Vassalboro planners hear request to amend subdivision

by Mary Grow

The three leaders of Augusta’s All Season Home Improvements company met with Vassalboro Planning Board members on Aug. 6 to talk about amending a nine-year-old subdivision.

The 2015 plan was for land on Church Hill Road; it included a dead-end road named Karen Lane that runs southeast off Church Hill Road near the Augusta line. Robert Grieg, Robert “Bobby” Grieg and Carl Brickett explained that the plan had two lots for single-family homes and a larger “parcel” that was to provide space for seven duplexes sharing a common septic system.

The single-family houses were built, but none of the duplexes. Now the applicants want to create one or two separate lots in that area, too.

During discussion, they mentioned that the boundary of one of the single-family lots had been changed.

Planning Board Chairman Virginia Brackett said that change should have been brought to the planning board as a requested amendment. Subdivisions are recorded not just in the town office, but also in the Kennebec County Registry of Deeds; any lawyer involved in a land transfer will require the record to be up to date if the transaction is to be valid, she explained.

Brackett and Town Manager Aaron Miller, filling in as board recorder until Vassalboro hires a new codes officer, advised the Griegs and Brickett on how to find a subdivision application form on line.

Board member Douglas Philips and Brackett raised two other issues they had observed: woodchips apparently being stockpiled on a shoreland lot in East Vassalboro; and possible violations of Olin Charette’s Route 201 junkyard license that the select board approved in February. Miller planned to investigate both situations.

The next regular Vassalboro Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Sept. 3.


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