SOLON & BEYOND, Week of June 29, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Solon Elementary School held a Math Night and barbeque on May 25. Families enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs and listened to Math Coach Brian Twitchell talk about a free app called Bedtime Math that parents can use with their children over the summer. Then parents visited their children’s classrooms to engage in some math games and activities.

This district sponsored career days for students in grades K-5 this spring. Three career days were held: one for grades K-1, one for grades 2-3, and one for grades 4-5 on three Thursdays in May at the Garret Schenck School.

These Career Days were part of the MELMAC Partnership Grant to introduce students at a young age to career options for their future, and the plan is to offer these again next year.

RSU #74’s new Community Literacy Team sponsored a book swap at the Solon School and the other elementary schools this spring. At Solon the Book Swap was held on June 5. Students could bring books to swap for new books for summer reading. Even if students didn’t bring books to swap, they were still allowed to find new books to take home.

The school has rescheduled the CSA week to stage a musical production of, The Elves and the Shoemaker for the week of September 25-30. Information and permission slips will go home to parents when students return to school in the fall.

The Embden Community Supper will be held on Saturday, July 8, at 5 p.m.

The Beyond in my column takes in quite a few other surrounding towns, thanks to Roland’s patience with me, and I’m always very happy to get the e-mails. Especially, when I’ve been thanked by three very appreciative people from other towns that I got their news in The Town Line, and being a nosy reporter I like to know what is going on out and about.

Was happy to receive an e-mail from the East Madison Historical Association with July events. On July 6, from 1 – 4 p.m. Jenny Oby, formerly of Skowhegan, will be at the East Madison Historical Association building to discuss and sign her new book on the History of Lakewood Theater. Light refreshments will be offered.

East Madison Days are set for July 14-16. The East Madison Days celebration, sponsored by the East Madison Historical Association is set to run from 7 p.m., Friday, July 14, with an evening with local authors and music through Sunday, July 14-16.

Friday’s event will be at the East Madison Grange building and will feature authors Bob Clement and Katie Ouillette. Bob will talk about his path to becoming an author and do some readings from his books.

Katie will read from and sign her book Two Birds in a Box. Bob Choiniere will entertain with his piano tunes as well, also poems by Florence Burrill Jacobs will be shared.

Saturday’s events begin at the historical building and will feature a yard sale and the first East Madison version of the Antiques Roadshow with Tim Pomelow as the appraiser from 1 – 4 p.m. The public is invited to bring up to three items to be appraised. There is no fee but a $5 donation is suggested. All proceeds benefit the EMHA.

I’m running out of room, but will put in more of the East Madison news next week.

Until then I want to share Percy’s Memoir with you to give you good cheer, it is entitled, You’re a Winner. You were born to be a winner, There’s no way that you can lose, You just hang in there and whistle, When you’re bothered by the blues. When a best friend disappoints you, And you’re crying deep inside, You just somehow grin and bear it, And your heartaches always hide. You don’t run to catch a rainbow, But the pot of gold you find, When you stop to smell the roses, You’re a winner, every time! (words by Julie E. Jones) It is true, my roses are blooming profusely, and they are a great pleasure!

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of June 22, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The Stewart Public Library, in North Anson, will hold its annual book sale on Saturday, June 24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the North Anson Fire Station, rain or shine. Books, magazines, audio books, DVDs, and CDs will be available for sale. New this year is a small area hosted by the volunteers, of collectible and newer books at higher prices. This area will only be open 9 a.m. to noon. Come and stock up on your reading needs.

The monthly supper at the Embden Community Center will be held on Saturday, July 8, at 5 p.m.

There are many public meals being offered in North Anson during the month of July. Every year the North Anson Congregational Church does a public breakfast every Saturday morning from 7 – 10 a.m.,; this year the dates are July 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.

The North Anson Methodist Church is having their baked bean, casserole and salad suppers on the following dates at 5 p.m. June 24, July 22, and July 29.

My thanks to all who sent me the news to share with all of you.

The other good news was the Solon School News which started out with, “Best Wishes to Fifth Graders.” We want to extend our best wishes and good luck to our fifth grade students who will enter sixth grade at Carrabec Community School in the fall.

The students attended a Step-Up-Day activity at CCS on June 6 with the other fifth graders from across the district. They met their teachers, saw the school, and did some team-building activities run by the high school’s JMG students.

