Week of May 10, 2018
Celebrating 30 years of local news
Co-founder of wildlife rehab center remembered
A tribute to a special “mother”
One definition of “mother” is “nurturer.” A good mother puts her children’s needs before her own to insure their health and welfare. Carleen Cote, of Vassalboro, alongside her husband Donald, has, for 53-plus years, rescued thousands of Maine’s abandoned and starving wild animal babies, nurturing them back to health and eventual freedom, all at the couple’s own expense […]
Your Local News
Vassalboro proposed budget shows 0.90 mil rate increase
VASSALBORO — At their April 30 meeting, China selectmen returned to two often-discussed issues: the causeway project at the head of China Lake’s east basin and the fire pond dug last fall off Neck Road […]
Vegetable stand gets site approval in Vassalboro; still needs shoreland zoning permit
VASALBORO — Vassalboro Planning Board members were able to give Parker Denico one of the two permits he needs for a seasonal vegetable stand in North Vassalboro. Denico also needs a shoreland zoning permit to put the temporary building less than 250 feet from Outlet Stream […]
Vassalboro selectmen appoint Conservation Commission member; award bulk waste contract
VASSALBORO — Selectmen appointed Laura Jones as a new member of the Vassalboro Conservation Commission for three years … they also awarded the bid for hauling bulky waste – mattresses, furniture and similar items – to low bidder Central Maine Disposal […]
Vassalboro board of appeals schedules two meetings; Denico veggie stand, Welch permit
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro Board of Appeals has two meetings scheduled, one tentatively on May 15 and one on May 22, both at 7 p.m. in the town office meeting room […]
Albion native obtains doctorate in pharmacy
ALBION — Albion resident Kayla Keay graduated from Husson University, in Bangor, with a doctorate in pharmacy, on May 5. Kayla, a 2012 graduate of Lawrence High School, in Fairfield, is the daughter of Daryl and Gloria Keay, of Albion, and granddaughter of Ruth Fuller and the late Guy Fuller, and the late Crosby and Gloria Keay […]
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School News
Caron, Franks on dean’s list at Castleton University
The following students were named to the Castleton University dean’s list for the fall semester of the 2017-18 academic year, in Castleton, Vermont […]
Local students named to Clarkson University dean’s list
The following students have been named to the dean’s list for the fall semester at Clarkson University, in Potsdam, New York […]
Vassalboro school recognizes most improved students
VASSALBORO — Students at Vassalboro Community School were recently recognized as most improved students by the Portland Seadogs baseball team and Next Gen. Students were selected by their teachers […]
Carrabec High School third quarter honor roll
CARRABEC — These Carrabec High School students made third quarter honor roll […]
SKOWHEGAN – Mike Walker will present a program on his trip to Oman, Wed., May 16, 6:30 p.m., Skowhegan Free Public Library, 9 Elm St. He visited Oman and discovered a wonderful, progressive country […]
Obituaries – week of May 10, 2018
WINDSOR – Alice J. Maheux, 87, of the Bean road, died Sunday, April 15, 2018, at Country Manor Nursing Home, in Whitefield, following an extended illness. She was born in Sidney on June 4, 1930, the daughter of William Hughes and Margaret (Sawtelle) Hughes… and remembering 14 others…
Check this page to find out when your town meeting is. We’ll be updating this page as more meetings are scheduled. If you don’t see your town listed, send us an email at townline@fairpoint.net or visit our contact page!
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | It was an interesting weekend for me regarding unusual animal activities. The first one was actually, unknowingly, transporting a field mouse from our camp to our house. She had hidden herself in some clothes that were taken home to be laundered, jumped out of the bag and ran under the refrigerator. She is still at large, but left behind five recently-born babies. The hunt continues […]
by Eric W. Austin | Do you think it’s a hassle when you have to cancel a lost or stolen credit card? Are you annoyed when your email gets hacked? Does it unnerve you to know your Facebook and Twitter posts are used to target you for advertising? Are you alarmed at the idea of Russian trolls and political activists using psychological-warfare techniques to wage influence campaigns against American voters?
I’m here to say: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet […]
by Emily Cates | No! Don’t do it! If you’re thinking of planting any of the plants in this article in your garden, think again before you make a mistake. Though it’s certainly a lovely time to be outdoors working in our gardens, our toils could increase a not-so-lovely hundredfold as a consequence of just one indiscretion. This article is meant to prevent that […]
by Peter Cates | This Symphony would easily make a list of five starter Symphonies for newcomers. It abounds in gorgeous melody, grandly sweeping orchestral passages and a compelling, noble optimism combined with bits of wistful melancholy that provides some contrast but never swamps the good feelings […]
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Received the following “Thank You” from the Somerset County 4-H Leaders’ Association, about the Somerset County Annual 4-H Auction: On behalf of all Somerset County 4-H Clubs, we would like to thank you for the great generosity you showed with your donation to our “Luck of the Draw” auction fundraiser […]
by Katie Ouilette | Well, faithful readers and WALLS, can you believe that Mothers Day is about to be? Well, at least all the snow has disappeared, but we sure did have a wind storm so that trees have lost a lot of their branches, but the buds promise us the Spring that we all have been looking forward to […]
by Debbie Walker | Tonight I am starting out with “a saying” then I’m doing “fixes” and then back to “sayings”. Wow this is sounding like a preview to a movie!
Have you seen this before “We are all a little broken, but the last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same” […]