AYCC holds first summer camp games

The Inaugural Summer Camp Olympics 2024 event held , Friday, July 26, was fantastic, according to Ken Walsh, chief executive officer, at the Alfond Youth and Community Center, in Waterville. Ken brought this idea to staff in the early summer planning stages after participating in a similar event nearly 30 years ago.

Camp staff took the idea and ran with it (some literally ran a relay around the track). But they did a wonderful job planning an entire day of games and activities for over 300 campers on the Colby College campus. The kitchen staff provided campers with snacks and lunch, while counselors dragged water coolers across the campus to keep everyone hydrated.

This thrilling event between Camp Tracy (CT) and Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) campers showcased awesome talents and sportsmanship. Participants competed in several sports including kickball, track events, swimming, basketball, and other field games. All the games were intense and exciting.

It was an exciting day of fun events and those who chose not to participate found other activities like making bracelets or doing cartwheels, playing pass, event spectating, cheering, and more!

Campers were so proud of their respective camps and had so much fun. There were smiles on so many faces and campers were sure to fall asleep early that night. Once everyone recovers, staff will begin planning for the second annual event.

While the overall event was not about winners and losers, there were some CT & SEP chants all day long and the eventual winners were campers from SEP. With a final score of 24-29, SEP prevailed, and took home the trophy. Congratulations to all the campers, athletes, counselors, CITs, and directors for a truly great event.


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