A weekly display of the best pictures taken locally by our readers in Central Maine!

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of November 17, 2016


BREATH TAKING: Tom Lohnes, of China Village, snapped this photo on Oct. 17 between Banff & Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of November 10, 2016


BRIDGING THE GAP: Jerome Richard, of Clinton, took this amazing photo of a rainbow looking at the North Basin on Mt. Katahdin.


FALL SCENE: Betty Dunton, of Gardiner, snapped this tree in its full colors.

FALL SCENE: Betty Dunton, of Gardiner, snapped this tree in its full colors.


SUNSET ON CHINA: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, captured this recent sunset over China Lake.

SUNSET ON CHINA: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, captured this recent sunset over China Lake.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of September 15, 2016


READY TO PICK: Abigail Maxwell recently snapped these ripening blackberries.



MAN MADE: The Town Line’s managing editor Roland Hallee created this rainbow while watering his garden at camp on September 13.


albino squirrel

RARE SIGHT: David Gagnon, of Palermo, photographed this albino squirrel under his birdfeeder.

Give us your Best Shot! – Week of August 18, 2016

tufted titmouse

GROWING UP: This immature tufted titmouse was captured by Jayne Winters, of South China.



IS IT OK TO EAT?: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, photographed this bluejay at a feeding station.



WAITING FOR A MEAL: Betty Dunton, snapped these two eagles along the Rail Trail, as they scout the Kennebec River.

Give Us Your Best Shot! – Week of August 11, 2016

rose breasted grosbeak and an indigo bunting

ODD COUPLE: Pat Clark, of Palermo, snapped this photo of a rose breasted grosbeak and an indigo bunting together at the feeder.



ORANGE AND BLACK…: but not a Baltimore Oriole, is what Diane Rawson, of China, photographed in June.


pine warbler

SOAKING IN THE SUN: That was what this pine warbler was doing when Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, photographed it.

Give Us Your Best Shot! – Week of August 4, 2016

Tina Richard

TIME TO GO HOME: Tina Richard, of Clinton, photographed the release of a young eagle near the dam, in Benton.


Michael Bilinski

THIS WAY, KIDS: Michael Bilinski, of China Village, snapped this mother duck with her one-day old ducklings..


Emily Poulin

CRASHING THE PARTY: Emily Poulin, of China, caught this grackle eating at a feeder this past spring, without a reservation.