SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Town of Windsor Bicentennial celebration


7 – 9 A.M. – Pancake Breakfast Hosted by Windsor Christian Fellowship
9 a.m. – noon – Antique Cars
9 – 10 a.m. – Sign ups – 3-legged race, egg spoon run, Ladies Frying Pasn Toss
9 a.m. – noon – Sign ups Sawdust Hunt and Cornhole Tournament
9 a.m. – Cupcake Walk – All Ages
10 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (16-20 year old)
10 a.m. – Cupcake Walk – All Ages
10 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (6 – 10 year old)
10 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (18 – 25 year old)
10 a.m. – Face Panting
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – S&S Carriage Rides
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Historical Society Building Opens
10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Kevin’s French Fries
10:30 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (6 – 10 year old)
10:30 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (11 – 15 year old)
10:30 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (26 – 40 year old)
11 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (21+ year old)
11 a.m. – Cupcake Walk, All Ages
11 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (16 – 20 year old)
11 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (41 – 60 year old)
11 a.m. – 3 p.m. – RedBarn Roadshow Truck
11 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Sandcastle Entertainment, Bounce Houses/Games
11:30 a.m. – 3 – Legged Race (11 – 15 year old)
11:30 a.m. – Egg Spoon Run (21+ year old)
11:30 a.m. – Frying Pan Toss (61+ year old)
Noon – 1 p.m. – Founder’s Day Picnic
Noon – Face Painting
Noon – Oldest/Youngest Presentation
Noon – 2 p.m. – Downeast Brass
12:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (3 & 4 year old
1 – 5 p.m. – Cornhole Tournament
1:30 – 4 p.m. – C&S Carriage Rides
1:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (5 & 6 year old)
2 p.m. – Face Painting
2 p.m. – Bingo
2:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (7 & 8 year old)
3 p.m. – Bingo
3:30 p.m. – Saw Dust Hunt (9 & 10 year old)
4 p.m. – Bingo
5 – 7 p.m. – Baked Bean Supper Hosted by North Windsor Baptist Church
7:30 p.m. – Movie Night by FYM Entertainment
6 – 9:30 p.m. – Street Dance, featuring DJ Brando
9:30 p.m., FIREWORKS

Windsor select board makes several appointments; honors town manager


The Windsor Select Board recently honored town manager Theresa Haskell with a plaque recognizing her 17 years of service to the town. The plaque read as follows: The Windsor Select Board recognizes outstanding leadership by Town Manager “Theresa Haskell” for 17 years of service to the Town as well as expertise during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep staff and the Town safe while remaining fully open.

by The Town Line staff

At an abbreviated meeting of the Windsor Select Board on June 21, they unanimously approved certificates of appointments, submitted by Town Manager Theresa Haskell.

Kim Bolduc-Bartlett was appointed animal control officer, with Peter A. Nerber as back-up, to be effective through June 30, 2023. Carol Chavarie was appointed to the planning board, effective through June 30, 2025. Theresa Haskell and Raymond Chavarie Jr., were appointed to the Windsor Educational Foundation and Reed Fund, effective through June 30, 2025, and Theresa Haskell and Bonnie Squiers were appointed to the cemetery committee effective through June 30, 2025.

In other business, Haskell informed the residents that Assessor’s Agent Vern Ziegler is in the process of doing property assessments, in response to a few concerns from residents about an unknown vehicle parked in their driveways taking photographs.

Approximately three weeks ago, select board member Andrew Ballantyne was approached by a resident who asked if the town is going to do anything about the gravel pits around town. They felt there should be an ordinance regarding gravel pits since there is one currently being drafted regarding the solar farms. Ballantyne briefly responded and advised the residents to attend a select board meeting so the rest of the select board members could address their concerns. It was mentioned that any property over five acres would need to go through Department of Environmental Protection approval as well as what the town has for ordinances.

Another topic was personal property taxes to which Ballantyne responded the select board members would need to be involved in the discussion.

The next meeting was scheduled for July 5.

