Lawrence girls basketball claims state championship

Front rows, from left to right: Brianna Poulin, Mckenzie Nadeau, Alisabeth Dumont, Hope Bouchard, Elizabeth Crommett, and Alicen Higgins. Back, Payton Cole, Kaylee Elkins, Lilly Gray, Ashley Shores, Madalyn Provost, Nadia Morrison, Taylor Pellerin, and Ella Minihan. (photo by Ramey Stevens, Central Maine Photography staff)

Defeats Brunswick, 58-43

The Lawrence High School girls basketball team won the Class A state championship on March 3, at the Augusta Civic Center, defeating Brunswick, 58-43.

Cutting down the net after the Class A Northern Championship Title on Friday Feb 24. On the ladder, left, from top down, Ali Higgins, Brianna Poulin and Taylor Pellerin. Right, top down, Ella Minihan, Hope Bouchard and Makenzie Nadeau. (photo by Ramey Stevens, Central Maine Photography staff)


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