Week of October 4, 2018
Winslow teen presents check to Project Sparrow
The board president of Project Sparrow, Amy Moody received a $265 donation check from Mikayla Gurney, Winslow’s Miss Teen International 2018, as part of the activities at Winslow’s Public Safety Open House. Helping children is Mikayla Gurney’s platform as her reign as Miss Teen. She feels Project Sparrow will put her donation to good use making foster children who are going into an unfamiliar situation more comfortable…
Fundraiser planned for Serenity “Blueberry” Bunn
On Saturday, October 13, a fundraiser will be held to help with the care of a little girl named Serenity Bunn, affectionately known as “Blueberry,” from Windsor. At age two, Blueberry was diagnosed with stage 4 Refractory Neuroblastoma. Two years later, after multiple rounds of chemotherapy, tumor removals, and immunotherapy, her family has been informed by doctors that the cancer has stopped responding to treatment…
Your Local News
Agreement approved with Hussey Communications to expand wireless internet
CHINA — China selectmen settled two issues they and Town Manager Dennis Heath have been working on for weeks at their Oct. 1 meeting.
- Approved Heath’s policy on internal financial controls
- Approved an agreement with Hussey Communications
Budget committee accepts proposal to assume advisory role in investment decisions
CHINA — The five (out of seven) China Budget Committee members at a special Sept. 26 meeting unanimously accepted Town Manager Dennis Heath’s proposal that the committee assume an advisory role in town investment decisions…
Selectmen to open bids on tax-acquired lot; review emergency services, police
VASSALBORO — Vassalboro selectmen begin their Thursday, Oct. 4, meeting with a 6:30 p.m. public hearing on amendments to the appendices to the General Assistance Ordinance. In a typical year, amendments slightly increase general assistance allowances, in conformity with state-wide changes…
Planners approve camp expansion on Webber Pond
VASSALBORO — For the second month in a row, Vassalboro Planning Board members commended the only applicants before them for a well-prepared application and approved it unanimously with only a brief discussion…
Winslow holds public safety open house
WINSLOW — On Saturday, September 29, the Winslow Fire Department hosted their second annual open house showcasing the equipment and the people behind the scenes who keep their community safer…
Author Mark Allen Leslie to speak about new book at Winslow Library
WINSLOW — At the Winslow Public Library at 6 p.m. on Oct. 18, author Mark Alan Leslie will weave the tale of the brave families who housed and fed slaves in hidden rooms, attics and elsewhere en route to the next secret “way station” on the “railroad”…
Spectrum to raise residential video service rates
Customers will be notified of the following price adjustments through a bill message on or after October 1, 2018. Effective on or after November 1, 2018, pricing will be adjusted for residential video service…
Municipal Tax Information
Find out when local taxes are due for China, Vassalboro, Windsor & Winslow.
School News
Trying to get away
Winslow’s Colby Pomeroy, tries for a yardage gain as Lawrence’s Nathan Regalado goes for the tackle during a game between the two rival high schools on Sept. 29, in Winslow. Lawrence won the game, 17-14 (more youth football photos from Tawni Lively)…
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[democracy id=”110″]
from Dennis Heath (China) — In [last week’s] edition of The Town Line there appeared a letter to the editor from Geoff Hargadon, of South China. Mr. Hargadon is aggravated by what he perceived to be a decision by the Town of China to “nearly simultaneously” re-pave Alder Park Road and cut the Transfer Station hours. I would like to offer some clarification for Mr. Hargadon…
from Marilyn Rogers-Bull (Solon) — I would like to thank the people who have written letters to the editor, that do not want to have a CMP Corridor through Maine. I am one of a few, from the Dead River, Flagstaff area, who can remember about getting driven from our land and homes by CMP 69 years ago…
ALBION — The Mill Stream Christian Fellowship will be holding a Fall Vacation Bible School, at 123 Benton Road, on Monday, October 8, from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Join Patch the Scarecrow for a morning of music, crafts, games and fellowship…
Obituaries – Week of October 4, 2018
BENTON – Glenn R. Faucett, 92, died Sunday, September 9, 2018. He was born on September 4, 1926, in Pueblo, Colorado, the son of Ben H. and Grace E. (Rodda) Faucett… and remembering 7 others…
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | It’s always a sad time of the year when we have to close up camp. That is a ritual my wife and I do every year on the last weekend of September. While taking a break during last Saturday’s “just gorgeous” day, we started to rehash the last six months…
by Eric W. Austin | Fake news. Fake videos. Fake photos. The way things are heading, the 21st century is likely to be known as the Fake Century, and it’s only going to get worse from here. Welcome to the deepfake future…
by Jac M. Arbour | People are living longer and, thus, living longer in retirement. This is both the good news and the bad news. Sure, living longer is a great thing, but in the world of financial planning, it is causing concerns for a number of retirees. One of the questions we are consistently asked is “will I have enough?”…
by Peter Cates | The late Laura Nyro was one very gifted singer, songwriter and pianist. A number of songs, Stoney End, Stoned Soul Picnic, Wedding Bell Blues, etc. have been covered by such artists as Barbra Streisand and the Fifth Dimension…
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | The Solon Pine Tree Club met on September 15 for the final meeting of the year. After the meeting everyone enjoyed a trip to pick apples at North Star Orchard…
by Debbie Walker | Have you ever wondered how long different things might last? Well, I found a few listed in an HGTV magazine awhile back. I thought maybe it might hold some interest for you. It’s an odd assortment of subjects listed in an ABC index. Here we go…
(NAPSI) — There are about 74 million children in America today and if you’re a parent, here’s something you should know: involved fathers—whether they live with their kids or not—can help their children lead happier, healthier and more successful lives…