To the editor:
The heading in the local and state section of the Kennbec Journal (Sept. 24, 2020), was “5 candidates vie for 3 seats in China.” This brought back some old and new memories of the operation of the town of China.
In our most recent history, the folks running the town, in my personal opinion, were all about power and control, with egos larger than common sense, community and civility. We have had enough of this kind of leadership.
Some positive changes have been made. We now have a town manager that knows the people of China and the every day workings of the town from top to bottom. What she and the town now need is to have a select board that will guide and support her efforts to make this a warm and healthy community. I’m not looking for a lot of new ideas, but rather something in the line of traditional values that have worked well in the past and the ability to add new technologies.
Of the five candidates running for a seat on the board, I want to call your attention to two of them. They are Blane Casey and Brent Chesley. Both men own and operate their own companies, and know what it’s like to meet a payroll, submit bids and contracts, work with the public, governmental agencies, banks and insurance companies. All necessary skills needed to operate town government.
One more point I’d like to call to your attention, why did the KJ point out the political affiliation of these two men and not the other three? I’m sure I know, but do you? Speaking of tradition, why not use some traditional values during this election. Like praying to God, saluting the flag of our country, standing for the national anthem, and voting on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, standing in line and voting personally.
Vote for the good of the town and the United States of America.
Sheldon Goodine