Entries by Website Editor

IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of August 18, 2016

by Katie Ouilette WALLS, do we hear what is said or do we interpret a statement as we think it is intended?   WALLS, this 86-years-young was taught to listen and learn.  Yes, faithful readers who are younger than I am are expected to step into a time-machine and interpret what is said.  Well, my time-machine […]

Albion Neighborhood News, Week of August 18, 2016

by Mary Lee Rounds The end of the Summer Reading Program will be celebrated with a story, music, ice cream party at the library on Tuesday, August 23, at 2 p.m. Special guest will be Deanna Sawtelle playing the guitar. Children have been reading and logging the books they have read.      The Albion Public […]

Porcupines are everywhere

by Roland D. Hallee While traveling into Waterville over the past weekend, I saw no less than five porcupines, either laying dead by the side of the road or splattered over the travel lane. Like everyone else, I have seen dead animals on the highways, but nothing like the carnage I witnessed this past weekend. […]

I’m Just Curious: My little sister

by Debbie Walker I will get to the subject involving my little sister after a while but first: It’s kind of strange how some areas of the country can be in desperate need of water because of fires or dry crops. Then in the same country we have areas that are being severely flooded. Let’s […]

Movie of the Month in Palermo

Over the past 60 years, autism rates have risen from 150:1 to 65:1 in most of America.  Interestingly, the Amish population seems less susceptible. What is this strange syndrome, and what causes it?  How does it look and feel to be autistic?  Some say it is a different form of awareness to be embraced.  Bring […]

Jefferson Food Pantry annual meeting

The Jefferson Area Community Food Pantry recently provided food assistance at St Giles Episcopal Church. The food was purchased from Good Shepherd Food Bank, in Auburn. Donations of fresh garden produce was received from DRA CSA Food Bank Farm, Cindy Bea and County Fair Farm. Bread was given by the USDA. Volunteers and donations are […]