“We will miss our fifth graders. We wish them the best of luck in the next step of their educational journey. Goodbye and Good luck to Emily Baker, Tehya Caplin, Jayden Cates, Dusty Corson, Sarah Craig, Cooper Dellarma, Sascha Evans, Reid Golden, Levi Hills, Nevaeh Holmes, Elisha Ireland, William Lawrence, Summer Lindblom, Jackson Pease, Alyssa Schinzel, Lucas Vicneire, Hailey Wyman and Dystany Young.

“The Solon Masons sponsored the second annual Bikes for Books program in the Solon Elementary School this spring. This program promotes reading among the K – 5 students. The program kicked off on April 24. Students read books and filled out a form on each book they read, putting the forms in large envelopes in their classrooms. On June 7, an assembly was held to do a drawing for a boy and a girl from each class. Each of those students won a new bike, helmet, and T-shirt provided by the Masons.

“At the assembly, Deputy Mike Pike went over bike safety with the students, especially the importance of wearing a bike helmet every time you ride.

“The students did a lot of reading in this second year of this great program. The total for the K through 5 readers was 410 books. Congratulation to these bike winners and the top readers in each class who received $ 15 Walmart gift cards.

“We appreciate the support of a community organization like the Masons to promote reading and fitness with our students.

“The winners were K students Maxx Caplin and Charlotte Hamilton; Grade 1, Amelia Cooper and Colton Enos; Grade 2 Riley Pelkey and Brice Agren; Grade 3 Macie Ploude and Aaron Soosman; Grade 4,Ciara Myers-Sleeper and Nick Wildes and Grade 5, Elisha Ireland and Dusty Corson. The Top Readers were David Dixon, Karen Baker, Charlotte Hamilton, Ciarrah Whiiemore, Delena Cabral, Amelia Cooper, Jayden Cates, and Dystany Young.”

And now for Percy’s memoir entitled: Love’s Laughter. “There is a place within each of us from which laughter springs. I think it must be somewhere awfully close to the heart. The thrill that leads us to laugh is surely connected to that which leads us to love. Each is as intertwined with the other as music and dance or prayer and devotion. Whether brought on by the candid honesty of a child or the wit of a sweetheart, laughter expresses love and appreciation for that person. And as it bubbles from within and rises to the surface, laughter becomes a manifestation of love.” How very true!

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of June 15, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

This is one of those mornings when I sit down in front of my computer with very little real news to share with you. I did receive an e-mail from Carol Dolan with an update on Embden Community Center events. On June 24, Steve & The Good Ole Boys Band will be playing there from 7 – 11 p.m. Kitchen open. And on Sunday, June 25 Country/Open Mic from 1 – 4 p.m., second and fourth Sundays. By donation. Kithchen open.

I can’t seem to stress enough how much I appreciate any news that is sent to me. But…if I don’t receive it in time for my deadline, I can’t get it in in time.

Some of you have told me how much you like to read about my stories of visiting up to where my home town of Flagstaff used to be. Lief and I went up there to be with Dave and ‘Pete’ at their camp for a couple of days this weekend. Peter and Sherry went up also and we all had a wonderful time.

Each year as I get another year older, my memories are very dear to me. Peter and I were out on the porch and I was telling him that I had been out there trying to figure out just where it was that the house where I had lived was compared to where we were sitting. Of course I have many pictures of how it used to look but it is still hard to pin point the exact spot.

Even though the hoards of black flies and mosquitoes were enough to drive us nuts, (it does seem to me, they were worse than I could remember), we had a wonderful time….and the food, as always, was out of this world! I kind of twisted Dave’s arm, and he made his famous popovers for breakfast one morning. Delicious! Peter cooked breakfast the next morning, and can’t begin to describe how great it was. So you can see we ate well along with sharing some good special laughter and love.

They always request that I bring cookies, which I did, but I got brave and tried a new recipe for a dessert. It looked really simple and easy to make, but I couldn’t imagine what the finished product would look or taste like…. but, it got rave reviews! I’m going to share this most delectable recipe called, “Simple Strawberry Rhubarb Dessert;” 4 cups rhubarb, 1 small pkg. strawberry Jello, 1 cup sugar, 1 yellow cake mix, 1 cup water. Sprinkle ingredients in a 9 x 13-inch pan in order written. Bake one hour at 350° F. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. (Must not leave out that I bummed the rhubarb from Peter.) Hope you try this recipe and enjoy it as much as we did.

