LETTERS: Supports Preston, again

To the editor:

Janet Preston won the open China select board position in March. Knowing her as a strong supporter of both education and emergency services in our town, she will have my vote once again this November.

Neil Farrington
South China

LETTTERS: Supports local candidates

To the editor:

I have been a voter in the town of China for 62 years and served on every board, elective and appointed except the planning board, from 1962 until 1982. During those years, and all the years since, those who served their town as participants as firefighters have always had my deepest admiration. They are on call 24/7, all the while knowing they are in potential danger. They are the best of the best and deserve to be accorded their due. In voting for the board, please consider voting for board members who will support the firefighters and their departments.

I have known Blane Casey since he was a boy. He was one of my scouts and I watched him start and grow a company into a very successful business. I don’t personally know Brent Chesley, but as another successful businessman we could not have better representatives on the board than these two men.

Tim Theriault’s history here in the town is well known. He has been involved in Boy Scouts, Little League and the China fire department for over 40 years as well as representing us ably in the state legislature and deserves to be re-elected.

Reaching from the town to county elections, Ken Mason has made an excellent sheriff and he, as well, deserves to be re-elected. A former Marine with years of law enforcement experience, vote to keep him in office.

Donald D. Pauley

LETTERS: Vote for the good of the town

To the editor:

The heading in the local and state section of the Kennbec Journal (Sept. 24, 2020), was “5 candidates vie for 3 seats in China.” This brought back some old and new memories of the operation of the town of China.

In our most recent history, the folks running the town, in my personal opinion, were all about power and control, with egos larger than common sense, community and civility. We have had enough of this kind of leadership.

Some positive changes have been made. We now have a town manager that knows the people of China and the every day workings of the town from top to bottom. What she and the town now need is to have a select board that will guide and support her efforts to make this a warm and healthy community. I’m not looking for a lot of new ideas, but rather something in the line of traditional values that have worked well in the past and the ability to add new technologies.

Of the five candidates running for a seat on the board, I want to call your attention to two of them. They are Blane Casey and Brent Chesley. Both men own and operate their own companies, and know what it’s like to meet a payroll, submit bids and contracts, work with the public, governmental agencies, banks and insurance companies. All necessary skills needed to operate town government.

One more point I’d like to call to your attention, why did the KJ point out the political affiliation of these two men and not the other three? I’m sure I know, but do you? Speaking of tradition, why not use some traditional values during this election. Like praying to God, saluting the flag of our country, standing for the national anthem, and voting on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, standing in line and voting personally.

Vote for the good of the town and the United States of America.

Sheldon Goodine

LETTERS: Visiting with our loved ones

To the editor:

I cried as I mailed my beloved wife an anniversary card, marking our 62nd one. I cried, because of Covid-19, I wasn’t able to see her for three months during the lockdown, and now, I am lucky to see her twice a month, outside, six feet apart at a table. With a mask on it’s so difficult to talk to my wife because she is a soft talker. So, since March 13, I have seen very little of my wife and, believe me, I’m sure, others in the same boat are hurting, too. Also, we loved ones on the outside know what an awful stress it is on those caretakers who not only have to wear a mask at work, but have to listen to the woes of those stuck inside, and still try as best they can to make life as comfortable as they can for their patients.

I was told that in November we will be able to Zoom to visit, but I remind people that a lot of us elderly don’t have computers, smart phones, etc. We are praying that maybe the homes will loosen up and at least let us visit inside once in a while. I realize we would still have to wear masks but would love to be able to just give my wife a big hug, and unfortunately, can’t kiss her. What a way to live, eh?

I sure hope all the readers are praying for an end to this pandemic as for us people, old and suffering with love ones in nursing homes, maybe add us in your prayers as it sure looks like only a miracle will save us before all us old folks die before enjoying our short time left, hoping to see and love our loved ones.

Frank Slason

LETTERS: Local prostate cancer support group

To the editor:

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and as a nurse who has helped facilitate a Prostate Cancer Support Group, I have seen the importance of men and women gathering to share their prostate cancer stories. I am always amazed at the amount of warm humor, caring relationships and good advice that emerge at these monthly sessions.

Yet I know that some men or women do not feel comfortable in support groups and so, I have worked with One2One, a Maine confidential telephone connection that matches men with trained Maine volunteers who have experienced what they are confronting in their lives. (Call 207-441-5374 or 1-855-552-7200 x 801, leave a message and someone will get back to you.)

I also know that the Maine Coalition to Fight Prostate Cancer (www.mcfpc.org) has information listing all the support groups currently available in Maine, many on Zoom.

