PUBLIC NOTICES for Thursday, September 19, 2024

Public Hearing Notice

The Municipal Officers of the Town of Vassalboro will meet on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at the Town Office at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the following referendum questions to be voted on Nov. 5, 2024.

1) “Shall the Town vote to appropriate $360,000 from TIF funds or the undesignated fund, in the Select Board’s discretion, to serve as matching funds related to a Maine DOT Municipal Stream Crossing grant that has been applied for, and to authorize the Select Board and Town Manager to take any and all actions and enter any agreements necessary in furtherance of the grant application and any grant award.”

2) “Shall the Town of Vassalboro Development Program for the Natural Gas Pipeline Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) be amended to allow environmental improvement projects in the Town to be funded by revenues of the District, subject to the Findings and the Amendment to the Development Program attached to the original Town Meeting Warrant as Appendix A, copies of which are available at the office of the Town Clerk?”

3) “Shall the November 2024 Amendments to the Vassalboro Sanitary District Charter be enacted? A copy of the proposed amendment is attached to the warrant and available from the Town Clerk.”

The Town of Fairfield
Notice of Public Hearing and Public Comment Notice

The Fairfield Town Council will hold a Public Hearing at the Community Center, at 61 Water Street, on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers for the purpose of hearing public comments on:
– A proposed amendment to the General Assistance Ordinance and Appendices.

Information related to the proposed changes to these ordinances is available at the Town Office. All interested people are invited to attend the public hearings and will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time.

/s/ Brittanee Guerette, Town Clerk


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