And so for Percy’s memoir which is called, “Lord, Give Us Words: “Give us cheering words for the lonely, Comforting words that bless… Encouraging words for the hopeless, Smiling words to bring happiness. Give us patient words for the struggling, Courteous words, so that rudeness ends, Kind words for those who upset us… Forgiving words for those who offend . Give us faith-filled words that are positive, That inspire optimism and zeal. Teach us “the time to keep silence” And the “time to speak” and to feel. May we wait on You with prayerful thoughts, For the wisdom You impart. Give us acceptable words to express, The meditations of our hearts. (words by Micky Meyer Mathewson.)

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of June 8, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

In the many years that I have been writing, one of the things that gives me the most enjoyment is doing stories about people. One day last week I spent an hour questioning and listening to a very interesting and unusually talented person.

One of the clocks carved by 84-year-old Solon resident Bob Therrien. Photo by Marilyn Rogers-Bull

His name is Bob Therrien and he lives on north Maine Street, in Solon, where he makes cuckoo clocks and beautiful wood carvings. The clocks have been on display in Griswald’s Store and three of them have been sold within a very short time, the ones that sold were 36-inches x 21-inches, but he makes smaller ones also. Each one is chip carved around birds, deer, moose, people etc. that are painted.

He took up this hobby when he retired and is self taught, and said he “Loves doing it,” that was very evident. When I said it must be very difficult to do all the chipping, he demonstrated how he does it and made it look easy.

He is a very generous person also and doesn’t charge as much as he could for the hours he must put in for all the carving that goes into the finished product. His garage is his workshop, along with a wonderful, cheery one in his house. He has been selling his wooden carvings and clocks from his home for several years. He doesn’t have regular hours, but when the garage doors are open he is there.

He told me several very interesting stories about giving things to people, and one of them really impressed me . He said he had carved several eagles and had them on display in his shop for $50 each. One day a lady came in and he could tell she really wanted one but perhaps couldn’t afford that much money, so when she asked the price, he told her a quater. He insisted she walk away with the eagle for 25 cents, there were other stories of his generosity, also inspiring.

He is 84 years old but hasn’t slowed down much, which is wonderful with the talent that he has. He said, “I have met many excellent people, and I do things for them.” He has a great philosophy about many things, and I agreed with him on many. He had two friends stop by while I was there, it was a wonderfully worth while visit.

It brought back many happy memories of when I had my GRAM’s Shop for 22 years and of moving the building three times, and of the wonderful friends I met during that time.

The mystery has been solved! I am so happy, (just received a call of confession) now I can thank the wonderful giver of that beautiful surprise carnation. My heartfelt thanks go out to the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club!

The Embden Historical Society meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 12, at 7 p.m., at the Embden Town House. Art Ray, of Sidney, will be giving a PowerPoint presentation on the Early History of Central Maine Power and Wyman Dam. A business meeting will follow along with refreshments. All are welcome.

The date for the North Anson Congregational Church yard and bake sale is Saturday, June 17, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Percy’s memoir this week is about getting older – he lived to be 17 which is pretty old in cat age: “Getting older is not for sissies to help you face the inevitable changes with a spirit of fun and fearlessness, here are a few words. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them, that’s what you pay him for.

Keep only cheery friends. The grouches pull you down.

Keep learning. Learn more about crafts, the computer, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain stay idle. “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.”

Enjoy simple things. Visit a friend or read a good book, just for fun.

Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

The tears happen, endure, grieve and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life is ourselves.

Surround yourself with what you love, whether it’s family, pets. keepsakes, music, plants and hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

Cherish your health. If it’s good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it, If it is beyond what you can do to improve it, get help.

Don’t take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next county, to a foreign country, but not to where the guilt is.

So put a spring in your step and a lilt in your voice and grow old gracefully without losing your youth. Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. (words by George Carlin) These wise words were given to me by a good friend to pass on for Percy.)

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of June 1, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club met on May 13, with vice president Cooper Dellarma presiding. Hailey and Cooper Dellarma helped at the “Luck of the Draw” that was held on May 6. The “Luck of the Draw” benefits 4-H activities in Somerset County.

The members voted to do flowers on Mothers Day at the Solon Congregational Church. Two leaders, two members and two visited church to pass out the flowers.

The members and leaders are planning to have a cleaning day with flower beds at the church.

