EVENTS: Women’s History Month celebrates Waterville’s native Alleen Thompson
In celebration of Women’s History Month, we will have a special feature about Miss Alleen Thompson. Even if you are not familiar with who she was, this presentation will bring her interesting and little-known life to your eyes.
After she passed away at the age of 101, a wood traveling trunk and a banker’s box filled with her life’s mementos came to Waterville Historical Society. Even those who knew her for decades or more may not know the adventures her life held: her amazing accomplishments as a Navy woman, her very strong ties to Waterville which never lessened, and her love for all things Colby College from the days of her education there through the rest of her life. Miss Thompson was a very modest woman who was not boastful about her life and work, but her treasured mementos left behind tell many tales of her illustrious life. Her quick wit and candid opinions were entertaining, even if you did not always agree with her. She was spunky!
By the end of the presentation, I am hopeful you will say things like, “Wow, I never knew!” and “What an interesting life she led.” It is likely you all have connections with her in one way or another. Were you a Girl Scout? Did you know someone in the Navy? There will be time to share your memories of her during the presentation. Photos from her albums will be shown on the screen with audience narrative encouraged. Plus a display of historic photos of Waterville and items from her life will be available in Marriner Hall to look at before and after the presentation.
On Saturday, March 29, the door opens at 2 p.m., and the presentation begins at 2:30 p.m. Admission is free, although donations are gladly accepted! Light refreshments are available during the social time and viewing of displays. Please join us. Bring a friend or two!
Look for the Redington Museum sign at 62 Silver Street. The presentation sign outside the door will lead you into Marriner Hall. See you on Saturday, March 29. If you have any questions, please call 872-9439.
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