China select board signs in reappointed town officials

by Mary Grow

China select board members had a short July 17 meeting, followed by a long signing session as they reappointed town officials and board and committee members for the fiscal year that began July 1.

The list of appointees began with town manager Rebecca Hapgood and included other officers and members of a dozen town committees. Some boards and committees have vacancies; anyone interested in serving on one is invited to look at the lists on the town website and apply there or contact the town office.

In other business, deputy clerk Jennifer Chamberlain, filling in while Hapgood was on vacation, presented reports from other town office staff.

Assessor Kelly Grotton reported that the legislature repealed the new-last-year senior citizens’ property tax relief program, because of its potential cost. In its place, legislators expanded eligibility for two other programs, the property tax fairness credit and the property tax deferral program, so that more taxpayers will qualify for one or both.

China residents over 65 do not need to request a new application for the expiring relief program, Grotton said. The program continues through 2023; those who enrolled last year should receive a 2023-24 tax bill no higher than the one they received for 2022-2023.

Summer intern Bailee Mallett said she is working to set up a China farmers’ market.

Town clerk Angela Nelson said nomination papers for local elective office will be available Monday, July 31. Signed papers are due back at the town office by Friday, Sept. 8, for candidates’ names to be on the Nov. 7 local ballot.

To be elected on Nov. 7 are:

  • Two members of the select board (Wayne Chadwick’s and Jeanne Marquis’ terms end);
  • Planning board members from district 1 (northwestern China; Michael Brown is the incumbent) and district 3 (southeastern China; Walter Bennett is the incumbent) and the alternate at large (Natale Tripodi is the incumbent); and
  • Budget committee members from district 1 (Kevin Maroon is the incumbent) and district 3 (Michael Sullivan is the incumbent) and the chairman (elected from the town at large; Thomas Rumpf is the incumbent).

The District 4 (southwestern China) planning board seat is vacant, and budget committee secretary Trishea Story (elected from the town at large) has resigned.

Director of Public Services Shawn Reed reported the new portable traffic lights have been used as the town crew repairs roads, and the roadside mowing is finished.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, July 31. It will be preceded by a public discussion of the South China boat landing, starting at 5:30 p.m. in the town office meeting room.


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