A weekly display of the best pictures taken locally by our readers in Central Maine!

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@townline.org!

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of March 8, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

CLOSE UP: Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, snapped this loon in its nest last summer.


LOOKOUT BELOW: This squirrel doesn’t seem to know what to make of the mourning dove in a photo by Michael Bilinsky, of China Village.

A PLACE TO WATCH: This Cooper’s Hawk, photographed by Mark Berlinger, was seen sitting in a tree near Deana Glidden’s home, in South China.

Give Us Your Best Shot! week of February 22, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot” section, please visit our contact page or email us at townline@fairpoint.net!

NEXT MEAL: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, captured this hawk enjoying its next meal.


EAT UP!: Rose Jackson, of Solon, photographed this woodpecker feeding its young.


FINGER LICKIN’ GOOD: Emily Poulin, of South China, snapped this squirrel licking its paws after eating some sunflower seeds.

Give Us Your Best Shot! week of February 8, 2018

BLINKSY’S BLUE JAYS: Michael Bilinsky captured these Blue Jays in China Village.


CARDINAL BEAUTY: Michael Bilinsky’s camera also caught a great shot of this beautiful female cardinal.


REPRINT: This cicada was photographed by Jayne Winters, of China. A photo previously printed did not reproduce properly. It was a technical error.

Have you taken a photo that highlights our local beauty? Visit our Contact page or email it to us at townline@fairpoint.net!

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of January 25, 2018

LONG ROAD TO WINTER: Eric Austin, of China, captured this shot of the changing leaves last fall.


SNOWY OWL: Karen Willette, of China, photographed this Snowy Owl on the roof of her home recently.


ELUSIVE BUG: Jayne Winters, of South China, snapped this cicadae last summer.

Weather doesn’t bother this hunter

Undeterred by any kind of weather, this bald eagle was captured in this photograph by Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, as it swept down to grab a fish. What makes this photo special is that this moment was over in the blink of an eye.
Photo by Michael Bilinsky

Give Us Your Best Shot! week of January 4, 2018

REMEMBER THIS?: Pat Clark, of Palermo, photographed these water lilies last June.

LET’S TALK ABOUT IT: A blue jay and cardinal talk about it over lunch in Michael Bilinsky’s backyard in China Village.

PEEK A BOO: Bob Poulin, of Winslow, captured this chipmunk peeking out of this downspout.

Give Us Your Best Shot!, Week of December 21, 2017

RARE SIGHT: Pat Clark, of Palermo, photographed this rare variegated oak seedling last summer.


WINTER WONDERLAND: Winnie Merrill, daughter of Helen Mosher, of China, captured this winter wonderland photo of a bluebird at her home in Harpswell last February.

Have you taken a picture showing the beauty of Maine? Send it to The Town Line! Visit our Contact page!

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of December 14, 2017

BUSY WITH THE CAMERA: Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, was busy with his camera when he snapped these three photos recently.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of November 16, 2017

RARE VISIT: While working in her hayfield this past summer, Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, spotted this Eastern Red Tailed Hawk searching for a meal.


LEADING THE WAY: This momma mallard was seen leading her chicks this past summer by Michael Bilinsky, of China Village.


HAVE A SEAT: Davida Barter, of Skowhegan, saw these colorful tractor seats on display while driving along “The Airline” from Baileyville.

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of September 21, 2017

HUMMINGBIRD OR MOTH?: Eric Austin, of China, snapped this sphinx moth, AKA hummingbird moth, in one of his mother’s flower beds.


GROWING UP: Tina Richard, of Clinton, photographed this eaglet while on a walk on her favorite trail.


FIREBALL: Tawni Lively, of Winslow, captured this fireball sunset following the recent eclipse.