LETTERS: Thank you for good thoughts

To the editor:

Re: Letter of Rev. Jim Ferrone:

Thank you for your thoughts on a very timely topic [The Town Line, Letters to the Editor, December 5, 2019]. It’s true that the universities are only teaching one way to think. Thank you for a good job and well done. Also, keep the good thoughts coming. I, too, miss that America.

Sheldon Goodine
South China

LETTERS: Do the teenagers of today know what it is meant to be of service?

To the editor:

A recent post on DailyOM.com triggered thoughts I have been thinking about all day. When my son was a teenager, he and his buddy would be out looking for odd jobs for money. Whether it be during the summer or winter they were asking for work. Allowances weren’t just given without chores being done or errands completed. As we move into the present, there are people here in our town, towns within the State and nation-wide where much of our teenage population aren’t serving/servicing their communities.

The elderly and people with disabilities could and would benefit from a helping hand. We aren’t asking for free service, we are willing to pay. The problem, as I see it, is that we don’t know where to look. Boy Scouts, 4H clubs or students from high school do not appear to be making the effort. There aren’t many students willing to do odd jobs or shovel walk-ways or ramps covered in snow.

Do the teenagers of today know what it is meant to be of service? Where do we find them? What do you think about the town offices offer to keep a list of the students or adults who are willing and able to work, with their phone numbers?

Sandy Yates Mathieson

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: I miss that America

To the editor:

I was a child of the ‘60s. Not a product, just a child. I graduated from high school, college and seminary all in the ‘60s. I protested what I needed to protest and I learned that free speech was a good thing. I was most thankful for the Civil Rights movement. I still like much of the music. I lived in a Black Italian neighborhood in a Jewish town and my best friends were Jews and Blacks. My Jewish friend passed away last year but my Black friend is still a friend after 60 years.

I learned responsibility, the value of hard work and common sense. My education was highly important because it taught me to think for myself. My professors challenged me to learn for my own satisfaction and not parrot back to them. They said “research it, question it, check the possibilities, be your own person, look at all sides of the issue” etc. They, unlike many today, taught me “how to think” rather than, “what to think.” As I observe the news today, it seems that colleges seem to be more interested in only one way of thinking rather than creating well informed and caring citizens.

Young people are not taught respect for the ideas of others. We have become a one, and only one, opinion allowed, nation. Believe in something other than what the culture calls for and you are labeled as bigots, haters, Nazi’s, Fascists, etc. Many young people have no idea of what these names mean because they are not taught actual history. Nazis and Fascists allowed only one way of thinking. Is this America’s destiny? Americas have, since our beginning, held differing opinions and beliefs.

And, like everyone in the world, we were born with God’s gift of free will. And if you don’t believe in God, you still have free will. Do we realize how very fortunate we are?

Today, the culture forbids free will. The irony here is that in the ‘60s we believed that we had had a right to our own opinions. The university has become the most close minded institution in America. Disagreement is not allowed. Those who want to teach free speech are not welcomed. And many young people are easily offended and need to hide in a “safe zones” so they won’t have to fall apart and think that there may be another belief out there. We need to speak to each other face to face and to be open minded about the dialog. Instead we get riots when those who have different opinions are not allowed to be heard because they do not hold our current, one way and one way only belief system.

I remember when reporters actually looked for truth, no matter where it was to be found. Now, many of them only opine and fear to be different.

I remember when Hollywood and the sports world were supposed to entertain and not be political. I remember when colleges wanted us to think for ourselves. I remember the three R’s but, more important were the three C’s; courtesy, class and character.

I miss that America.

Rev. Jim Ferrone
South China

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: It’s not hunting; it’s just killing

To the editor:

Thank you to Roland Hallee for his recent article “The unfair resources of today’s ‘great game hunter.’” In it he points out tools available to today’s deer hunters such as deer urine scent, GPS devices, artificial callers, computers, and high-powered rifle scopes. Deer hunting is perhaps the most traditional hunting engaged in, in Maine. It still largely requires hunting skills.

Moose, bear and coyote hunting, on the other hand cannot be called hunting. Moose are killed during Maine’s moose hunt while they simply stand there in clearcuts looking at the “hunters.” The only skill moose “hunters” need to possess is the ability to drive a vehicle on woods roads and look for the moose that stand along the roadsides.

Bears are fed and trained to come into feeding stations where they are ambushed by “hunters.” They are also chased by packs of radio-collared dogs until they climb a tree or can run no more. The “hunters” track them via radio signals while driving their trucks and then shoot them while they are either treed or are surrounded by the dogs.

Coyotes are also run down by dogs and are also fed at feeding stations and are shot both day and night when they come in to eat.

There is virtually no such thing as “fair chase” when it comes to killing wildlife. This is neither sport nor hunting. It is just killing.

John Glowa

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: AARP fighting for prescription drug cost reductions

To the editor:

On behalf of our 230,000 members, AARP Maine thanks Congressman Jared Golden for participating in our recent tele-town hall on prescription drug costs. Nearly 3,500 Mainers participated in the forum and many asked questions of Congressman Golden live during the call.

Much of the discussion focused on the latest news from Washington, including two bills which will likely be voted on soon.

Currently under consideration in the House of Representatives is HR 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019. Under HR 3, the Secretary of Health and Human Services would negotiate prices for at least 25 of the most expensive brand-name medicines. The bill would also cap out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries at $2,000 per year. In addition AARP is pushing for other improvements to Medicare such as coverage for dental, vision and hearing care.