Kathleen Randall was the guest speaker. She helped the members make baskets for their Mothers on Mothers Day.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, June 10, at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Department. The members will be making another craft item. Hunter Soucer and Desmond Robinson will be furnishing refreshments.

Rance and Eleanor Pooler spent three days in Augusta attending the Eastern Star Grand Chapter. Rance received a plaque for being a Grand Escort.

The special Solon town meeting was held on May 22 and since I had sent my news before to meet my deadline this account is a bit late.

There were three other articles added on to what I had written about earlier, for a total of seven articles. Phil Curtis was elected moderator and there were around 40 people in attendance. Art. 5 was to see if the town will set up a Grounds Maintenance Reserve Account to be used for summer maintenance of the grounds at the town office/fire station, Coolidge Library and the sports field at the Solon Elementary School.

Art. 6: To see if the town will raise and appropriate by taxation funds for the Ground Maintenance Reserve Account; $2,500 was voted for this. Art.7 was about property that the taxes haven’t been paid on for several years.

All articles passed in half an hour with very few comments made.

The North Anson Congrega­tional Church will be having the last Children’s Sunday School class on June 4. There will be a recognition during the worship service of all the Christian education programs of the church and a party for the children. After the worship service the choir members will be going to Maplecrest to sing to the residents and then off for a year end celebration of their own.

On May 22, Lief and I, along with several hundred people attended the Kennebec Valley Community College 47th Commencement Class of 2017 at the Augusta Civic Center. It was a very impressive graduation with at least 28 different programs listed.

Those from Solon who were graduating were Paul Allen Dawe II, Caledonia Cornell and Joyce Alexandra Mottram-Flanagan. Another graduate, formerly from Solon, was Allen Lionel Bernier, of Waterville.

We were there that day, along with many of his family, because of our love and support for a very special guy, Alexander Walz who was one of the 300 who graduated that day.

Now, I love a mystery, but I have been waiting in hopes that someone would confess to the surprise I received on Mothers Day when we returned from church. There haven’t been any confessions so I’m writing about it in hopes this will jog their memory, I truly loved the gesture, it was a beautiful carnation. Come on now, relieve my mind and admit to the wonderful gift! Thank you!

And so for Percy’s memoir which he would feel was fitting for this column: May your path be strewn with flowers, Memories, friends and happy hours. May blessings come from heaven above, To fill your life with peace and love. (These words were from An English Blessing, hope they bring you all peace and love.)

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of May 25, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

First I want to correct something I wrote about an event that was coming up. The Inside Yard & Bake Sale at the North Anson Congregational Church will not be held on June 3, will try and let you know in time. They had to change the date and I haven’t heard yet when it will be.

And to the new friend in Gardiner who called me after reading about the wonderful store in Portland that I wrote about, my apologies, I have been really busy lately and somehow I lost your telephone number to let you know how to find this extra special haven of art supplies….It is Artist & Craftsman Supply at 540 Deering Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103. Thank you, for calling me, I always like to know how far and wide The Town Line paper is read and enjoyed.

And now for some more interesting news from the Solon Elementary School. Solon students have recently been involved in two challenges – the School Breakfast Challenge and the Maine Milk Challenge. During National School Breakfast Month in March, Solon Elementary School students took the School Breakfast Challenge to see if their school could boost the number of students eating breakfast at school. Every time a student ate breakfast, his/her name went on a ticket.

At the end of the month, there was a drawing for prizes and these were the winners: Hailey Wyman, Abby Leeman, Olive MacDonald, Noah Caldwell, Colton Enos, Stuart Hamblen, Nick Wildes, Alexis Leidy, and Ella McKinnon.

Solon Elementary School was one of five winning schools in the state in the Maine Milk Challenge sponsored by the Maine Dairy Council. This contest was based on the number of cartons of milk students drank at school for breakfast, snack or lunch.

A representative from the Maine Dairy Council, Katie Hoffman, visited the school on April 12 to present some bookmarks and bags for students and a new apron and hat with a cow theme for Cindy Lawrence who is the cook.

Four Solon students are the winners of district academic achievement awards this spring based on their scores on last spring’s 2015-16 Maine Educational Assessment. Each winner received a certificate, a check for $50, and his/her name on a plaque at CCS.

Of the seven awards presented to district students in grades 3-5, five of those were won by students from Solon. Here are the winners: Grade 3 Math – Desmond Robinson, Grade 3 Reading – Desmond Robinson. Grade 4 Math – Sascha Evans; Grade 4 Reading – Jayden Cates. Grade 5 Science – Laci Dickey.

