I’M JUST CURIOUS: Wow! It is a hot summer!

by Debbie Walker
I have been in Florida for about 39 years. How did that happen, I thought I was still only 34 years old. I am not sure what is going on, why some things are almost impossible to do. My family loves to tell me it is because I am getting older, they must be mistaken.
As I was trying to say it is one burning hot summer! Poor David is suffering and wondering if Florida was as good an idea as he first thought. There is no convincing him that it is going to get better. He will just have to stay here for the winter with no snow work to do!
I want to pass on a few things that might make your hot spell just a little easier for you. Let’s start with BUGS:
Did the mosquitoes find you outside trying to enjoy yourself? They will find you and you can relieve yourself with banana peels. Rub the inside over your bite for about a minute.
Are you like me and lost the screw from the frame of your sunglasses? I have three kits to repair glasses at home. Of course, I never loose the screw when I am at home. Well, get a toothpick and slip it in where the screw goes. It works. Saves buying new glasses immediately.
Gardening your thing? It can be great for the mood but can cause some ‘ouches’ to your body. I’d like to share a few more ideas from Woman’s World.
Hand pain: Fix hand pain with a sponge: Use a rubber band to wrap the sponge around the handles. Much easier on your hands.
Mowing: Sidestep mowing stickies: The reason behind the sluggish mower is likely grass gunk collecting on blades. Turn the mower and swipe the blades with a rag dipped in white vinegar. It will remove buildup, so your mower glides easily. (Make sure you turn off the mower first.)
Kids or no kids: If you work outside, you need one of those smooth, round bottom, sled. It would be cheap, and you can pile your tools or plants, etc., on it and drag it around the yard. It’s easier than rolling a wheeled cart.
Wrist strain: A regular, adult watering can is a bit hefty to handle. I love this one. Get a child’s watering can. Also, if you are buying dirt, buy the smaller, to be less strain for you to handle.
Make a pillow for your knees with pool noodles. Cut the noodles down to the right width to put your knees upon. Attach them together with rubber bands and enjoy some comfort, cheaper than buying one especially in the garden department.
Banish weeds cheap: Low cost, all-natural way to banish pesky grass killer: Mix ¼ C of salt, and 4 C of white vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz on weeds. Don’t spray this near your flower plants. Come to think of it, I am going to hit my weeds. They need to go.
As usual, I am just curious if you will try some of these. I am going to do the weeds tonight. Contact me with comments or questions anytime at DebbieWalker@townline.org . Have a great week!
P. S . Remember most of these ideas come from Woman’s World or FIRST magazine. Great magazines!
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