Bikes for Books at Windsor school

On June 13 and 15, Windsor Elementary School celebrated reading at its ninth annual Bikes for Books awards program. Bikes and helmets were awarded to a boy and girl in grades PreK through fifth on June 13, and sixth through eighth on June 15. Bikes for Books is a reading incentive program. Every time a student reads a book, his or her name was entered into a drawing to win a new bicycle and helmet. The more books or words a student read, the more chances he or she had to win. One boy and one girl were randomly chosen from each grade level.

The following students won bikes: pre-k, Colby Lyshon and Cora Daigneault; Kindergarten, Shelby Cook and Luke Bouchard; first, Emma Gilbert and Liam Rackliff; second, Jamison Yvon and Aubrey Dubord; third, Xander Knight and Bridget Feyler; fourth, Myles Cloutier and Maya Gutierrez; fifth, MacKenzie Cushman and Christopher Ontiveros; sixth,  Shelby Gidney and Bordy Kneeland; seventh, Layla Peaslee and Anthony Regalado; and eighth, Rhya Turner and Connor Alcott.

Bikes for Books is sponsored by Dirigo Lodge #104 A.F. & A.M with a matching grant from the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation. This program was made possible with contributions from the following businesses: Hussey’s General Store, Netco Inc., Mark’s Saw Shop, Norm’s Small Engine, Rideout’s Market & Grill, J.C. Stone Inc., Ron’s Auto Electric, Windsor Veterinary Clinic, and Elmer’s Barn. Walmart, in Augusta, contributed by providing the bikes at a discounted price.

WINDSOR: Paving contract awarded to Maine-ly Paving for $471,985.50

by The Town Line staff

At their May 24 meeting, the Windsor Select Board voted unanimously to award a paving bid to Jamie Ward of Maine-ly Paving Services, LLC, in the amount of $471,985.50.

In all, there were four bids submitted. Charlie Emerson with All State Construction, Inc., submitted a bid for $502,820.56, Jaeden Folster with Northeast Paving submitted a bid for $642,070 and Jeff Mullis submitted a bid of $584,850.

Keith Hall reported the repair or replacement of the pipe on the Jones Road could last another two to three years. It would be approximately $300,000 to fix the pipe which includes digging and the cost of the pipe. The select board agreed to hold off on repairing the pipe. According to Hall, work will continue on Shuman Road. The town recently received the Safety Enhancement Grant of $1,660 for public works signs, barricades and cones.

Also, Town Manageer Theresa Haskell noted the preventative maintenance work at the transfer station has been completed.

In other business, Haskell read a letter from Vern Ziegler, assessor’s agent, for the 2022 Ratio Declaration and Reimbursement Application, which is filed annual with the Maine Revenue Service to claim homestead reimbursement. The municipality declares a current year certified ratio of 88 percent. The board passed the motion unanimously.

Edward Pollard III, Erica Ontiveros, and Monique Crummett were all presemt to introduce themselves and tell the board why they are interested in serving on the RSU #12 school board, and Moira Teekema explained why she has interest serving on the budget committee.


  • Haskell read a letter from Waste Management regarding a two percent increase;
  • There was a special meeting of the select board on May 31 to sign the RSU #12 warrant and notice calling Regional School Unit #12 budget validation referendum;
  • Haskell discussed the Kennebec County Hazard Mitigation Plan. She read it and presented it to the board for their consideration.

The select board then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters.

PHOTO: Fields of lupines in bloom

Gary Mazoki photographed this field of lupines, in Windsor.

Windsor select board OKs purchase of new tanker truck

by The Town Line staff

WINDSOR, ME — At their April 12 meeting, the Windsor Select Board unanimously gave the go ahead for Town Manager Theresa Haskell to sign the contract with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles LLC for the purchase of the new E-One/Freightliner Tanker for the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department.