Math and Reading awards are given each year to a third, a fourth, and a fifth grader in RSU #74 who scored the highest on the MEA. One science award is given to the student who scored the highest on the fifth grade science MEA. The math awards are sponsored by Mr. Chet Hickox, the reading awards by the three K-5 PTO’s, and the science awards by Mrs Sara Hickox.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Beginning on Memorial Day and running through Labor Day, Happyknits will be joining with over a dozen other locally-owned yarn shops throughout Maine in their first-ever statewide crawl. This is a fun way for people who love yarn to hit the road and get to know about the different small yarn shops tucked away all over Maine. A cruise on Casco Bay is being planned for the end of the event for any “crawlers” who wish to go. For more information you can stop in at Happyknits in Skowhegan. It really sounds fun.

Pauline Mayhew was treated on Mothers Day by her husband Harold and son Philip to a delicious seafood dinner at the Lobster Trap Restaurant, in Winslow. Later they traveled to Dexter where the Vietnam Wall Memorial was on display. Harold also found out that he won the Easter Scramble contest in the Morning Sentinel.

And so for Percy’s memoir entitled, “The Measure of Life.” Knowing that life is not measured by the breath we take. Do as the little inch worm does and find beauty along the way. Seeing joys and wonders so simple they cause our soul to ache Treasuring each single moment that takes our breath away. This was found on a tiny piece of cardboard and the lettering was very hard to read, I couldn’t read whoever thought up those wonderful words, but Percy and I thought they were very inspiring.

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of May 18, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Yip-e-e-e! I am so happy, as of last Thursday, I now have a driver’s license again! I had been without one since my birthday, and it was a terrible feeling not to be able to drive legally for two weeks, and I surely didn’t want to see my name in the police log!

Was thrilled to receive the Solon School News and let all you interested readers know that an assembly was held at the Solon School on April 26 announcing the Coolidge Library Bookmark Contest winners. They are Elizabeth Berube, Preschool; Maxxwell Caplin, Grade K; Lane Frost, Grade 1; Emerson Golden, Grade 2; William Rogers, Grade 3; Ciara Myers- Sleeper; Grade 4; and Sascha Evans, Grade 5.

The contest was a joint project of Solon Elementary School and the Coolidge Public Library, in Solon. Each student in grades PreK-5 created a bookmark promoting reading. The contest was judged by Coolidge librarian Megan Myers and RSU #74 art teacher Richard Reichenbach.

At the assembly, each winner received a book from Ms. Myers and library trustee Rich Roberts. The Solon selectwomen Elaine Aloes and Sarah Davis also attended the assembly.

The winning bookmarks were duplicated and will be handed out to patrons at the town library. Congratulations to the winners!

The third quarter honor roll at Solon Elementary is as follows: All A’s: Emily Baker, Jayden Cates, Cooper Dellarma, Gavyn Easler, Sascha Evans, William Lawrence, Summer Lindblom, Aiden McLaughlin, Macie Plourde, Desmond Robinson, William Rogers, Aaron Soosman, Hailey Wyman and Dystany Young. All A’s& B’s: Karen Baker, Delena Cabral, Tehya Caplin, Sarah Craig, Alex Enos, Reid Golden, Riley Graham, Courtney Grunder, Nevaeh Holmes, Elisha Ireland, Cody James, Ella McKinnon, Abby Parent, Paige Reichert, Alyssa Schinzel, Brooks Sousa, Fisher Tewksbury, Lucas Vicneire and Ciarrah Whiiemore.

Winners of the Sea Dogs Most Improved Student Awards were Veronica Hoffman, Riley Graham,Cooper Dellarma, Abby Parent, Brooks Sousa, Hunter Pouliot, Paul Craig and Abby Leeman.

Kindergarten students at Solon Elementary School enjoyed the Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit at the Portland Science Center on April 13.

Solon Elementary School celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday with lots of special activities back in March. These included daily guest readers, dress-up days, crafts and games, and even a Dr. Seuss-themed lunch. We thank Mrs. Jen LaChance for organizing the week’s events.

The North Anson Congregational Church will be having an indoor yard and bake sale at the church on Saturday, June 3, from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Missionary Charles Sagay, from Cameroon, Africa, will be at the North Anson Congregational Church to share the gospel and more about what is happening at the Mission School of Hope. Charles arrived on May 15, and will be staying with Pastor Dave and Mary. Please consider yourself invited to come and get to know this wonderful man and become a part of the Mission School of Hope.

