China planners have new mass gathering ordinance ready for select board

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members decided at their July 30 meeting that they have a proposed new town ordinance ready to forward to select board members.

The document is titled “Mass Gathering Ordinance” and is intended to regulate events that bring 500 or more people to a site, in order to protect nearby residents and participants. Board members began discussion at their July 9 meeting (see the July 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 2).

Board chairman Toni Wall said the title is based on state law. Board members are working from an ordinance that Vassalboro voters narrowly rejected three years ago, adapted to fit China.

Much of the July 30 discussion focused on the application process – what information someone planning to hold a large gathering, like an outdoor concert or a road race, needs to provide. Planners agreed requiring an application three months before the event was scheduled to start was reasonable.

They included a required public hearing to collect comments before acting on an application.

The ordinance, if recommended by the select board and approved by voters (perhaps on Nov. 5), would not apply to pre-existing venues where gatherings are normally held.

The ordinance, if recommended by the select board and approved by voters (perhaps on Nov. 5), would not apply to pre-existing venues where gatherings are normally held. Board members agreed it would not affect most ongoing events, from church fairs and fire department fund-raisers to the annual China Community Days celebration.

Vassalboro’s ordinance was drafted in response to a planned country music festival on private property. The festival was never held.

Wall said she would forward the draft ordinance to town attorney Amanda Meader for her review before it goes to the select board.

Planning board members had one other piece of business July 30, a revised plan for Novel Energy Systems’ solar development on Parmenter Hill Road, approved last fall. Codes Enforcement Officer Nicholas French said Novel Energy has had to buy a different type of solar panel, which requires a different configuration.

There is no change in the size of the area panels will cover, or in buffers or other aspects of the project that affect neighboring lots, French said.

Board members unanimously approved the revised plan.

The next regular China planning board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13.


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