In the Senate, we urge Senate leadership to bring the bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019 to a floor vote this year. The bill would cap out-of-pocket costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries and require drug manufacturers to provide a rebate to Medicare if the prices of their products increase faster than inflation.

AARP Maine is committed to working with our federal lawmakers to lower prescription drug costs. Too many Mainers of all ages struggle to afford the medications they need to stay healthy, and to even stay alive. It shouldn’t be that way. We cannot wait any longer for this to change, and urge our elected leaders to pass these bills.

Patricia Pinto
AARP Maine Volunteer State President, Portland

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Government overreach removes our parental choice

To the editor:

This coming March at the polls we will have a chance to stop government overreach in Maine by voting YES on Question 1. Proponents of this bill will tell us parents still have a choice when it comes to making medical decisions for your child. What kind of choice is either homeschooling your child or forcing a medical procedure that you have seen cause them harm in the past? That is not a “choice.” It’s an ultimatum.

My yes vote on question 1 is not an “antivax” vote. I have 11-year-old twins. Both have been vaccinated. One was fine with vaccines and will continue to receive them. The other twin was not fine. In fact, she suffered serious adverse effects and is still dealing with those issues today. We as her parents, made the best medical decision for each child. As a result of LD 798, my daughter will be removed from school in 2021 for missing just one dose of one vaccine.

The choice to homeschool or make my daughter sick again is not a “choice” any parent should be forced to make, yet LD 798 does just that. As for single parents, it seems proponents don’t care about a single parent and sole bread winner for the family having to make this “choice.”

The government will never make a better medical decision than parents (who do not make these choices lightly or without a great deal of thought). Please vote Yes to reject government overreach so that ALL children of Maine can receive the education of their choice.

Ronda Snyder

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Close Town Landing Road

To the editor:

Amidst the drama at the recent Selectmen meeting, I noted Tom Michaud is busily repairing fire roads throughout the town. In addition, he is taking suggestions for repairs to other fire roads “to reduce run-off.”

I would like to nominate Town Landing Road to this list. While technically not a “fire road,” it is in serious disrepair. Ditches that were dug a few years ago are not serving their purpose, and continued run-off is clearly evident. Further, the Town should give serious consideration to closing the road permanently for boat access to the lake. Most boats are getting launched at other locations that have been built for this specific purpose, and the road has become a popular nighttime location for illegitimate activities. Closing this road would not affect any local businesses, as there are none in South China Village.

Closing Town Landing Road would serve to protect the Town’s most precious resource, China Lake. I hope town officials will consider this seriously. If that cannot be done, please add it to the repair list.

Geoff Hargadon
South China

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Any veteran can join the Legion

To the editor:

On July 30, 2019, President Donald Trump signed a bill, 5504 Legion Act (Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for Nation Service Act). Prior to this bill The American Legion membership periods were congressionally chartered, and prevented membership from expanding, due to eligibility dates without an act of Congress. The Legion Act allows all veterans with an honorable discharge on federal orders, who served from April 6, 1917 – November 11, 1918, and December 7, 1941 to the present, regardless of unrecognized hostile conflict dates, to join the American Legion.

“It’s a big step, a veteran who served honorably, should be eligible to join the American Legion, no matter the dates. A veteran is a veteran,” said Gardiner American Legion Post #4 Commander Russ Helm.

Veterans, grab your DD214 (or equivalent), and join the American Legion! Take advantage of the abundant resources, community services and the camaraderie of our members.

For more information on what the American Legion has to offer, visit www.legion.org, or the Gardiner Legion at 46 Griffin St., Gardiner, ME 04345, (207) 582-9868, email swpost4@ne.twvc.com.

Roger J. Paradis
Gardiner Post #4 adjutant

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR – Litterers: Help us out. Don’t flatten cans!

Tom Lefferts (left) and Richard Dillenbeck (right) out picking up trash along Lakeview Drive.

To the editor:

The Litter-free China! volunteers would like to request help from the folks who throw aluminum beer and soda cans from their cars. Don’t go to the trouble of flattening before discarding because we turn in cans to the Transfer Station and flattened cans are apparently not redeemable. Of course, it’s best if the cans are not tossed at all, but if you do, don’t flatten them.

Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

Richard Dillenbeck

LETTERS: Trash pick up response exceptional

To the editor:

The response for volunteers to pick up litter on July 13 on the main roads of China has been exceptional. We now have it covered from Erskine Academy to Rte. 3, South China village itself, Rte. 202 to China village, China village itself, the causeway, and a portion of the Neck Road from China village south.

It’s been suggested we do this on the second Saturday every month. When the snow flies, we may have to take a break and resume whenever it’s melted. Appreciation to the volunteers who have stepped forward and thanks also to the town office staff and the transfer station staff. It does indeed need the cooperation of everyone.

As Dennis Heath, town manager, said in a recent communication, it would help enormously if all property owners would take responsibility to pick up along their own frontage on China’s roads.

I think we all realize this effort can only really succeed if the litterers change their behavior. Please keep it in the car for later proper disposal and cover trash being hauled to the Transfer Station in an open vehicle.

We also welcome anyone living on roads other than the covered routes to consider stepping forward and help create a Litter-free China!

Richard Dillenbeck