Entries by Gary Kennedy

MY POINT OF VIEW: A day to honor all fathers

by Gary Kennedy In the year 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first Presidential Proclamation honoring Fathers Day and designated the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day. The Bible gives us an intimate view of the relationship between Christ, the Son, and God the father. (Yahweh, Jehovah) Jesus, by example, showed the relationship […]

MY POINT OF VIEW: What brought Pilgrims to our shores and the first Thanksgiving

by Gary Kennedy The Mayflower traversed the Atlantic to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620, led by William Bradford. The reason for the journey was the pursuit of religious freedom. Protestantism was in its infancy. William Bradford was an English Puritan Separatist originally from the West Riding of Yorkshire in northern England. Protestantism is a branch of […]

VETERANS CORNER: Let’s talk about D.I.C.

by Gary Kennedy I hope everyone had a very enjoyable Veterans weekend holiday. It’s always great to have three days off in a row to share time with family and friends. Some vets and I see each other every week. Often on Tuesday mornings we will meet in the rear section of the cafeteria and […]