There will be a $1 and $2 clothing bag sale at the Embden Community Center Thrift Shop on May 19 and 20.

Don’t forget the special Solon Town Meeting on Monday, May 22, at the Solon Elementary School at 7 p.m. This will be to vote on the four items I wrote about recently. I was unable to attend the budget committee meeting on May 8 because that night was our last meeting of this session of my adult painting club at Skowhegan, and we always have a party. The only thing I heard about the budget meeting from one of the members, was that there was quite a bit of discussion about article 2, the sidewalks on Pleasant and School streets.

And now for Percy’s memoir which has to do with Love which he had a lot of: Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. (Unknown)

Until next week….

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of May 11, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

My thanks to Marie Poulin for sending me a Solon Historical Society program, I appreciate it greatly. Officers are president, Chris Shaw; vice president, Neil Hunnewell; secretary, Maureen Shaw; treasurer, Albert Starbird and financial secretary, Marie Poulin. Trustees: Rance Pooler, three years, Chris Shaw, two years, and Jeff McAllister, one year. Publicity Marie Poulin and Marilyn Rogers-Bull. Program Juanita McAllister, Neil Hunnewell and Ann Padham. Dues are $5 per person or family, payable at the annual meeting in September. Meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m., at the Gray Merrill House, 28 South Maine Street, unless otherwise stated. No regular meetings will be held in December or January. Programs and locations are subject to change. This months meeting is on May 22 and the program is called Issac Davis Celebration presented by Issac Davis. The Solon Historical Society was organized on May 8, 1999, by Virginia Merrill.

The monthly supper at the Embden Community Center will be on Saturday, May 13, at 5 p.m. Country Sunday/Open Mic will be held there on Sunday, May 14, from 1 – 4 p.m.

I have always been an animal lover and when a friend showed me a clipping entitled “A Dog’s Plea” I thought it would be nice to share . It was written by Beth Norman Harris. Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I might lick your hand between blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world’s sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when the sound of your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

Please take me inside when it is cold and wet, for I am a domesticated animal, no longer accustomed to bitter elements. I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food that I might stay well, to romp and play, to walk by your side and stand ready, willing and able to protect y6ou with my life.

And, my friend, when I am very old, and I no longer enjoy good health, hearing and sight, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I am not having fun.

Please see that my trusting life is taken gently. I shall leave this Earth knowing with the last breath I draw that my fate was always safest in your hands.

Another friend who reads this column faithfully, and finds Percy’s memoirs quite inspiring gave me some that she had saved. The love and thought were very precious to me.

Percy’s memoir this week is one we both found and loved, it is entitled “A Touch of Loveliness.” Add a touch of loveliness To the things you say and do, Give pleasure to more people By a happy smile, won’t you? Be thoughtful of the people Whom you meet in shop and store, Then to God you will be dearer, He will love you even more. Aim higher, think kinder, Be a better, nicer you, Aim higher, think kinder, For this world has a need of you. (words by Sr. Mary Gemma Brunke.)

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of May 4, 2017

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

My thanks to Elaine Aloes for letting me know about the following: There will be a special budget meeting on Monday, May 8, at the town office conference room at 6:30 p.m., to go over the four articles for a special town meeting on Monday, May 22, at 7 p.m. at Solon Elementary School.

1. The Fire Department wants to purchase a 2004 Pierce 3,000 gallon Pumper Tanker Fire Truck for $122,000. We would trade in our 1994 1,500 gallon Pumper Tanker Fire Truck. Our yearly loan payment would be about $8,000 per year. We currently put aside $3,000 a year in a reserve account so this would add an additional $5,000 to that appropriation for five years. Funding: Fire Truck Reserve Account $75,000 ( current balance $76,146) Trade-in value on 1994 truck $10,000, Loan for 2004 truck $37,000 for a total of $122,000.

2. Sidewalks on Pleasant and School streets: Due to the condition of the sidewalks and federal regulations, we need to discuss various options for our sidewalks. Due to their condition, we cannot simply pave over them. The pavement needs to be removed, some bushes and tree stumps removed, gravel added in many places, Federal handicap requirements met, and then the sidewalks repaved. If we choose not to repair the sidewalks then the selectmen suggest removing the sidewalk in that area (from Pleasant Street to Doherty’s driveway), filling it with gravel and plant grass. We will be discussing various options and deciding on a course of action at the Special Town Meeting.