Equally important is the suggestion that men who are 45 or older give thought to talking with their primary care providers about considering a PSA blood test as well as a DRE exam to establish a baseline on their prostate health. When prostate cancer is detected early, several treatment options can help individuals lead a healthy and productive life. Indeed, for many men the choice will be active surveillance or just keeping an eye on the numbers with no treatment called for. (When prostate cancer spreads, the course of action can be much more difficult and often affects quality of life as well as life expectancy).

In these troubling days of Covid-19 we somehow must still keep ourselves knowledgeable about our health, and keep our eyes on the future.

Andrea Martelle RN

LETTERS: Gideon family tax lien scandal is serious

To the editor:

While I’m glad to see some members of the Maine press finally taking the Gideon family tax lien scandal seriously, I can’t help but notice some grave inconsistencies in the answers provided by Sara Gideon to the press.

For one, she told WMTW that she “did a couple hours on that project”, but she told the BDN that she “worked for the company briefly in 2006 and 2007.” Both clearly can’t be true.

What is clear is that this business was for a development on Gideon’s Way, Sara was listed as the marketing director, she set up the website, her husband was on the paperwork every year and that the LLC’s address was their home address.

That means that together, they were involved in a $4 million development that resulted in 77 tax liens, and eventual foreclosure, while Sara was on the town council, voting repeatedly to increase her neighbors’ taxes while not paying her own.

It’s clear that Maine voters don’t yet know the full story, but they deserve to before they cast their vote. If this is how the Gideon’s handle their personal affairs, Sara clearly isn’t fit for higher office.

John Picchiotti

LETTERS: Rejection is correct

To the editor:

The People’s Referendum to block using Ranked Choice Voting for President was recently ruled, by a lower court, to be put on this November’s ballot even though the Secretary of State, Matt Dunlap, ruled the signature collectors did not have enough valid signatures. “Just under 1,000 signatures had been rejected because they were collected by circulators who were not registered to vote when they were collecting signatures, which is required under the Maine Constitution.”

This rejection is correct. From a logical point of view, say you went hunting or fishing without a license and were caught by a Maine Game Warden. You’d say, “Wait, while I run up to the town office to get my license.” Ha! The warden would laugh at you and give you a ticket. I hope the supreme court in their wisdom sees the logic of this and reverses the lower court ruling. Full Disclosure: It was a cold day in January a few years ago that I collected signatures outside our transfer station in favor of ranked choice voting.

Bob O’Connor
South China

LETTERS: Column not clear

To the editor:

I read Gary Kennedy’s Veterans Corner in the August 13, 2020, issue of The Town Line, and I am still not clear on veterans’ disillusionment and confusion with a VA shutdown. Rather, I now have a good idea of Mr. Kennedy’s political and social views. If Mr. Kennedy wishes to express an opinion he should do so in an editorial rather than in a column that purports to be a source of news and information for veterans. I would also suggest that someone find a dictionary and check out the difference between “dissolution” and “disillusion”.

Deborah Marlett
South China

LETTERS: Politics before science?

To the editor:

As a former certified teacher, I never thought I would live to see the day that politics could be allowed to overrule science as it is being done with such abandonment now.

Why not extend the school summer vacation for another three months? [I] know it creates extra problems for parents, but in the interest of safety this would give those working on how to control this virus much needed extra time to hopefully get a handle on this pandemic. Go back to school too early and, God forbid, everyone associated with the system risks the possibility of, not only coming down with this virus, but even die [from it]. Something to think about. Yes, this is a double-edged sword but, again, what is the alternative?

The National Teachers Union and its affiliates have told their members if you don’t feet it is safe to go back to school, then do not. Very sad.

Those of us in Maine appear to be under the illusion that this virus is only happening south of us. In central and northern Maine, and from my perception based on what I am seeing, many are not paying attention to what is being said on TV, newspapers, and internet regarding masks, social distancing, small crowds, etc.

Let’s all hope and pray, what we all should, that Dr. Fauci never has to say, “I told you so.”

Frank Slason

LETTERS: Maine roots run deep

To the editor:

I have watched hundreds of thousand of political ads, which must have cost millions and millions of dollars, to get me to vote for the best U.S. Senate candidate. They all tell you why to vote for them or why not to vote for their opponent. I cannot understand or really know the truth because I can only take their word for it. The one way I can understand is by knowing where they both grew up. So, I Googled both Susan and Sara on the internet to find out.

Susan grew up in Caribou, Maine, with deep Maine roots. Sara grew up in East Greenwich, which is the wealthiest municipality within the state of Rhode Island, and she has no Maine roots.

Unfortunately, like Hillary Clinton did in New York, you can move to a state with enough campaign financing and win an election. I am also a Mainer with deep roots, and I will be voting for a Mainer, Senator Susan Collins this November.

Neil Farrington
South China