In other business, Road Supervisor Keith Hall informed the select board that the public works department is preparing to begin shoulder repair on town roads. They will be fixing the culvert on Coopers Mills Road and do some ditching on Legion Park Road. Hall will also be contacting the state Department of Transportation about repairs on the end of the Crosby Road, since it is a state road.

Public works also reported the posted road signs have been removed.

Haskell reported the transfer station numbers for the month. Revenues are down $278.80 from the same time last year, and up $863.84 for this time in April of last year for a monthly total of $5,961.70.

The select board approved a blood drive be scheduled by KVCAP this spring.

The town received a proclamation from the Maine State Senate congratulating the members of the Veterans Memorial Monument Committee on being honored with a 2021 Spirit of America Foundation Award.

The select board went into executive session for approximately 23 minutes to discuss personnel matters.

The next meeting was scheduled for April 26.

Local residents named to Simmons University dean’s list

The following local students were named to the 2021 fall semester dean’s list at Simmons University, in Boston, Massachusetts. To qualify for dean’s list status, undergraduate students must obtain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credit hours of work in classes using the letter grade system.

Allyson Cunningham, of Augusta; Kaili Shorey, of Vassalboro, Abigail Bloom, of Waterville, and Maddie Beckwith, of Winslow.

Windsor select board approves article to purchase firetruck

by The Town Line staff

By a vote of 3-1, with Ray Bates opposing (select board member Richard Gray Jr., was absent), the Windsor Select Board approved the purchase of a new E-One/Freightliner Tanker Truck including transaction costs and other expenses reasonably related for the sum of $354,000, with $54,000 being expended from the unassigned fund balance at the time of purchase, and with any shortfall or additional amount needed at the time of purchase in excess of $354,000, to be expended from the Fire Safety Capital Reserve Fund, and authorized the treasurer and the chairman of the select board to issue, at one time or from time to time, general obligation securities of the town, including temporary notes in anticipation of the sale, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $300,000. Also delegated to the treasurer and chairman the authority and discretion to fix the date(s) maturity, denomination, interest rate, place of payment, call for redemption form and other details of securities, including execution and delivery of securities against payment, and to provide for the sale, and undertake such refunding as they may deem appropriate in the future.

By a vote of 4-0, the select board approved the draft Utility Scale Solar Facilities Moratoriam Ordinance and bring to the town for approval.

The board also unanimously approved to appropriate $22,500 from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds – aka American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA Funds) – received by the town from the federal government to provide premium pay for employees performing essential work during the COVID-19 pandemic who meet ARPA eligibility requirements and who work in the administration office, public works department, transfer station department, animal control department, codes enforcement department and cemetery department. The premium pay will not exceed $13 per hour in addition to the regular wages or other renumeration the eligible employee receives and not to exceed $25,000 in total over the period of the performance.

In other business, certificate of appointments for election clerk/ballot clerk were approved. For the Democrats, approved were Allane Ball, Stephen Ball, Nancy Fish, Theresa Haskell, Kathryn Kellison, Carl Pease and Margaret Pease. Republicans are Debra French, Diana Gardner, Carolyn Greenwood, Deborah Gray, Thomas Reed and Moira Teekema.

Animal Control Officer Kim Bolduc-Bartlett told the board that 75 percent of the unregistered dogs list is complete and no issues resulted from the serving of the letters for unlicensed dogs.

With Juneteenth (June 19) now being a federal holiday, the select board voted to close the town office on Monday, June 20.

Near the end of the meeting, William Appel Jr. asked if Andrew Ballantyne would be running for re-election since his term will expire this year. Ballantyne gave no definite response.

The next meeting of the Windsor Select Board was held on April 12.

Windsor select board awards roadside mowing contract

by The Town Line staff

WINDSOR, ME — At their March 15 meeting, the Windsor Select Board awarded the 2022 roadside mowing contract to Pierce Works, LLC, of South China, among the three select board members in attendance, Ray Bates, Ronald Brann and William Appel Jr. Absent were Richaed Gray Jr. and Andrew Ballantyne.