3. Raising funds for the transfer station truck loan payment of 3,156.11 due in July: We have a loan payment due in July that we did not include on the annual town meeting warrant.

4. Raising funds for grounds maintenance: We need to maintain the grounds at the town office and fire station complex, the sports fields at school, and the Coolidge Library. We have been paying to have the lawns mowed at the library but have been relying on volunteers for the sports fields and the volunteer efforts of Duayne Rollins for the town office and fire station complex. We think it is time to contract with somebody to properly maintain these grounds. We are currently getting some quotes and will have more information at the special town meeting. Another option would be for the town to purchase a mower and a weed wacker and pay someone by the hour to do the job. A sit down zero mower is about $3,000.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is Monday, May 8, at 7 p.m., at the Embden Town House. Amanda Taylor will have a Power Point presentation on “Maine Historic Bridges” (including our locals). A brief meeting will follow along with refreshments.

I had two wonderful birthday parties last weekend that made my heart soar with love! On Friday, Lief and I went to Falmouth to the home of my son and daughter-in-law Dave and Eleanor Rogers. They took us to Portland to a model plane shop where Lief was fascinated with all the flying models hanging from the ceiling, plus all the items available to buy. It was a most interesting place. They also took us to my very favorite store for art supplies Artist & Craftsman Supply. It had been enlarged since I had been there, so it took me quite awhile to spend just half of the gift certificates Dave and Pete had given me, … but so much fun! They took us out to lunch and then we went back to their house for cake and ice cream, such a perfect day!

Mary had invited us over for a supper birthday party on Saturday, and again, I can’t explain the love that was present as we all sat down to a scrumptious meal, all present told Mary how wonderful it was! Those present were Dave, Mary, Amanda, Alexander, Peter, Sherry, Lief and me. Words fail me when it comes to all the special gifts I received , and how much I love them all! Mary had made a special English birthday cake, and I blew out all the candles, there were only eight, and everyone cheered!!

Percy’s memoir is: Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better. (words by Edgar Watson Howe).

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of April 27, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

In my column on April 6 I had written that I would write more about the wonderful benefit supper and great auction to benefit Jim Tindall, of North New Portland, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. I found out that over 300 people attended and that $5,000 was raised in support for him at that event. He and his partner, Annette, own the Dam Diner, in North New Portland, and she is running the restaurant while he is undergoing cancer treatment in Augusta.

They thank everyone so very much for all their help in making this benefit such a success. The committee Betty Cobb, Tammy Dunphy and Cathy Horne, who did the soliciting, collecting and making it a great auction. There were over 60 donors from far and near, individuals and many, many businesses, their time and effort are most appreciated.

Also, a benefit supper was held on April 8 for Zack and Zella Corson, at the Solon Elementary School and hosted by the New Hope Evangelical Free Church, of Solon. Although Zack was unable to attend, physically – he was in Portland for treatment for another illness – he was able to join the gathering via new technology. Matthew and Paul Foster were able to hook up with Zack’s iphone via Skype. A large group was in attendance, and Zack was able to speak with many friends and relatives. Later, they watched a DVD about Zack and Zella, set to a Star Wars theme. In the end, when combining donations and money raised through a Chinese auction, they were able to raise $4,600 to help with Zack’s medical bills. Many groups and businesses donated time and materials. Everyone did such a great job!

Don’t forget the annual Solon Congregational Church Inside Yard and Craft Sale on Saturday, April 29, at the Solon Elementary School from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

The Keystone Chapter #78, of Solon, will be meeting Thursday, May 4, for Mothers Day program. There will be a Spring Basket Auction to benefit the scholarship fund.

Is my face Red! In last week’s column I made a drastic mistake and I haven’t got an answer for it except to correct it! Lief and I really had a wonderful time at the Easter supper held at the home of Elwood and Judy Ellis. My apologies to anyone who may have been embarrassed when I made the mistake of writing Elwood and Nancy, (Lief has nine sisters, and Nancy is one of them). But… my only excuse is sometimes I’m in a rush to get this column written in time for the deadline, and to get ready for tonight’s painting class. Maybe, it is time for me to slow down!

And now for Percy’s memoir: Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. (words by Marilyn Vos Savant.)