LEGISLATIVE REPORT as of Friday, February 10, 2023

(photo by Eric W. Austin)
Legislative bills submitted by area senators & representatives as of Friday, Feb. 10, 2023
L.D. 313, S.P. 134
An Act to Ensure Consistency in Retirement Plans for Certain Law Enforcement Officers. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 314, S.P. 135
An Act to Establish the Permanent Commission on the Status of Housing in Maine. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 331, S.P. 152
Resolve, to Name a Bridge in the Town of Canaan After Staff Sergeant Richard Gerald Salsbury. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)
L.D. 332, S.P. 153
An Act to Amend the State’s Election Laws. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 336, H.P. 210
An Act Regarding State Recognition of Native American Tribes. (Presented by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan)
L.D. 340, H.P. 214
An Act Regarding the Purpose and Responsibilities of the State Regulatory System for Public Utilities. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)
L.D. 341, H.P. 215
An Act to Amend the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law to Encourage Housing Construction. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)
L.D. 342, H.P. 216
An Act to Streamline Licensing by Matching Federal Licensing Requirements for Occupations Licensed Federally. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)
L.D. 347, H.P. 221
An Act Regarding In-court Appearance Requirements for Persons Authorized to Serve Eviction Notices and the Process for Serving a Writ of Possession. (Presented by Representative CYRWAY of Albion)
L.D. 353, S.P. 160
An Act Concerning Substance Use Disorder, Treatment, Recovery, Prevention and Education. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)
L.D. 354, S.P. 161
An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the Use of Engineers on Public Works Projects over $100,000. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)
L.D. 355, S.P. 162
An Act to Refocus the Purpose and Duties of the Cannabis Advisory Commission. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 356, S.P. 163
An Act to Invest in Construction Industry Workforce Development. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 366, S.P. 173
An Act to Promote Workforce Development. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)
L.D. 367, S.P. 174
An Act to Authorize General Fund Bond Issues to Improve Highways, Bridges and Nonhighway Modes of Transportation. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)
L.D. 376, H.P. 227
An Act to Repeal the Law Regarding the Northern Maine Renewable Energy Development Program. (Presented by Representative DUCHARME of Madison)
L.D. 389, H.P. 240
An Act to Improve Rural Transportation and Access to Mental Health Care and Physical Health Care. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)
L.D. 410, S.P. 191
An Act Regarding the Nuisance of Cannabis Plants and Smoke in Residential Areas. (Presented by Senator FARRIN of Somerset)
L.D. 415, S.P. 196
An Act to Allow Nonalcoholic Sparkling Cider to Be Sold in Maine. (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)
L.D. 422, H.P. 255
An Act to Eliminate the Requirement That Municipalities Provide Public Notice in Newspapers. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)
L.D. 430, H.P. 263
An Act to Provide Translation Services for Hospital Patients. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)
L.D. 432, H.P. 265
An Act to Clarify MaineCare Program Requirements Regarding Certain High-risk Health Care Providers. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)
L.D. 442, H.P. 275
An Act Regarding Renewable Energy Projects. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)
L.D. 462, H.P. 279
An Act to Assist Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Areas of High Rent by Seeking a Waiver from the Federal Government. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)
L.D. 463, H.P. 280
Resolve, to Ensure Continued MaineCare Coverage for Persons Formerly in Foster Care Until They Attain 27 Years of Age. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)
L.D. 472, H.P. 289
An Act to Support Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Projects. (Presented by Representative MADIGAN of Waterville)
L.D. 480, H.P. 297
An Act to Clarify Laws Regarding the Placement of Signs on Public Ways. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)
L.D. 485, H.P. 302
Resolve, to Amend the Rules Regarding Athletic Director Qualifications. (Presented by Representative NEWMAN of Belgrade)
L.D. 507, S.P. 224
An Act to Improve Outcomes for Youth Transitioning from State Care by Reducing Barriers to Maintaining Health Care Coverage. (Presented by Senator CURRY of Waldo)
L.D. 509, S.P. 226
An Act to Amend the Net Energy Billing Laws to Require Net Energy Billing Credits to be Nonlapsing. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 510, S.P. 227
An Act to Protect the Public Health by Allowing the Appointment of Associate Health Officers. (Presented by Senator HICKMAN of Kennebec)
L.D. 522, H.P. 327
An Act to Require That Motor Vehicles Be Clear of Snow When Operated on Public Ways. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)
L.D. 528, H.P. 333
An Act to Improve Road Safety for Waste and Recycling Collection Employees. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)
L.D. 529, H.P. 334
An Act to Remove the Annual Filing Requirement in the Property Tax Stabilization Laws. (Presented by Representative POIRIER of Skowhegan)
L.D. 530, H.P. 335
An Act to Facilitate the Installation of Safe Haven Baby Boxes at Hospitals, Law Enforcement Facilities and Fire Departments. (Presented by Representative WHITE of Waterville)
L.D. 531, H.P. 336
An Act to Add Gray Squirrels to the Species List for the Open Training Season for Hunting Dogs. (Presented by Representative BRADSTREET of Vassalboro)
L.D. 554, H.P. 359
An Act to Continue the Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program. (Presented by Representative SHAGOURY of Hallowell)
L.D. 568, S.P. 239
An Act to Provide Funding for the Fund to Address Food Insecurity and Provide Nutrition Incentives. (EMERGENCY) (Presented by Senator POULIOT of Kennebec)
Copies of the Bills may be obtained from the Document Room, First Floor, State House, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 – Ph: 207-287-1408. Bill text, bill status and roll call information are available on the Internet at http://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/search.asp. The Weekly Legislative Report is also available on the Internet at the House home page at http://legislature.maine.gov/house/house/ under the “Documents” tab.
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