China planners set hearings on two applications

by Mary Grow

The three China planning board members at the Nov. 12 meeting scheduled Nov. 26 public hearings on both applications on their agenda.

They decided the first hearing, at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 26, in the town office meeting room, will be on the application to add a records storage vault to the town office building (see The Town Line, Oct. 31, p. 3, and Nov. 14, p. 3).

The second hearing, which they expect will be longer, is tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m. Its topic will be proposed improvements to Town Landing Road, which leads to the South China boat landing.

The only question about the new plan for the vault was about its location in relation to China Lake. Codes officer Nicholas French explained that the town office is outside the shoreland zone, which has extra restrictions.

The office is within the larger area covered by China’s Phosphorus Control Ordinance. This ordinance applies in the watersheds of China Lake and Three Mile Pond. The permit application says the vault project does not exceed allowable phosphorus export.

Joining virtually in discussion of Town Landing Road were several members of the Neighborhood Association, South China Village residents who live near the boat landing. Their main concerns at this stage were receiving information before the Nov. 26 hearing, and ensuring the hearing is well publicized.

A large paper drawing of the landing plan was on the town office meeting room wall. French said he needs a smaller version to copy for the website and other publicity; he hoped to have one in a few days.

Board chairman Toni Wall assured residents that property-owners abutting the landing will be notified and the hearing will be broadcast for virtual viewing.

Several members of the group indicated they intend to present objections to and questions about the work. Wall said she hopes someone involved in planning it will be at the Nov. 26 hearing with explanations.

As the planning board meeting began, Wall was re-elected board chairman. Select board members reappointed her to the board on Nov. 4.

Also on the Nov. 12 agenda was discussion of amending China’s subdivision ordinance and adding a site review ordinance. Both were postponed.


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