CHINA: Local election will feature a contest for select board

by Mary Grow

China’s local elections will feature a contest for select board; an unopposed budget committee candidate; and four positions to be filled by write-in candidates.

After nomination papers were returned Sept. 6 and signatures verified, the results that town Manager Rebecca Hapgood shared with select board members Sept. 9 are:

For three seats on the select board, Tod Detre, Blane Casey (incumbent), Brent Chesley (incumbent), Edwin Bailey and Thomas Rumpf.
For the District 4 budget committee seat, Timothy Basham (incumbent).
For the budget committee District 2 member, secretary and at-large member, no candidates.
For one of China’s two representatives on the Regional School Unit #18 board of directors, no candidate. Melissa Cowing is a declared write-in candidate for the RSU #18 board position.

Local elections will be held Tuesday, Nov. 5, with local referendum questions and state and national elections.


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