Sweet Dreams

by Marilou Suchar, Vassalboro

The gold, the red the shades of green, splash of fall colors, a brilliant scene.

It’s nippy, it’s cool – the breezes blow, It won’t be long ‘til winter’s snow.

The leaves come falling fluttering down, to spread out gingerly on the ground.

It’s not the time to moan and weep, it’s time to rest, to dream, to sleep.

The “Goddess Spring” will soon awake, and with her she will winter take.

“Spring” wakes up the leaves and flowers, and birds will sing for long, long hours.

Summer sun will dance and play, but in Maine it cannot stay.

Then, so soon again, to gold and red, the leaves will turn and go to bed.

POETRY CORNER: A Father’s Point of View

by Gary Haskell

Freshly freed from her mother’s
her tininess fills the sterile room.
First gulped air, airs her plea;
“Look at Me, Daddy,
Look at Me!”

With inches bought
by selling years
The baby leaves, a young
lady appears.
Dress-up, dolls, parties of tea;
different forms of “Look at Me.”

Another man stands by her side.
A band plays, “Here Comes
the Bride.”
On Father’s face the tears
flow free.
Perhaps the final, “Look at Me.”

Freshly freed from her
mother’s womb,
her tininess fills the
viewing room.
Laying in total serenity:
“Look at Me, Grampy,
Look at Me!”

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