SOLON & BEYOND, Week of February 2, 2017
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The annual Solon Budget Committee meeting was held at the town municipal room on January 21. Budget committee members present were Frank Ridley, Albert Starbird, Bruce Hills, George Williams, Mike Golden, Joseph Albuit, Donald Kenerson, Barbara Johnson, Eleanor Pooler, Ann Padham and Beverly Gephart. Members who were absent were Mike Sackett, Jeff Pomelow, Carol White, Sherry Rogers, Jeremy Gibson and alternate Lois Miller. Others present were Solon Selectmen Elaine Aloes, Mary Lou Ridley and Sarah Davis; Town Clerk and Tax collector Leslie Giroux, Treasurer Leslie Giroux and Road Commissioner Mike Foster.
Coolidge Library Trustees, Chairman Richard Roberts , Jane Auderkirk and Mary Farrar were present to speak on the budget requests for the library which are: request to increase the book budget from $2,400 to $5,000. Request that $2,700 be added to the town building maintenance budget for the purpose of sealing the bricks on the exterior of the library to delay the need for re-pointing. Request to increase the librarian’s wage to $12/hour. Install lighting in the library parking lot to improve safety and security. Bring interior library wiring up to code and improve lighting; request $240 to repair/refinish the surfaces of three library tables, request $250 to update the digital catalog system software and request to raise $100 to provide internet access.
Mike Golden was elected to preside over the meeting, election of chairman, update on budget issues, proposed warrant articles, proposed budget and it was adjourned at 11 a.m. There wasn’t too much discussion on most of the items taken up. ( Lief and I also attended.)
The annual town meeting will be held at the Solon Elementary School on Saturday, March 4, with election of town officials from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The town meeting will start at 1:30 p.m.
Recently, Lief and I were asked to accompany my brother and sister-in-law, Steve and Liz Jones to a Blue Grass Festival at Messer Hall, in Anson. We had an absolutely wonderful time! The band that night was the Misty Mountaineers and the show was a dedication to Dotty Farrell who played in the band until her death. There were between 85 and 90 other people who were enjoying the great music and singing. Part of the time I was watching all of the toe-tapping feet in the audience, who were enjoying it also, (Mine were tapping right along with them). There were people there from all over the state, Lief was even able to find some one from the “County” to talk with, and I was told there were others from all over the state who attended. This is probably going to sound crazy, …(but you know me!) I could feel the love in that room, there was lots of hugging going on between other blue grass music lovers. It was a very special evening for us and many others.
Now for a little bit of information about the Messer Building where this event took place. Bill and Lori Messer bought the old building at 62 Main Street, in Anson, in October 2015 and it needed an enormous amount of work and cleaning to get it ready for its opening on November 11, 2016. He had lots of help from volunteers and friends and is thankful for that. His goal is to try to book two bands a month and rent out the hall as much as possible. On Saturday, February 25, Doctor Phil and his wife will be playing there from 7 to 9 p.m. I’ve heard them and they are great, hope many of you will be able to attend.
Now for Percy’s memoir, I kinda’ thought maybe some of you might need a good laugh so picked this one from an old yellowed news print from many, many years ago: “A solution to drought: After reading about a shortage of water, especially in the wells, I remembered a verse written on the inside of a toilet lid at a camp in Carrabassett Valley. ‘In this land of sun and fun, we never flush for number one.’”( I’m not going to say who wrote it, but it was someone from Pittsfield.)