up in a strong wind.


MEMORIES: Pat Clark, of Palermo, snapped this monarch butterfly last summer. This weather will come again.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of March 8, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

CLOSE UP: Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, snapped this loon in its nest last summer.


LOOKOUT BELOW: This squirrel doesn’t seem to know what to make of the mourning dove in a photo by Michael Bilinsky, of China Village.

A PLACE TO WATCH: This Cooper’s Hawk, photographed by Mark Berlinger, was seen sitting in a tree near Deana Glidden’s home, in South China.

Give Us Your Best Shot! week of February 22, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

NEXT MEAL: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, captured this hawk enjoying its next meal.


EAT UP!: Rose Jackson, of Solon, photographed this woodpecker feeding its young.


FINGER LICKIN’ GOOD: Emily Poulin, of South China, snapped this squirrel licking its paws after eating some sunflower seeds.

Give Us Your Best Shot! week of February 8, 2018

BLINKSY’S BLUE JAYS: Michael Bilinsky captured these Blue Jays in China Village.


CARDINAL BEAUTY: Michael Bilinsky’s camera also caught a great shot of this beautiful female cardinal.


REPRINT: This cicada was photographed by Jayne Winters, of China. A photo previously printed did not reproduce properly. It was a technical error.

Have you taken a photo that highlights our local beauty? Visit our Contact page or email it to us at townline@fairpoint.net!

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of January 25, 2018

LONG ROAD TO WINTER: Eric Austin, of China, captured this shot of the changing leaves last fall.


SNOWY OWL: Karen Willette, of China, photographed this Snowy Owl on the roof of her home recently.


ELUSIVE BUG: Jayne Winters, of South China, snapped this cicadae last summer.