Vassalboro select board looks at budget version five; ready for presentation

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members spent their March 13 meeting going over two familiar documents, the draft 2025-26 budget (now in version number five) and the personnel policy they have been discussing at intervals since the end of May 2024.

They made progress on both.

After more than an hour’s review, they decided the budget is ready to be presented to the budget committee, in advance of a discussion between the two boards scheduled for Tuesday evening, March 18.

The personnel policy took another three-quarters of an hour. Board members asked Town Manager Aaron Miller to distribute the revised version so they can consider it individually.

Community Program Director resigns

by Mary Grow

Karen Stankis has resigned as Vassalboro’s Community Program Director, effective March 20.

Vassalboro voters approved funding for the new position at their spring 2022 town meeting, effective July 1. Stankis has been director since August 1, 2022, adding a variety of activities in addition to the youth sports that predated her position.

The main reason she resigned, Stankis said, is that although she knew the job was part-time when she was hired, she has learned that 30 hours a week is not enough time to develop and manage a complete parks and recreation department, supplementing youth sports with varied programs for all ages.

She thanked many people who have helped expand town recreational activities, including participants, youth recreation sports directors and other leaders and sponsors.

“I hope the town will continue to fund the position,” she said. “Recreation offers much more to a town than youth sports.”

Miller said since the March 6 budget discussion (see the March 13 issue of The Town Line, p. 2) he has learned that Vassalboro’s fuel oil dealer is likely to abide by the 2025-26 contract price and add a surcharge when justified by tariffs.

The longest March 13 discussion was over the recreation budget, including board member Chris French’s proposal to have a recreation director paid for 40 hours a week and expected to spend 10 hours in the town office, filling in as needed over lunch hours and when a regular staff member is absent.

Miller said current staff members are doubtful, mostly because they believe the need is for another bookkeeper, not for general office help.

He and board member Michael Poulin recommended discussions of the recreation program with the budget committee and the recreation committee. Other suggestions included a survey of residents and/or discussion at the June 2 town meeting.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 20. A transfer station task force meeting is scheduled for 5:15 p.m., that day.


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