WINDSOR: LS Power informs town of project suspension

by The Town Line staff

At the Februry 13 meeting of the Windsor Select Board, Town Manager Theresa Haskell reported she received a letter from Jason Niven, director, project development, on behalf of LS Power Grid Maine. The purpose of the letter was to notify town leaders that LS Power Grid Maine’s development of this project, (Aroostook Renewable Gateway Project), is not moving forward at this time. LS Power Grid Maine LLC requested the town leaders help notify residents of this update.

Haskell also briefly discussed the Dirigo Assessing Group proposal. As discussed with the select board, Haskell will share the proposal with the towns legal team and C. Vern Ziegler, current town’s assessor’s agent and will bring back feedback to future meeting.

Haskell reported a town resident sent a letter to the town regarding the E-911 address change. The resident is not happy about the address change. He listed out several inconveniences this is going to cause him in his letter. Theresa noted that the E-911 address updating is for emergency, fire and rescue services. It has been done and is being done in several towns and is necessary not only for mailing but for accurate arrival for emergency services. There was much discussion about the hardship this may put on the handful of residents that will need to change their addresses. Theresa will be sure there is a posting on the website about the E-911 address update.

Haskell asked the select board if allocation of the snowmobile reimbursement would remain the same as in past years, 75 percent to local Snowmobile Club and 25 percent to be split equally among Windsor Boy Scout Troop #609, Windsor Brownie Troop, and Windsor Youth Association. The board indicated it would remain the same.

Animal Control Officer Ryan Carver reported he will start his door-to-door visits for unregistered dogs. He will issue the resident a 10-day notice. The notice will notify the resident that if their dog is not registered, they could be issued a summons for their unregistered dog when the 10-day notice expires.

Ryan reported a possible rabies case was sent off for testing. It came back negative.

Public Works Supervior Keith Hall answered questions the select board had regarding the upcoming public works budget. The select board asked Hall to get more specific numbers to them. The select board would like to know where money could be reduced in the public works budget regarding adding a public works equipment reserve line to purchase a JCB Mini Excavator with thumb, dig bucket, clean up bucket and mulching head. Also, information about what this piece of equipment would be used for and an estimated guess of future savings.

Hall reported things are going well at the transfer station. The transfer station is fully staffed with a back-up attendant available currently.

Haskell handed out the monthly transfer station report. January was up from last year at this time by $646.30 making the overall total $4,512.89 up for the year.

Ray Bates, select board chairman, opened two sealed Cemetery Mowing RFP’s (request for proposals). A bid was submitted from Maurice Soucey for $25,000.00, proposal beginning July 1, 2024, and ends June 30, 2025. A bid was submitted from Ryan Carver Megan & Hayden Lawn Care and Plowing for $21,500.00, proposal beginning July 1, 2024, and ends June 30, 2025. The RFPs were reviewed, and discussion followed about the equipment being used. The select board discussed having reference checks done by Joyce Perry, cemetery sexton, prior to making the decision.

The next regular select board meeting was held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. A special select board meeting was held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, to go over the 2024/2025 budget.


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