China selectmen approve MJEK liquor license; adds a police officer for day work
by Mary Grow

MJEK’s added a new indoor dining room last year.
The April 18 China selectmen’s meeting was preceded by a public hearing on a liquor license application for MJEK, Michael Marois’ seafood restaurant on Lakeview Drive. Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux reported that no public comments were made. During their meeting selectmen approved the application.
In other business, L’Heureux said:
- Selectmen added another China police officer, appointing former Clinton Police Chief Craig Johnson, who will be able to patrol during the day and work on special details when needed.
They heard a report from Jim Dinkle, executive director of the Kennebec Regional Development Authority that runs the FirstPark business park, in Oakland, about marketing the park.
- They signed a roadside mowing contract with Richard Drew, doing business as Aggressive Cuts, LLC, of Hampden
- They appointed Janet Lully to the Revolving Loan Fund Committee.
China’s TIF (Tax Increment Finance) Committee will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 7, to update residents on the causeway project at the head of China Lake’s east basin. The hearing will be followed by a TIF meeting.
At 6:15 p.m. the board held a public hearing relating to a new liquor license application for MJEK Ent. LLC, sole proprietor, Michael Marois, 239 Lakeview Drive. After the public hearing and during the regular board meeting, the board approved the application.
The Board also:
- Approved of and signed the Ration and Declaration and Reimbursement Application, a declaration of a certified ratio or percentage of just value upon which local assessments are based;
- Approved of and signed Red Light Applications for WMVFD, SCVFD, and CVVFD department members;
- Heard updates from select board member Irene L. Belanger on active committees and other organizations;
- Had a brief conversation about the proposed new Marijuana Laws in Maine and how Medical Marijuana establishments are licensed;
- Had an Executive Session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. §405 (6) (E) Consultation with Legal Counsel;
- Established the next regular SB meeting to be held on Monday evening, April 30, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the town office, and,
- Decided to have a Board meeting on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. in the portable classroom to review applications for the position of town manager.
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