The contract calls for a one-time roadside mowing of all town-maintained roads in Windsor for $2,500, two-time mowing for $5,000, and both sides of the road for roadside brush cutting at $2,000 per mile.

Town manager Theresa Haskell presented the monthly numbers for the transfer station. Revenues were up $1,520.70 for February and up $1,142.64 from this time last year.

In other business, the property at 92 Barton Road is in foreclosure status due to unpaid taxes in the amount of $2,718.90, including all fees and interest. Craig Preo asked the select board to accept a cash payment of $2,718.90 to cover the current back taxes and interest. Select board members unanimously approved issuing a quit claim deed for the amount.

Dennis Strout and Kevin Ready were present to request approval to purchase a new firetruck for the town. Haskell will seek legal advice and provide an update at the next select board meeting.

Resident Jerry Nault discussed with the board the topic of the moratorium for solar farms and creating an ordinance. The planning board scheduled a meeting for March 21.

The town manager noted the Maine Legislature has a proposed LD 259 which would increase waste handling fees imposed on the landfilling of municipal solid waste, and construction and demolition debris. This would increase municipal solid waste from $1 to $5 per ton. Construction and demolition debris would increase from $2 to $10 per ton.

Haskell also informed the board of her discussions with the Maine Department of Transportation regarding the poor condition of Rte. 105. DOT responded the road is due for work in 2023. She has requested the DOT to take care of some of the bad spots before 2023 due to the extremely dangerous situation that needs to be addressed.

Jeffrey Murch was unanimously approved to be appointed to the planning board.

The next board meeting was scheduled for March 29.

Swift announces candidacy for House District #62

Pam Swift

PALERMO, ME – Pam Swift, MD, a Democrat from Palermo, has announced her candidacy for Maine’s House of Representatives in District #62, which includes the communities of Palermo, China, Somerville, Windsor, and Hib­berts Gore.

“With decades of work experience in both healthcare and agriculture, I understand that the well-being of our families is fundamentally tied to affordable healthcare, access to nutritious food, and the health of our soil, air, and water,” Swift said. “My education and lived experience will make mine a valuable voice in the Maine Legislature.”

Swift earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science with the intention of becoming a veterinarian, but later decided to pursue a medical degree. After graduating from medical school and completing her residency in obstetrics and gynecology, Swift joined a large practice that specialized in high-risk obstetrical cases, where she worked her way up to full business partner. After 23 years practicing medicine, Swift returned to her animal science roots and purchased a farm in Palermo with her husband, Don, where they raise grass-fed sheep, free-range organic laying hens, and acorn-fattened pigs.

Swift is serving her second term on the select board, in Palermo. Although the board’s three members span the political spectrum, they work together with the common goal of doing what’s best for the community as a whole. Most recently, the select board worked cooperatively with the Palermo Volunteer Fire Department and Liberty Ambulance to create a new service for Palermo residents that will provide a more rapid response as well as a higher level of emergency medical care.

As a representative, Swift would focus on ensuring her neighbors have access to affordable healthcare, reducing the cost of prescription medications, and preventing and treating opioid addiction. She is also interested in issues related to food sovereignty, supporting Maine’s small family farms, and dealing with the threat imposed by PFAS (or forever chemicals). Regarding the environment, Swift notes observable changes that concern her. Due to drought, there have been years where she’s had to start feeding her sheep hay in August instead of December because the grass didn’t grow back after the first round of grazing. This dramatically increases the cost of production. Also, milder winters mean more ticks in the spring and fall resulting in a higher risk of contracting tick-borne diseases, not just for people, but for horses, cattle, and dogs as well. And Brown-tailed moths, the new scourge, are negatively impacting both quality of life and businesses—especially those involving tourism.

“In my previous work as a physician, and now as a member of the select board, I have a proven record of working effectively with people from all walks of life,” Swift said. “As a candidate, my goal is to help create and pass legislation that will lead to healthy, fulfilling lives for my fellow Mainers.”

Swift, who has qualified for the ballot, is running as a Clean Elections candidate.